Where Do I Start When Building a New 911 Center?

Posted by Ken Carson on Jun 5, 2018 12:21:43 PM



A question we get a lot – is where to start if I need a new a new space, a new building or a new 911 Center? I’d like to steer you to a great starting place.

The Seminar by the Center for Public Safety, October 4-5th in Orlando, FL. The Center for Public Safety, Inc. (CPS) is an organization dedicated to research, planning, and assisting first responders, including law enforcement, fire / rescue, emergency managers and dispatch services in the process of obtaining new or expanded facilities. During this seminar, they will walk you through items such as: which political stings to pull, how to get funding, what your building needs to look like, how many square feet you'll need as well as small things, like how many parking places you'll need. Basically, they will prepare you with all the information you’ll need for your new space.

Other seminar topics include:

  • Obtaining Professional Services
  • What Is a Spatial Needs Assessment
  • Involving Your Staff
  • Master Planning and Conceptual Design
  • Interior Design Considerations for 24/7 Facilities
  • Building Political and Community Support
  • Multiple Levels of Security
  • Specialized Areas Design Considerations
    • Police
    • Fire
    • EOC and Communications
  • Identifying and Pursuing Funding Opportunities
  • Creating Sustainable Facilities
  • Development Options
  • The Construction Process
  • Facility Survivability and Emerging Trends
  • Contracts
  • Interior Design Considerations

This GREAT seminar is put on by the Center for Public Safety along with ADG or the Architect Design Group, out of Winter Park, FL. Architects Design Group (ADG) is a nationally recognized, award winning firm specializing in the design of Public Safety, Police, Fire, Emergency Operations and 911 Center, Criminal Justice, and Civic and Government Facilities. They are a family business, similar to Xybix, and they do a great job walking you through the entire process. They even give you a binder to walk away with, with tons of resources to point you in the right direction how to build a new Communication Center, PSAP or Consolidated building.

I’ve recommended this seminar to several customers and I’d highly recommend this. I know you guys will enjoy it.

Xybix PSAP Design Consultation

Topics: Design, Pre-Planning