The Movement Cycle: Using Your Sit-to-Stand Desk

Posted by Ken Carson on Mar 2, 2018 4:28:47 PM


In modern 911 dispatch centers, most dispatchers are blessed with sit-to-stand desks. But, I can remember when the first generation of height-adjustable consoles could not raise up to a standing position. But hey, it was a start. Technology and vendor competition have transformed the consoles we know today, so that everyone can enjoy the benefits of a sit-to-stand desk. 

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Topics: Employee Health, Ergonomics

5 Tips on How to Keep your Dispatch Furniture Looking Like New

Posted by Maria Teruel on Feb 22, 2018 2:10:22 PM

Clean.gifYou know that feeling when you get a new car? At first, it’s all shiny and new. You take extra care with the buttons, and you do everything possible to avoid spills and stains. The experience of getting new dispatch furniture brings up all of the same feels! After some time, however, your furniture will naturally experience some wear and tear, and you’ll need to do a little spring cleaning.

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Topics: Employee Health, Cleaning & Sanitation, Brief Overview, Customer Service & Troubleshooting

Late Night Survival Kit for 911 Dispatchers

Posted by Heather Brown on Feb 16, 2018 12:12:37 PM

LateNightSurvival.gifI spend a lot of time on the road visiting 911 dispatch centers in the Midwest, and I often find myself trying to entertain myself as well as eat healthy. Here are a few things that I have found to be useful while traveling that you may be able to use to help stay awake during those early, quiet hours on the job:

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Dispatch Console Trends for 2018

Posted by Kathleen Utley on Feb 9, 2018 4:32:45 PM

giphy-downsized (25).gifWhile I can’t predict the future, I have seen a few trends develop in the dispatch console and furniture arena over the last 7+ years in the industry. I can’t tout that I know everything, but I have picked up on a few things just by listening and paying attention.

A new year is a great time to make note of any recent changes in the industry, as it’s a time when everyone is focused on advancement and improvement. Based on what I’ve personally noticed, here are four dispatch console trends I've seen:

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Topics: Dispatch

Healthy Furniture for Command Centers | Neophilia & Neophobia 

Posted by Ken Carson on Feb 9, 2018 2:59:35 PM

Fearofchange.gifRaymond Loewy was a French born industrial designer who made it to America during the 1930s and put his stamp on American culture with iconic designs that are still around today, including the paint scheme on Air Force One and the logo on Shell gas stations. Companies hired him to create successful designs for their businesses, something that would create a lasting symbol of their individual brands.

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Topics: Ergonomics, Utilities, Transportation, & Casinos, Command Centers

Dispatch Furniture for 911: What is a Slatwall?

Posted by Ken Carson on Feb 2, 2018 3:53:45 PM

giphy-downsized (24).gifYou may hear the term “slatwall” being used to describe part of your furniture, but what exactly is slatwall? What does it do for your dispatch furniture?

The slatwall panel was originally designed to serve as shelving in a retail store so that retail workers could hook merchandise onto the wall. Slatwall panels are made up of rows of dovetail-shaped slots, and they are designed so that items can be hooked into the slots and hung from the slatwall. The most common use of slatwall in the 911 Public Safety industry is to hang monitors. A panel is usually mounted at the back of the monitor surface, and it moves up and down with the height adjustment of that surface.

Slatwall has also been adapted to be used on dispatch consoles due to Xybix creating and patenting RollerVision, which is a monitor mount with focal depth adjustment.

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Topics: Accessories, Dispatch

Top 3 Things Every 911 Professional Should Start Doing in 2018

Posted by Cher Ice on Jan 10, 2018 4:40:12 PM

NewYear!.gif5,4,3,2,1…. Happy New Year!

What an exciting time of year this is. A brand new year signifies 365 blank pages to fill with memories and growth. I don’t know about you, but the new year brings a new sense of hope for me. I want to grow and expand my horizons, and I also want to be better than I was the year before. I want to start this year off with a bang, go full speed ahead, and be ready to take on the world! As a professional in the 911 industry, you have very busy, stressful days and there’s no time like the present to make yourself a priority.

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Topics: Employee Health, Features, Fun & Morale

Customizing Cabinetry for 911 Comm Centers & Office Spaces

Posted by Ellie Bittourna on Dec 15, 2017 3:45:32 PM

Custom Storage Unit 1.jpgYou've received the "go-ahead" to start planning a project to get new workstations in your 911 Comm Center. You begin by researching possible console suppliers, or you might already have a vendor in mind. After you’ve done your research on the consoles themselves, you begin to weigh your options, but...have you thought of everything? One thing to consider that is sometimes overlooked is the addition of custom cabinetry and office solutions. If you are able to customize your console, why can't you customize your cabinetry and offices as well?

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Topics: Accessories, Pricing, Dispatch

Holiday Fun in the 911 Comm Center: What Comm Centers are REALLY Doing

Posted by Maria Teruel on Dec 7, 2017 1:59:42 PM

HolidayFun.gifWith the holidays coming right around the corner, many 911 Comm Centers are experiencing increased call volume, and because of this, you may not have any creative juices left over to boost morale in your center. So, to help you out, I conducted a phone interview with Tammy Price, Chief of Baltimore County 911 Center, to discuss some ideas on how to ramp up morale that actually work in the real world. She is no stranger to cool and fun ideas. In fact, she has given presentations on how to boost morale in Comm Centers three times at various APCO/NENA conferences.

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Topics: Employee Health, Fun & Morale

Thanksgiving as a 911 Dispatcher: Ways You Can Celebrate Too

Posted by Kathleen Utley on Nov 20, 2017 9:55:17 AM

Celebrate Thanksgiving 911 DispatchSome of the best people I’ve ever worked with are those in the 911/Public Safety Industry. And while most of us are at home in our stretchy Thanksgiving pants enjoying the company of family and loved ones, someone needs to be someone on the other line of a 911 call in case of emergency. So, here is a shout out to all of you 911 Dispatchers &  Turkey foregoer’s. I've put together a list of how you might be able to have a bit of a good ol’ Thanksgiving celebration even while you are at work.

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Topics: Employee Health, Fun & Morale