With the continuous trend of increasing monitor sizes, a question we are frequently asked is "how many monitors can fit on a row of a command center console?" In command centers, control rooms, and surveillance areas, monitor wall visibility is often critical for an operator’s performance, so you want to try to find the most ideal setup for viewing performance. So, what is the right amount of monitors? It depends on several things.
How Many Monitors Can Fit on a Command Center Console?
Posted by Megan Yartz on Apr 12, 2018 10:27:41 AM
Topics: Employee Health, Ergonomics, Utilities, Transportation, & Casinos, Command Centers, Pre-Planning
How Long Does It Take to Get New Dispatch Consoles?
Posted by A Previous Xybix Employee on Apr 6, 2018 12:09:31 PM
The idea of getting a new communications center, getting upgrades at your current center, or remodeling can be exciting, but there is also a lot to take into consideration. Typically, a comm center remodel involves several components, such as installing new flooring, painting the walls, implementing new CAD systems, finding new monitors, and of course, getting new dispatch consoles.

As you can see, there are quite a few moving parts involved in revamping a comm center. During this process, it’s natural to want to plan around a time frame estimate. A question we are frequently asked is "how long does it take to get new dispatch consoles"? To help answer this, I’ll map out the typical timeline we use at Xybix, starting from the beginning.
Topics: Design, Pricing, Dispatch, Pre-Planning
Improve Morale In Your 911 Comm Center: Employee Recognition Ideas
Posted by Kathleen Utley on Apr 3, 2018 3:17:00 PM
I’m just going to say it, employee morale and company culture have a huge effect on the workplace. Absenteeism, lost productivity and poor health have all been directly attributed to morale in a workplace. So in a 24/7 industry like 911 dispatch, how can you improve morale and company culture, while adhering to policies and guidelines.
Topics: Employee Health, Fun & Morale
The RFP Easy Buy Button for Dispatch Console Furniture
Posted by Cher Ice on Mar 28, 2018 12:35:00 PM
Does the RFP process stress you out? Do you wish there was a faster way to the "easy" project highway? If you haven’t heard of HGACBuy, you may be missing out on a way to make your life much more simple.
How Much Square Footage Do I Need for My Dispatch Center?
Posted by A Previous Xybix Employee on Mar 19, 2018 10:28:00 AM
Are you planning for a new dispatch center or is it time for a renovation? That’s fantastic! Do you have an architect? That’s also fantastic! Do you have a team of people with conflicting input and opinions? That’s not so fantastic. The good news is that I’m here to arm you with information that will get everyone on the same page and impress the pants off of your architect!
Topics: Design, Features, Pre-Planning

You may have seen an episode of Extreme Makeover on one of the home improvement channels. The premise of the show is simple; a room in someone’s home is in desperate need of updating because it looks drab and dull. The makeover team comes to the rescue and converts the room into something much more appealing over one weekend.
Topics: Employee Health, Ergonomics, Brief Overview
In modern 911 dispatch centers, most dispatchers are blessed with sit-to-stand desks. But, I can remember when the first generation of height-adjustable consoles could not raise up to a standing position. But hey, it was a start. Technology and vendor competition have transformed the consoles we know today, so that everyone can enjoy the benefits of a sit-to-stand desk.
Topics: Employee Health, Ergonomics
5 Tips on How to Keep your Dispatch Furniture Looking Like New
Posted by Maria Teruel on Feb 22, 2018 2:10:22 PM
You know that feeling when you get a new car? At first, it’s all shiny and new. You take extra care with the buttons, and you do everything possible to avoid spills and stains. The experience of getting new dispatch furniture brings up all of the same feels! After some time, however, your furniture will naturally experience some wear and tear, and you’ll need to do a little spring cleaning.
Topics: Employee Health, Cleaning & Sanitation, Brief Overview, Customer Service & Troubleshooting
I spend a lot of time on the road visiting 911 dispatch centers in the Midwest, and I often find myself trying to entertain myself as well as eat healthy. Here are a few things that I have found to be useful while traveling that you may be able to use to help stay awake during those early, quiet hours on the job:
While I can’t predict the future, I have seen a few trends develop in the dispatch console and furniture arena over the last 7+ years in the industry. I can’t tout that I know everything, but I have picked up on a few things just by listening and paying attention.
A new year is a great time to make note of any recent changes in the industry, as it’s a time when everyone is focused on advancement and improvement. Based on what I’ve personally noticed, here are four dispatch console trends I've seen:
Topics: Dispatch