There is no doubt that the duties of being
a 911 dispatcher in the United States are demanding and intense. There are over 240 million calls made to 911 each year, and each one of those callers needs the person on the other end of the line to be calm, collected, and efficient.
Susanne Lottie
Recent Posts
Stress and Burnout for 911 Dispatch: Tips to Stay Healthy
Posted by Susanne Lottie on Jun 5, 2019 10:40:17 AM
Topics: Employee Health, Features, Fun & Morale, Brief Overview
No, not a 911 Emergency! HELP I Have a Pie Emergency!
Posted by Susanne Lottie on Nov 19, 2018 3:17:07 PM
Picture this, it's two days before the Holidays and your Mother-in-law, relative, someone you want to impress, calls to say you are on "Pie Duty" (and no store bought pie will do)! WHAT? You’ve NEVER baked anything in your life, let alone a holiday PIE! For the entire family! And of course, the Great American Bake Show doesn't have an apple pie episode you can YouTube. This is an emergency! What do you do?
Topics: Fun & Morale