Turn Up the Heat in Your Dispatch Center - Safely!

Posted by A Previous Xybix Employee on Apr 25, 2014 12:22:00 PM

DispatchThermostatWhat is the one thing that public safety employees always seem to disagree about in a communications center? Well, there may be more than a few different things on your radar, such as lighting or even a code 7 — can we all agree on a place to eat? 

However, working as a 911 Dispatcher in California, the biggest argument I hear again and again in my center is over the thermostat! Can we turn the heat up? Can we turn it down? There never seems to be a perfect setting to suit all workers.

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Topics: Features, Dispatch

Healthy Habits for 911 Dispatchers and Public Safety Professionals

Posted by Kathleen Utley on Apr 16, 2014 4:31:00 PM

WorkoutAtWorkXybixExercising at work has numerous benefits including reducing stress and improving your health. Suggested exercises while at work often involve getting up from you desk. For example, it is suggested that employees walk to another employee to engage in conversation instead of staying at their desk and sending an email. Another common suggestion is to get up every hour and walk around the office area taking stairs if they are available.  

While these are great ideas they may not be as helpful to people in fields where they can not just get up from their desks whenever they desire. Employees, such as 911 dispatchers and public safety professionals, need tips that allow them to exercise without leaving their workstation. Not only is it important for these employees to have the opportunity to improve their health but their high stress jobs make identifying options for stress relief while at work imperative.  

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Topics: Employee Health, Brief Overview

Why Bonds Matter: Do Your Due Diligence Before Starting Your Next Big Project

Posted by David Carson on Apr 15, 2014 3:46:00 PM

BondsMatter Xybix

Before taking the plunge and starting a large construction or remodel project in your dispatch center or office space, there are two very important questions that you need to address: How can you tell if a furniture company is financially stable? And how do you know what their “warranty” is worth? There’s one simple answer: through bid, performance and payment bonds.

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Topics: Warranty, Pricing

X-amine Your Ergonomics: How Height-Adjustable Workstations Can Benefit Radiologists

Posted by A Previous Xybix Employee on Apr 15, 2014 2:46:00 PM

Xybix Height Adjustable Workstation for RadiologistsI recently ran into a registered nurse who now works a desk job and sells services nationwide. When I was explaining to him that I worked for a company called Xybix Systems, Inc. that makes height adjustable ergonomic furniture, his eyes lit up and he said, “No way! I just built a homemade, height-adjustable desk myself and even added a treadmill! Here, I have a picture…” Needless to say what I saw, while impressive in a DIY kind of way, it was wrong on multiple levels. As an RN working the ER floor, he gained 60 pounds and struggled with eating right in a nonstop, emotionally taxing environment. He managed to lose the weight and keep it off and has certainly benefited from integrating consistent activity into his new workspace.

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Topics: Ergonomics, Healthcare, Dispatch

When Should I Start Looking for New 911 Dispatch Console Furniture?

Posted by A Previous Xybix Employee on Apr 10, 2014 1:15:06 PM

StartLookingXybixFurnitureWhen Should I start looking for new 911 Dispatch Console Furniture?

This is a loaded and tricky question for most people! And, with the ever-changing world of dispatch furniture products, starting your search for new 911 dispatch console furniture can often lead to “a kid in the candy shop” mentality, which can lead to wishful thinking and ultimately, frustration about your current situation. This blog will walk you through the initial purchasing steps, typical time lines and processes before, during and after you start your search for new 911 dispatch console furniture.

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Topics: Pricing, Dispatch, Pre-Planning

Dispatch Furniture Installation: Your Guide to Post-Purchase Details

Posted by Inge Meyer on Apr 9, 2014 4:42:15 PM

PostOrderDetailsBuying new dispatch furniture or radiology furniture can be stressful. After making the big decision on which furniture manufacturer will work best for you, it might feel like you are only halfway done. That's because you are. Hopefully, you have picked a company with a strong and experienced team which can help make the delivery and installation go seamlessly. There is probably a lot of pressure to get the new furniture delivered, installed and functioning without disruption or costly mistakes. This blog will walk you through some order completion details that can help ensure a smooth arrival and delivery of your new furniture.

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Topics: Installation Information, Pricing, Dispatch, Pre-Planning

Interior Designers: The Key to Public Health, Safety & Welfare

Posted by A Previous Xybix Employee on Apr 8, 2014 4:21:13 PM

XybixInteriorDesignFirst things first, What Is Interior Design?

The history of interior design dates back thousands of years. Evidence shows that cave walls were painted with detailed representations of animals and plants. Egyptians decorated their homes with painted vases and handmade sculptures. And the Greeks used mosaic floors and wall paintings to embellish their interiors, even establishing strict guidelines for building construction.

Interior design is the art of planning and overseeing the design and execution of architectural interiors. This may sound simple, however, there are countless details to consider when designing interior spaces, such as adjacency requirements, environmental impacts, furniture, fixtures and equipment (FF&E), and finish selections, along with the fundamental principles of design: balance, emphasis, rhythm, proportion and scale, harmony and unity. The way these details and principles are combined and interact create the overall design of a space.

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Topics: Design, Pre-Planning

Eye Strain: A Common Problem for 24-7 Emergency Operations

Posted by Cher Ice on Apr 3, 2014 3:56:00 PM


NOTE: We highly recommend you check out a newer blog we wrote that covers a lot of the same topics: https://blog.xybix.com/preventing-eyestrain-in-247-operations 


We live in a digital world. Televisions, computers, smartphones, tablets and e-readers have become a staple in our everyday lives. As we increasingly turn to digital devices in our personal and professional lives, the impact on our eyes is something that we shouldn’t ignore.

Excessive use of digital devices is a contributing factor to eye strain and distress. Digital eye strain is becoming a common issue in 24/7 facilities such as 911 dispatch, security/surveillance and emergency operations centers.

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Topics: Employee Health, Features

Advantages of Raised-Access Flooring in Your 911 Dispatch Center

Posted by Kelley Smith on Apr 2, 2014 12:03:00 PM

Photo courtesy of Robert Harker via WikipediaA raised-access computer floor provides an elevated structural floor above a solid substrate (often a concrete slab) to create a hideaway for data and electrical cabling. Raised floors are commonly used in areas like command centers, call centers and computer rooms and can be installed at varying heights — from 2 inches to over 4 feet — to accommodate specific cabling needs.

But, cable management isn’t the only benefit to installing raised-access floors. This system can also be utilized for proper workspace ventilation. Sub-floor air distribution has become a common way to cool a building, using the void below a raised-access floor as a plenum chamber — an enclosed space in which air flows —to distribute conditioned air.

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Topics: Installation Information, Features, Pre-Planning

Casino Surveillance Isn't a Gamble: Your Casino Security Consoles Shouldn't be Either

Posted by Ken Carson on Mar 31, 2014 4:24:17 PM

XybixCasinoSucurityConsolesOne of the most important investments a casino owner can make is in the security of the establishment. With this in mind, many casino managers have installed high-tech surveillance systems, such as HD cameras and around-the-clock video monitoring, all of which provides exceptional oversight and security. But the casino industry’s next big surveillance investment should be a little closer to solid ground. We’re talking about height-adjustable furniture consoles for security operators, which can be incredibly beneficial for both the operations team and the management.

Height-adjustable furniture is commonly used in government agencies such as 911 dispatch and utilities departments. While you may think that 911 dispatchers have little in common with casino security, they actually share one major job function: long hours at a desk, scrutinizing multiple computer screens.

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Topics: Employee Health, Ergonomics, Pricing, Utilities, Transportation, & Casinos