First and foremost, for anyone out there working the night shift, I want to extend a huge THANK YOU for staying awake and keeping us safe. Whether you are a dispatcher, supervisor, firefighter, police officer, nurse, etc., we all know how difficult of an adjustment working odd hours is to overcome. If you find yourself losing focus, counting down the minutes until you can go home, and/or becoming delirious, you may need to adjust your approach. Sleep, nutrition, and planning are essential for keeping your mind and body alert and focused for the workplace. Here are some energy and survival tips for those of you working the night shift:
Energy and Survival Tips for Night Shift Dispatchers
Posted by Amanda Schwartz on Sep 15, 2017 3:28:39 PM
Topics: Employee Health, Brief Overview
It’s Electric! Boogie Woogie Dispatch Workstations
Posted by Maria Teruel on Sep 8, 2017 12:34:38 PM
Don’t pretend like you don’t remember the song! Unlike this catchy tune, discussing dispatch workstations electrical requirements can be forgotten about until a few weeks prior to installation. When you’re discussing dispatch workstation requirements during initial meetings with your sales manager, it’s important to have IT personnel present, as doing so will help to make sure you review cabling or electrical requirements. While it might seem too soon to discuss electrical components, especially if you’re in the beginning phases of budgeting for dispatch workstations, it’s still important to start turning the gears now. Ignoring these questions upfront could incur unwanted costs later in the event you make room changes or need to bring in an electrician.
Topics: Features
Command Centers: Keeping Your People Happy & Motivated
Posted by Gail Gerlesits on Aug 29, 2017 4:07:48 PM
Whether you are managing the buses
the flow of traffic in Naples, FL – the
water system at Denver International
Airport – or, the electric grid in Baton
Rouge, LA – it all comes down to
keeping people safe and things
The people doing all the manning of our transportation and utilities, your operators and dispatchers, with the onslaught of more smart technology, have more monitors with more information to look at than ever. As the demands of the job increase, how do you ensure your people are healthy and happy at work?
Topics: Employee Health, Command Centers
I usually like to do a review on all of the competitors and highlight what was new at APCO 2017. I was busy this year (busy is a good thing), so I didn’t really get to check everything out this year.
That being said, I still took notice of overall trends that will affect what your dispatch console furniture will look like in the next few years. Here’s my two cents on what to expect in the near future:
We at the Johnson County KS Emergency Communications Center pride ourselves on our operations and the technology we have available to use to do our jobs every day. We provide Fire and EMS services, and are a secondary PSAP, providing 911 call taking and dispatching for fire and medical calls, with certified EMD call takers for medical events. We service 10 fire agencies and 2 ambulance agencies, dispatching and managing resources before, during, and after events.
Topics: Dispatch, Fun & Morale
Xybix’s 3 Helpful Tips if You're Attending APCO 2017
Posted by Kathleen Utley on Jul 28, 2017 10:30:19 AM
As a proud Colorado native, I thought about all of my friends, co-workers and customers who will be coming to APCO 2017 in August. As a ski patroller (during the winter months), I thought that I should make sure they’re prepared. With that being said, if you’re a public safety professional headed to the Mile High City of Denver for the APCO 2017 Conference, this blog has everything you must do!
Topics: Dispatch
Technology is pushing the 911 industry forward. Technological advancement is an important element of helping emergency responders and dispatchers be efficient at their jobs, and because of this, it is always a challenge to keep up with new emerging technologies. Of course the private sector gets the latest in new developments first, and then they work their way into public safety market. What similarly seems to happen is that the digital side of the product pushes the envelope, and afterwards, the hardware side is left to catch up.
Thinking About Buying Dispatch Furniture? 6 Signs That Point To YES!
Posted by A Previous Xybix Employee on Jul 19, 2017 9:59:07 AM
Perhaps you’ve been noticing that your current work space just isn’t what is used to be. Maybe the furniture is beginning to show some breakdown, or perhaps the style is simply outdated and unpleasant to look at. Even worse, maybe your colleagues are hunched over the desks and operating their jobs in uncomfortable positions. And they’re telling you about it. (Image via GIPHY)
Topics: Installation Information, Pricing, Dispatch, Pre-Planning
Buying A New House vs Buying New Dispatch Consoles
Posted by Kathleen Utley on Jul 14, 2017 3:31:25 PM
If you have ever bought a new house, you know that the house comes basically as a shell. Without knowing it, this probably means that you'll be getting carpet in your kitchen and laminate flooring throughout. As for the carpet, you'll get the choice a hideous shade of gray or an even worse shade of what they call "beige" and a lackluster carpet pad that might as well be non-existent. Anything that would be included and installed as “standard” is often the cheapest of the cheap. You'll have to expand your budget or subtract some common features if you’re even going to start thinking about doing things like changing the paint color or adding hardwood floors. All the sudden that dream home you'd visioned is looking a bit more cloudy.
How Do You Measure Quality in a Command Center Console?
Posted by Gail Gerlesits on Jun 22, 2017 2:01:43 PM
This time of year, many organizations are planning to remodel, upgrade or build a new command center. If this is happening for you, the amount of decisions you need to make for success of the project can seem enormous. One of the decisions may include new consoles, desks and furniture for the project. Now is the time to go for it! The budget approval for your new consoles may be relatively small as compared to the million dollar or so project at hand, but, how it can help your operator’s daily lives is huge.
Topics: Features, Command Centers, Pre-Planning