Here at Xybix, we’re passionate about bringing health and wellness to dispatch and command center environments. We also understand that there are still a lot of misconceptions about incorporating healthy habits into the workplace. Fortunately, for the headband-wearing Olivia Newton-John's in all of us, it’s easier than ever to experience the impact and benefits of getting fit on the job. With that said, we’re here to give you the information you need to ensure that the healthy efforts of employers and employees are not overlooked.
Are Desk Treadmills and Bikes Portable?
Posted by A Previous Xybix Employee on Jun 20, 2014 3:15:00 PM
Topics: Employee Health
Four Simple Swaps for Healthier Takeout
Posted by A Previous Xybix Employee on Jun 11, 2014 12:21:00 PM
If you read our recent blog post on healthier 911 dispatcher food options, you may have noticed that our Marketing Director, Kathleen, mentioned to avoid take-out. I wholeheartedly agree with this. But the thing is, it can be hard! There are only so many hours in the day, and some days, despite our best intentions, we simply don’t have time to pack a lunch. As a regional sales rep, this happens to me every day I am on the road (which is a lot). When you don’t have time to pack healthy, you tend to reach for the quickest option — or perhaps from the same place a co-worker is ordering from. But many times, there are healthier choices. Let this be your guide!
Topics: Employee Health
The Xybix Team
Topics: Pricing, Pre-Planning
Dispatch Center Planning: How Much Square Footage Do I Need?
Posted by Judi Jump on Jun 2, 2014 8:19:00 AM
So you’re planning a new dispatch center! Where should you start? One of the first questions an architect or contractor may ask is how much square footage you’ll require for the space. This is a tricky question, and one that carries serious financial consequences. On one hand, you don’t want so much space that sections of the room are left empty. On the other, you don’t want to squeeze workstations into an area that is too small either. Take advantage of this pre-planning stage to build the perfect fit — with a space for your current staff (plus room to grow) that will meet the functional requirements of an up-to-date dispatch center. But how much square footage is that, exactly? That question may leave you scratching your head.
Recently, Xybix has been lucky to hear many remarkable stories of weight loss, diet and exercise from 911 dispatchers who have stopped by our booth at recent tradeshows. We’re truly happy for your successes and thrilled to hear that so many 911 dispatchers in the industry are focusing on their health!
At one recent tradeshow, I was speaking with a dispatcher about food, and the struggles of eating right in the dispatch center, with a high-stress environment and shifts that often last 12 hours or more. If you are like most dispatchers, many — if not all — of you end up eating meals at your desk, which makes complete sense when you’re working such long hours!
Topics: Employee Health
Are you protected against static interference in your 911 dispatch center? Imagine being on a call giving life-saving instructions to a frantic mother administering CPR to her child who has stopped breathing. Now, imagine if a static charge from unprotected flooring caused an equipment malfunction, and the call center experienced a shutdown, losing computer and phone service. Although this scenario is over-exaggerated, if your dispatch center doesn’t have static-free flooring, you could find yourself in a similar situation.
Topics: Installation Information, Features, Dispatch
Improving Comm Center Acoustics: 4 Common Questions (and Expert Answers)
Posted by A Previous Xybix Employee on May 15, 2014 1:41:10 PM
1. Why are acoustics important in a communications center?
No one likes to unintentionally eavesdrop on colleagues’ conversations — whether it’s work-related or personal. But in some office environments, noise travel fast, allowing you to hear other employees’ voices and movements from across the room, whether you want to or not. These undesirable sounds not only affect employees’ productivity, but also decrease privacy.
A room that is considered “loud”, “reverberant”, or “echoey” generally needs additional sound-absorption solutions. Workplaces designed with acoustics in mind will help absorb, block and cover sound by utilizing a combination of products. While successful acoustical design won’t eliminate noise completely, it will lessen it, allowing comm center employees to work more efficiently and effectively.
Topics: Features
What is a UPS power source?
An uninterruptible power supply, uninterruptible power source, UPS or battery backup is an electrical unit that provides emergency power to a load when the building power fails. A UPS is very different from auxiliary power or an emergency generator in that it will provide near-instantaneous protection from building power interruptions by supplying power stored in batteries. The-battery runtime of most uninterruptible power sources is relatively short (only a few minutes) but sufficient to start a standby power source or properly shut down your protected equipment.
Topics: Installation Information, Features, Pre-Planning
Ease Your Manager’s Mind about Treadmill and Bike Desk Safety
Posted by Kathleen Utley on May 7, 2014 10:51:54 AM
Frequently Asked Treadmill Desk Questions
Xybix has received countless questions from inquiring minds about the LifeSpan treadmills and bikes. To help answer these questions, Xybix President Barry Carson made this informative video.
Topics: Employee Health
Technical Furniture vs. Office Furniture
Posted by A Previous Xybix Employee on May 5, 2014 4:09:56 PM
One of the most confusing aspects of the custom workplace furniture industry is explaining, clarifying and differentiating between technical/systems furniture and run-of-the-mill office furniture. In truth, they only have one thing in common: providing a place to hold the tools necessary to perform one’s work duties and get the job done. Other than that, they couldn’t be more different. Read on for three traits that distinguish technical furniture from your everyday office furniture.