How Dispatch Console Manufacturers Partner with Architects

Posted by Ken Carson on Jul 10, 2024 12:19:38 PM

Most dispatch console manufacturers—including Xybix—are expert with the shoehorn. We help PSAPs and operation centers add or replace consoles as needed, and our designers work with the center to make it all fit. We love the creativity that goes into this process, and we’re happy to be involved in any upgrade or remodeling project.

That said, when console manufacturers get the chance to be involved from the inception of a project, we jump! For a new center—not hampered by tight spaces or weird columns—we can employ all our innovative technologies and years of experience in creating functional and inviting floor layouts. Plus, we bring the expertise in the unique needs of dispatch centers to the architects and interior designers involved in the project. Read on for details.

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Topics: Accessories, Features, Dispatch, Xybix vs. Competitors, Featuring a Video or Photo Gallery

Why IT Access Matters to 911 Dispatch Centers

Posted by Ken Carson on Jun 19, 2024 7:38:47 AM

Well-designed dispatch consoles are so sleek that it’s easy to wonder where the computers go. For most people, it doesn’t really matter until the computer breaks or needs an upgrade. Then you care how fast IT can take care of it, and IT certainly cares about having to crawl around the floor or squeeze behind a heavy desk.

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Topics: Accessories, Features, Dispatch, Xybix vs. Competitors, Featuring a Video or Photo Gallery

How to Furnish a Backup 911 Dispatch Center

Posted by Ken Carson on Jun 12, 2024 7:19:17 AM

Backup 911 call centers used to be bare bones—just enough to get the dispatchers up and running at a moment’s notice. These days, PSAPs are starting to build more robust backup centers, likely due to the increasing frequency of extreme weather events. Whatever the cause of this trend, creating a space with a similar setup helps PSAPs remain mission ready and maintain response times, no matter where they are located.

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Topics: Accessories, Features, Dispatch, Xybix vs. Competitors, Featuring a Video or Photo Gallery

Why IT Access Matters to Radiology Reading Rooms

Posted by Ken Carson on May 29, 2024 7:32:51 AM

Monitors and computers are critical to the work of radiologists, which means that imaging desks need to carefully handle that equipment. This includes providing easy access for IT, so they can quickly swap out a computer or monitor as needed. 

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Topics: Accessories, Features, Healthcare, Featuring a Video or Photo Gallery

5 Xybix Innovations that Improve Jobs in Dispatch, Healthcare, Surveillance, and More

Posted by Doug Herman on Jan 3, 2024 7:40:59 AM

A core value at Xybix is innovation, and boy have we been busy this year. Our owners, salespeople, designers, and engineers are constantly talking to people in the industries we serve to learn about challenges, trends, and current and future needs. (That’s why we hit all the premier trade shows.) Then we go back to our manufacturing facility, brainstorm, experiment, and come up with myriad ways to surprise you, delight you, and serve your needs.

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Topics: Employee Health, Ergonomics, Dispatch, Featuring a Video or Photo Gallery

Brown County 911 Shares the Difference a Desk Makes

Posted by Doug Herman on Dec 20, 2023 7:23:02 AM

Xybix recently helped Brown County Public Safety Communications team replace its decades-old furniture with modern ergonomic consoles sporting innovative features such as app-controlled personalized lighting and climate controls along with under-desk exercise equipment.

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Topics: Employee Health, Ergonomics, Dispatch, Featuring a Video or Photo Gallery

Dispatchers Dish on Benefits of New Desks

Posted by Doug Herman on Nov 29, 2023 7:18:25 AM

At Xybix, we’re happy to share with you all the cool features of our ergonomic sit-to-stand dispatch consoles. Our consoles are packed with tried-and-true basics plus innovative new options designed specifically for the long hours and stressful shifts that dispatchers typically experience. But we know it’s better for you to hear it straight from other dispatchers, so we talked to a few employees at Aurora 911 after a significant remodel that included new Xybix consoles, a new layout from a Xybix designer, and new paint and carpeting.

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Topics: Employee Health, Ergonomics, Dispatch, Featuring a Video or Photo Gallery

Unraveling the Intricate Dance Between Culture and the 9-1-1 Staffing Crisis

Posted by Karolina Krakowiak on Sep 1, 2023 7:23:13 AM

(NOTE: This article was originally written for

We all understand that 9-1-1 dispatch centers serve as the vital bridge connecting individuals in distress with the timely aid of first responders. However, the often-overlooked factor of the culture within these centers can profoundly influence the morale and job satisfaction of staff, ultimately impacting the ability to provide effective emergency services.

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Topics: Installation Information, Dispatch, Featuring a Video or Photo Gallery

Headache-Free Monitor Management for Dispatch Centers

Posted by Ken Carson on Jul 26, 2023 8:04:49 AM

Computer monitors cause all kinds of headaches. Finance may not like the price, IT may hate the installation process, visitors may trip over all the cords, and, most importantly, monitors may literally give computer users headaches. And that is too bad because dispatchers rely on computer monitors—lots of computer monitors—to help people. Aside from the misery for the person with the headache, consider this statistic: Migraines alone cost $11 billion in medical spending and another $11 billion in lost productivity. That’s per year.

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Topics: Employee Health, Dispatch, Fun & Morale, Featuring a Video or Photo Gallery

The Top 5 Reasons Why Your Dispatch Center Needs a Custom Layout

Posted by Ken Carson on Jun 14, 2023 7:23:09 AM

Internet search engines—and people, for that matter—love lists. Top 5 Happy Hours! Top 10 Places to Live! So, I wanted to write Top 5 Dispatch Center Layouts! Then, I quickly self-corrected because the only Top Layout is the one that works for the unique needs of your center and helps you serve your community.

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Topics: Installation Information, Dispatch, Featuring a Video or Photo Gallery