Why Should 911 Dispatch Centers Plan for ADA Requirements?

Posted by A Previous Xybix Employee on Aug 4, 2014 9:00:00 AM

ADAComplianceRe-designing your current 911 dispatch center or designing a new comm center can be challenging. On top of the aesthetic and ergonomic planning — what we like to call the fun stuff — you’re also going to need to take Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements and building codes into account. These can seem complicated at first, but don’t get discouraged! We recommend hiring a professional designer who can help you along the way. Professional designers know all about ADA requirements, clearances and other building codes you need to plan for so you don’t end up with costly changes or a lawsuit down the road.

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Topics: Design

Xybix's Down and Dirty 30 Second Workouts for Desk Junkies

Posted by A Previous Xybix Employee on Aug 1, 2014 4:04:24 PM

thirtysecondsAll of us have days where you can hardly find time to think, let alone squeeze in a workout. The phones won’t stop ringing, deadlines are looming, and somehow you choose today to leave your lunch on your kitchen counter. When days like these happen, you tend to forget all about the treadmill or the bicycle desks that your company has been nice enough to purchase. Heck, sometimes you even forget to stand up!

Xybix Designer, Rebecca Cassidy and I happen to be grouped together in an office panel system, and we have decided not to let those hectic days/weeks get the best of us. So once an hour throughout each workday, we get up and do something active for about 30 seconds. When you’re logging a 9-hour workday, these small moments add up to about 4 minutes and 30 seconds of overall activity. Not bad!

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Topics: Employee Health, Fun & Morale

Treadmill and Bike Desks: A Real Review from a Dispatch Center Near You

Posted by Byron Sieber on Jul 30, 2014 10:05:00 AM


In May of 2013, Byron Sieber, Director, had eight Xybix consoles installed in the Red River Regional Dispatch Center in Fargo, ND. Recently, Byron purchased a treadmill and bike from Xybix to incorporate into their Dispatch Center. We asked Byron to give us honest feedback about his experience with the treadmills and bikes. Here is what Byron had to say:

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Topics: Employee Health

Fabric vs. Steel: Debunking the Myth About Germs in Your Dispatch Center

Posted by A Previous Xybix Employee on Jul 24, 2014 12:16:00 PM


Dustmites. Influenza. Common cold. Montezuma’s Revenge (OK, maybe that one’s a little dramatic). If you’ve ever been inside a dispatch center or spoken with dispatchers, you know one of their biggest complaints is that they work in a "petri dish". And in some ways, they do. The reality is that anywhere you find groups of humans working, eating and sneezing, you’ll find extra supplies of germs, viruses and more.

So how can Comm Center Managers combat the swarm of bacteria that constantly invade office environments? Believe it or not, outfitting your dispatch center with certain workstation materials can play an essential role in keeping these pesky goobers at bay.

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Topics: Employee Health, Features, Cleaning & Sanitation

The Best Way to Optimize Your Computer Monitor and Prevent Eye Strain

Posted by Guest Blogger on Jul 16, 2014 10:09:40 AM

EyeStrainIn the 24/7 work environment of 911 dispatchers and emergency operators, comfort is key — especially when it comes to your computer screen. Long hours spent staring at a monitor can wreak havoc on the eyes, causing eye strain and overall fatigue. But there are ways to optimize the placement and resolution of your computer monitor to create a more ergonomically pleasing picture. Here are two steps to get started:

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Topics: Employee Health

The Ultimate Guide to Writing a Great RFP for Dispatch Furniture

Posted by Ken Carson on Jul 9, 2014 2:49:00 PM

RFPDisptachFurnitureHow does one write a clear, effective RFP (request for proposal) for new dispatch furniture? This is a daunting task for many comm center managers — and one they usually only need to tackle once or twice during their careers. How do you know what to say? How can you be fair to the vendors, while getting what you really want? How do you avoid low-price bidders? And most importantly, how do you keep it honest?

These are great questions, all of which I hear from time-to-time when talking to comm center supervisors and managers. Everyone wants to get it right, but it’s often unfamiliar territory with a lot at stake.

Never fear! We’ll walk you through the RFP process so you can get started on your search for a dispatch furniture company that best fits your needs.

Here’s what you need to know:

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Topics: Pricing

The Xybix Team Gives Back to Community Through Volunteering

Posted by Troy Parson on Jul 2, 2014 3:30:00 PM

As the Director of Engineering at Xybix, Troy Parson has found that some of the most satisfying times in his life have been when he is volunteering or giving back to my community. "I’ve always been passionate about philanthropy, so when I was considering what to blog about, I decided to check in with the rest of the Xybix team to see how these incredible individuals volunteer their time. I was pleasantly surprised to find that many Xybix staffers are committed to making a difference in their communities!" Here are just a few of the many ways that our team gives back:

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Topics: Fun & Morale

The Virtue of Value: How to Make Smart Purchasing Decisions for 911 Dispatch

Posted by A Previous Xybix Employee on Jun 30, 2014 2:38:00 PM

XybixValueRalph Waldo Emerson once said that if you build a better mousetrap, the world will beat a path to your door. When it comes to business and innovation, the “better mousetrap” can be a metaphor for any number of things. Quality, price, features, service, and delivery, among others, can all factor into a decision of what to buy, when to buy, or whether to buy at all. To sum it up, for consumers in the 911 industry, purchasing decisions really come down to one thing: value.

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Topics: Pricing

Why Do BIFMA Standards Matter to 911 Dispatch Centers?

Posted by Doug Herman on Jun 27, 2014 2:51:00 PM




If you’re planning to invest in new furniture for your dispatch, communications or radiology center, there’s one major attribute that you might be looking for above any others: reliability. But how will you know if a furniture manufacturer offers products that are safe and long lasting? One simple way is by seeking out the BIFMA stamp of approval.

Here is a quick overview of this important standard and why it matters.

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Topics: Ergonomics, Pricing, Dispatch

Xybix Talks Health in the Dispatch Center at NENA 2014

Posted by Kathleen Utley on Jun 25, 2014 3:27:00 PM

wttNewLogo_(Medium)Recently, at 2014 NENA in Nashville, TN, I was asked by Ricardo Martinez from the Within the Trenches to participate in a podcast about Xybix, our 911 ergonomic workstations and the recently introduced treadmills and bikes. Naturally, I accepted his invitation and  answer quite a few of the questions we've been receiving about the treadmill workstations. Here is what Ricardo came up with. 

Episode topics –

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Topics: Employee Health, Dispatch