Growing up in the ‘70s, “Dust in the Wind” by Kansas became one of my favorite songs of all time. Now that I have a house and teenagers, I don’t like actual dust at all. It seems to come from everywhere, and I know this is even more true in your 911 Comm Center. With 24/7 staffing and the constant action in the room, there is a ton of dust. So, how do you get rid of it?
Topics: Employee Health, Features, Cleaning & Sanitation
911 Dispatchers & Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
Posted by Amanda Schwartz on Nov 13, 2017 9:35:36 AM
Before diving too deep into this subject, let’s start with the basics. What is post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)? How can it affect you?
PTSD is a mental health problem that some people develop after experiencing or witnessing a life-threatening event. A person may develop this disorder in response to extreme trauma that he/she has experienced, witnessed, or learned about, especially trauma that is life-threatening or causes bodily harm. A person may feel horror, fear, or helplessness because of this trauma.
Topics: Employee Health, Fun & Morale
4 Ways to Boost Morale & Refresh Your Comm Center for the Holidays
Posted by Maria Teruel on Nov 6, 2017 8:59:24 AM
The end of the year means budget submittals are upon us! Oh, and the HOLIDAYS...yes, I said it! Maybe you don't need new dispatch consoles, but you want to revamp your Comm Center and give it a refresh. Adding some small things to your center is a great way to boost morale. So, with the upcoming holidays and unavoidable chaos here are 4 ways you can spruce up your center without breaking the bank:
Topics: Employee Health, Features, Dispatch
How Do You Justify Purchasing New Consoles for Your People?
Posted by Gail Gerlesits on Nov 1, 2017 3:20:00 PM
Maybe you just started in your new role, or maybe you have been with the same company for a long time. Either way, when it’s time to update the command and control center, it’s time. You know it, and your operators also know it. Providing a comfortable, ergonomic environment for your people is the right thing to do.
It’s important to start with your mindset. Is the purchase of new consoles a cost or an investment? If it is a cost, that will be tricky to justify. I can just hear management say that they already have desks that work, so why would they spend money on that? Instead, try to think of it of as an investment for your people. A more comfortable environment improves the health and performance of your team, which can surely lead to a ROI.
If you’re advocating that new consoles or workstations are an investment for your people, here are some important factors that will help make your case:
Topics: Features, Pricing, Utilities, Transportation, & Casinos, Command Centers
Smells In the 911 Dispatch Center: It's Pumpkin Spice Season Y'all
Posted by Ken Carson on Oct 20, 2017 3:17:44 PM
The famous pumpkin spice flavor has made its way onto the store shelves, announcing that fall is officially here. Many people are absolutely obsessed with pumpkin spice, so this is a special time for many fall-loving folks. As a child from the ‘70s, it was Count Chocula gracing my supermarket aisles that got me excited. To this day, I still love Count Chocula.
Speaking of pumpkin spice, recently, I read about how an entire high school was evacuated due to a plug-in pumpkin spice air freshener. I’m not sure how bad it actually smelled, but the story made me think about the many scents that lurk around a 911 dispatch center. When you work in close proximity with others for long periods of time, you’re bound to run into some strange ones.
Topics: Fun & Morale
Warranty & Customer Service: What to Consider Before Purchasing Dispatch Furniture
Posted by Ellie Bittourna on Oct 11, 2017 4:15:29 PM
There is quite a bit of consideration involved in finding the right dispatch furniture for your center or PSAP. Most buyers base their decisions on what will bring the most long-term wellness, what will bring the most monetary value, and what will look the best. Finding a company that will provide you with comfortable, beautiful, and durable dispatch furniture is key, and having the upfront process go smoothly is the icing on the cake. Other important things to think about are how you are covered after the purchase and how easy it is to find solutions to any issues that arise going forward.
Topics: Warranty, Dispatch, Customer Service & Troubleshooting
Xybix's Love for Canada: The Focus on Dispatch Consoles
Posted by Ken Carson on Oct 5, 2017 10:12:47 AM
Xybix has now expanded our presence in Canada and we are pretty darn excited about it! We have grown a name for ourselves in Manitoba and Ontario over the last few years and we felt it was time to introduce our company to the other Providences. With a dedicated sales, service, installation and support team we are ready to provide the same amazing product and services to all our partners in Canada. To learn a bit more about who we are as a company and what we plan to offer Canada the best in dispatch consoles, read on below:
Topics: Dispatch
Researching Imaging Desks: Warranty, Parts, Service, and Installation
Posted by Mike Graham on Sep 28, 2017 12:03:47 PM
The decision to purchase new ergonomic imaging desks should not merely be based on the cost of the desks. Oftentimes, you truly do get what you pay for, so picking the lowest costing desk shouldn’t be your only priority.
Will your signature be on the requisition when requesting a purchase order be issued for new ergonomic sit/stand imaging desks? If the answer is yes, I don’t have to tell you that you will be receiving complaints from your colleagues in many different departments if you select desks that are subpar.
Topics: Installation Information, Warranty, Healthcare, Dispatch, Customer Service & Troubleshooting
3 Quick Cable Management Hacks You Can Implement Now
Posted by Kathleen Utley on Sep 27, 2017 11:45:56 AM
Cable management (or the lack thereof) is a HOT topic for public safety professionals, especially 911 dispatchers.
“Ugh, our cables just hang down.”
“ We end up unplugging things, and we can’t use our height-adjustable tables.”
These are sentiments I’ve heard time and time again. Poorly managed cables can be a recipe for disaster, even for the cleanest of Comm Centers. This can lead to stress in an already stressful environment. In recent years, several dispatch console manufacturers have made improvements to their cable management. While this is a step in the right direction, you’re probably wondering what you can do NOW instead of having to resort to purchasing new furniture.
Topics: Features, Cleaning & Sanitation
5 Instant Stress Relief Ideas for 911 Dispatchers
Posted by A Previous Xybix Employee on Sep 21, 2017 8:44:46 AM
Public safety professionals work in very unique settings, and they experience an intense job flow that most working people are not used to. 911 Dispatchers are always ready and on high-alert for that next phone call. Unlike a typical office job, a 911 Dispatcher cannot always leave their desk to take a walk outside, go down to the lobby for coffee, or check out of work an hour early.
Topics: Employee Health, Fun & Morale