Summer Doesn't Have to Mean Dry Eyes

Posted by Mike Graham on Jun 26, 2024 7:38:08 AM

Summertime creates the perfect storm for dry eyes. You’re either outside in the heat and sun or inside being blasted by air conditioning. Your eyes fall victim to heat, sunshine, dust, allergies, chlorine, dry air, wind, and more. And this is in addition to a primary ongoing cause of dry eyes: screen use.

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Topics: Employee Health, Ergonomics, Healthcare

How to Raise Morale in 911 Dispatch

Posted by Ken Carson on Jun 5, 2024 7:24:57 AM

In the 15 years that I’ve been sharing my thoughts and knowledge through our Xybix blog, our most popular blogs are consistently on boosting morale in dispatch. People are thirsty for information on this topic—likely because high morale at a 911 comms center is proven to improve the quality and efficiency of work, job satisfaction, and employee retention while decreasing absenteeism and burnout. (And, I like to think, because making people happy in their jobs is the right thing to do.)

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Topics: Employee Health, Ergonomics, Dispatch, Fun & Morale

How Lighting Is Part of Your Work Climate

Posted by Ken Carson on May 8, 2024 7:55:48 AM

Our customers are always happy to share how much they appreciate the control that we give them over their personal climate. And this doesn’t just mean heating and cooling—it also means lighting. In fact, thoughtful lighting design and controls have been proven to improve morale, health, productivity, energy efficiency, and more. According to Green Bee Energy Efficiency consulting firm:

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Topics: Employee Health, Ergonomics, Features, Dispatch

Dispatchers: Make Your Health a Priority with Easy Stretches

Posted by Doug Herman on Apr 26, 2024 9:29:40 AM

Long shifts and stressful work result in muscle tension that follows you home in form of headaches and body aches. To help, Certified Personal Trainer and Xybix North Central Territory Manager, Jhovana Cervantes, demonstrates a variety of practical stretches that dispatchers can easily do at their desks or on break. 

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Topics: Employee Health, Dispatch, Fun & Morale, Brief Overview

Why Radiologists Need an Ergonomic Desk

Posted by Mike Graham on Mar 13, 2024 7:24:05 AM

Whether you’re a radiologist or healthcare professional helping patients by monitoring screens throughout your shift, a desk with independent adjustment capabilities offers a wide range of benefits for your body and mind. As Science Direct reports:

“Poor ergonomics lead to repetitive stress syndromes, such as eye strain, neck and back pain, and nerve entrapment syndromes, all of which contribute to fatigue and lower productivity. Repetitive stress syndromes are common, with over half of radiologists reporting such.”

Read on for some key advantages of a fully ergonomic desk.

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Topics: Employee Health, Ergonomics, Healthcare

5 Xybix Innovations that Improve Jobs in Dispatch, Healthcare, Surveillance, and More

Posted by Doug Herman on Jan 3, 2024 7:40:59 AM

A core value at Xybix is innovation, and boy have we been busy this year. Our owners, salespeople, designers, and engineers are constantly talking to people in the industries we serve to learn about challenges, trends, and current and future needs. (That’s why we hit all the premier trade shows.) Then we go back to our manufacturing facility, brainstorm, experiment, and come up with myriad ways to surprise you, delight you, and serve your needs.

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Topics: Employee Health, Ergonomics, Dispatch, Featuring a Video or Photo Gallery

Brown County 911 Shares the Difference a Desk Makes

Posted by Doug Herman on Dec 20, 2023 7:23:02 AM

Xybix recently helped Brown County Public Safety Communications team replace its decades-old furniture with modern ergonomic consoles sporting innovative features such as app-controlled personalized lighting and climate controls along with under-desk exercise equipment.

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Topics: Employee Health, Ergonomics, Dispatch, Featuring a Video or Photo Gallery

Dispatchers Dish on Benefits of New Desks

Posted by Doug Herman on Nov 29, 2023 7:18:25 AM

At Xybix, we’re happy to share with you all the cool features of our ergonomic sit-to-stand dispatch consoles. Our consoles are packed with tried-and-true basics plus innovative new options designed specifically for the long hours and stressful shifts that dispatchers typically experience. But we know it’s better for you to hear it straight from other dispatchers, so we talked to a few employees at Aurora 911 after a significant remodel that included new Xybix consoles, a new layout from a Xybix designer, and new paint and carpeting.

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Topics: Employee Health, Ergonomics, Dispatch, Featuring a Video or Photo Gallery

6 Reasons to Visit the Xybix Booth at RSNA 2023

Posted by Mike Graham on Nov 24, 2023 6:41:04 AM

At the November 2023 Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) Annual Meeting in Chicago, the old advice of “see with your eyes not with your hands” does not apply. While exploring the exhibits for the latest and greatest in radiology, don’t miss the Xybix booth. Our friendly healthcare sales team will encourage you to touch and feel everything on our imaging desks, from the height-adjustable table to the personalized lighting and climate controls to the expert monitor arms.

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Topics: Employee Health, Ergonomics, Healthcare

5 Ways an Imaging Desk Can Support Speech Recognition

Posted by Dean Kaufman on Nov 22, 2023 6:49:03 AM

In radiology, a primary benefit of speech recognition (SR) software is the time savings. With SR, radiologists can turn reports around faster, leading to increased efficiency, higher productivity, and better patient outcomes. Experts assured Radiology Today that voice solutions are “100% essential to their workflow because that time savings is so critical,” and that “Accurate and rapid turnaround of reports can ultimately improve the treatment and outcomes of patients with complex conditions requiring complex treatments.”

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Topics: Employee Health, Healthcare, About Xybix, Testimonials