How Dispatch Console Manufacturers Partner with Architects

Posted by Ken Carson on Jul 10, 2024 12:19:38 PM

Most dispatch console manufacturers—including Xybix—are expert with the shoehorn. We help PSAPs and operation centers add or replace consoles as needed, and our designers work with the center to make it all fit. We love the creativity that goes into this process, and we’re happy to be involved in any upgrade or remodeling project.

That said, when console manufacturers get the chance to be involved from the inception of a project, we jump! For a new center—not hampered by tight spaces or weird columns—we can employ all our innovative technologies and years of experience in creating functional and inviting floor layouts. Plus, we bring the expertise in the unique needs of dispatch centers to the architects and interior designers involved in the project. Read on for details.

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Topics: Accessories, Features, Dispatch, Xybix vs. Competitors, Featuring a Video or Photo Gallery

Why IT Access Matters to 911 Dispatch Centers

Posted by Ken Carson on Jun 19, 2024 7:38:47 AM

Well-designed dispatch consoles are so sleek that it’s easy to wonder where the computers go. For most people, it doesn’t really matter until the computer breaks or needs an upgrade. Then you care how fast IT can take care of it, and IT certainly cares about having to crawl around the floor or squeeze behind a heavy desk.

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Topics: Accessories, Features, Dispatch, Xybix vs. Competitors, Featuring a Video or Photo Gallery

How to Furnish a Backup 911 Dispatch Center

Posted by Ken Carson on Jun 12, 2024 7:19:17 AM

Backup 911 call centers used to be bare bones—just enough to get the dispatchers up and running at a moment’s notice. These days, PSAPs are starting to build more robust backup centers, likely due to the increasing frequency of extreme weather events. Whatever the cause of this trend, creating a space with a similar setup helps PSAPs remain mission ready and maintain response times, no matter where they are located.

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Topics: Accessories, Features, Dispatch, Xybix vs. Competitors, Featuring a Video or Photo Gallery

Why IT Access Matters to Radiology Reading Rooms

Posted by Ken Carson on May 29, 2024 7:32:51 AM

Monitors and computers are critical to the work of radiologists, which means that imaging desks need to carefully handle that equipment. This includes providing easy access for IT, so they can quickly swap out a computer or monitor as needed. 

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Topics: Accessories, Features, Healthcare, Featuring a Video or Photo Gallery

Lockers Boost Morale in Dispatch Centers

Posted by Doug Herman on Sep 14, 2023 8:21:09 AM

Think about how edgy you feel when you leave your phone in the car or plug it in a few feet away at, say, a coffee shop. Imagine if your belongings were always out of your possession like this, while you’re busy taking critical dispatch calls. This is where personal lockers come in—and they offer plenty of other benefits as well.

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Topics: Employee Health, Accessories, Dispatch, Fun & Morale

5 Pro Tips for Designing Your Hospital Command Center

Posted by Ken Carson on Oct 5, 2022 7:13:40 AM

Given the importance of an efficient hospital command center to healthcare outcomes—and the significant costs involved—projects like this require an architect. Their expertise will help with walls, flooring, electrical, windows, and more to create a room that works for you. Even with their expertise, the architects and other vendors still need your input on how the room looks. This means where do the desks go, do you have a video wall, what about ancillary furniture to hold paperwork, lockers, etc.?

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Topics: Accessories, Healthcare, Detailed Overview, Pre-Planning, Xybix vs. Competitors

Myth Busting: Laminate Desktops Cannot Handle Humidity

Posted by Ken Carson on May 25, 2022 7:38:27 AM

As I write this—on May 19, 2022—forecasters are predicting that it will snow tomorrow in Denver. But I know that other parts of the country are already enjoying relative humidity in the range of 70, 80 and even 90 percent. Which brings me to an old myth that seems to circle back on us: That you shouldn’t buy desks with laminate tops if you live in a humid client. I’m always happy to debunk this myth because I hate for people to miss out on all the benefits of 3D laminate. Let’s take a deeper look.

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Topics: Accessories, Cleaning & Sanitation, Pre-Planning, Xybix vs. Competitors

Your Complete Guide to Telemetry Lab Furniture

Posted by Mike Graham on Apr 27, 2022 7:16:31 AM

How many times have you bought a larger phone and then had to buy a larger case? Or a larger purse or fanny pack? (If Dr. Rick will let you keep a fanny pack, that is.) That’s what happens with technology—it gets bigger and better, but we need bigger and better spaces to accommodate it. So it goes with telemetry labs.

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Topics: Accessories, Healthcare, Detailed Overview, Pre-Planning, Xybix vs. Competitors

The Effort-Free Way to Track Your Health Goals

Posted by Ken Carson on Dec 28, 2021 7:24:31 AM

We’ve been through a lot these last couple years, so let’s give ourselves a break in 2022. Rather than a resolution to return to your fighting weight, how about committing to simply moving more for your overall health? Even light movement benefits your muscles, bones, joints, brain, heart and lungs. And if a few pounds fall away in the process, all the better.

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Topics: Employee Health, Accessories, Fun & Morale, Brief Overview

Cold Hands, Warm Heart, More Errors?

Posted by Ken Carson on Dec 7, 2021 7:24:22 AM

I do tend to believe the old adage “cold hands, warm heart” as my mom has the coldest hands I know. But I can’t prove that cold hands specifically lead to more errors at work—at least not in the type of work we all do at our desks. In my research about cold hands, however, I learned a few things that confirm my devotion to climate controls at individual workstations.

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Topics: Employee Health, Accessories, Fun & Morale, Brief Overview