Learn 3 Things About Your Console in 3 Minutes

Posted by Doug Herman on Jan 28, 2021 7:38:08 AM



You know the 80/20 Rule? You wear 20% of your clothes 80% of the time. You see 20% of your friends 80% of the time. You use 20% of the tools at your disposal 80% of the time.

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Topics: Ergonomics, Accessories, Features, Brief Overview

Radiology Desk Features that Doctors, Dispatchers & All Mission-Critical Workers Will Love

Posted by Kristen Neilsen on Jan 11, 2021 5:01:53 PM

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Topics: Employee Health, Accessories, Healthcare, Xybix vs. Competitors

Burn off Pandemic Pounds with a Desk Treadmill or Bike

Posted by Doug Herman on Jan 4, 2021 7:55:46 AM


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Topics: Employee Health, Accessories, Fun & Morale, Brief Overview

How Important Is the Lift Capacity of a Dispatch or Command Center Console? (NEW VIDEO)

Posted by Ken Carson on Jun 4, 2020 9:36:32 AM

WeightCapacity.jpgWhen you're shopping for a new dispatch or command center console, you want to get something that will hold up to the abuse of a 911 dispatch center. Let’s face it; 24/7 use is tough on any equipment. The actual furniture itself takes even more abuse with the constant physical contact.

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Topics: Ergonomics, Accessories, Features, Dispatch, Xybix vs. Competitors, Featuring a Video or Photo Gallery

It's About To Get Spooky: Adding Monitors to Your Existing Xybix Workstations

Posted by Kathleen Utley on Oct 25, 2019 10:02:05 AM

I don’t mean to scare you, but there is something you should consider when it comes to adding monitors to your Xybix workstations.

We get it, you’re growing, things are changing, we’ve planned for this and so have you. Congrats! Now is the time, and you’ve decided to get some additional monitors for your Xybix workstations.

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Topics: Accessories, Features, Pre-Planning, Brief Overview, Customer Service & Troubleshooting

Wait! Don't Waste Those EOY Fiscal Funds - 5 Ways to Update Your PSAP

Posted by Halley Barba on Sep 18, 2019 10:30:05 AM

happy new ... fiscal year?
Okay, it’s a little premature for that… but, with the end of the fiscal year coming for many states, you might be one of those lucky agencies that has some extra cash laying around. How can you spend that money wisely and show a return on investment for your people and your agency? We'll tell you how; updates, accessories and face-lifts for your consoles and PSAP. 

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Topics: Employee Health, Accessories, Features, Pricing, Dispatch, Command Centers, Pre-Planning

Xybix's Eagle Dispatch Consoles Are Here to Stay: Here's Why.

Posted by Halley Barba on Jul 12, 2019 9:53:01 AM

Xybix Eagle Dispatch Consoles
Xybix’s Eagle Line dispatch consoles have been taking over comm centers and PSAPs for over a year now, but why are these consoles here to stay? Let me help you experience the Eagle Difference.

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Topics: Employee Health, Warranty, Accessories, Features, Dispatch, Command Centers, Xybix vs. Competitors

The Latest Trends in Monitors for 911 Dispatch Communications Centers

Posted by Maria Teruel on Jun 13, 2019 4:58:44 PM

Latest Trends In Monitors for Comm CentersIn the world of dispatch furniture equipment, it’s no secret that in Communications Centers the monitors are getting larger and the CPUs are getting smaller. Now it seems like there are endless options for monitor sizes, and that means new ways to configure them as well. If you’re brainstorming new ways to improve or change your monitor setup, here are 3 trends that we’ve noticed in the field:

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Topics: Design, Accessories, Features, Dispatch, Command Centers

Solution to Disruptions & Interruptions: A Status Indicator Light for 911 Dispatch

Posted by Kathleen Utley on May 14, 2019 9:24:16 AM

phone call GIF
“I’m on the phone!”

Never has that phrase been more important than when you’re taking a 911 call where your every bit of attention needs to be to the caller on the other end of the phone. You’re responsible for asking questions, gathering information on the emergency as well as dispatching fire, police or an ambulance. Heck, that’s a lot of pressure! Not to mention, you’re also being recorded on the line.

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Topics: Accessories, Features, Command Centers

What's with the Eagle? Xybix's Eagle Dispatch Consoles Unwrapped

Posted by A Previous Xybix Employee on Jun 28, 2018 9:47:30 AM

eagleYou’ve heard a lot lately about Xybix's new Eagle Line of Dispatch Consoles, but what exactly is the “Eagle Difference”? Let us explain...

What’s the Eagle Difference?

Can you picture that black edge that practically EVERY piece of industrial furniture you’ve seen since you were in grade school has? You know, the stuff that looks like it belongs on a bumper car?

Well, it’s gone. G-O-N-E! Gone with the wind! You get the picture.

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Topics: Ergonomics, Accessories, Features