My friend Alex invented a new sport: Extreme Standing. When she got a sit-to-stand desk from our MojoDesk division last year, she loved it immediately. As a CFO, Alex had no problem crunching numbers on a laptop, whether she was at home on a sofa, sitting in a coffeeshop or standing at her desk. She especially loved standing. But then the back pain set in…
Topics: Employee Health, Ergonomics, Features, Brief Overview, Featuring a Video or Photo Gallery
7/11. The average American spends 7 hours and 11 minutes looking at a screen each day. I venture to say it’s even worse in 24/7 operations such as 911 dispatch, security/surveillance and emergency operations centers. Add to that the increases in smoke and pollution in the air, and our poor eyes are strained. Fortunately, inexpensive quick fixes are at the ready.
Topics: Employee Health, Ergonomics, Design, Brief Overview
During this long Covid adventure, we’re finally coming to a consensus on one thing: The virus very rarely spreads through surface contact. But do you know what does thrive on surfaces—especially hard surfaces—for hours? Cold and flu viruses. Experts aren’t sure how our Covid habits will impact this year’s cold and flu season. But I’m sure that I don’t want a cold or the flu or Covid. So I looked back through the Xybix blog archives for tips on staying healthy at this time of year.
Topics: Employee Health, Ergonomics, Design, Brief Overview
Desk Treadmill Helps Jumpstart a Dispatcher’s Journey to Fitness
Posted by Amanda Schwartz on Aug 31, 2021 7:33:56 AM
When Michelle Foster shared her health and fitness journey with me, I could almost hear Tim McGraw in the background singing “Someday I hope you get the chance to live like you were dying.” In the spring of 2017, a cancer scare—fortunately, benign—inspired Michelle to commit to her physical and mental health. “For the last five years, I’ve lived every day to the fullest,” says Michelle. “I live with no regret. You can’t imagine how much better your life gets if you live like that.”
Topics: Employee Health, Ergonomics, Design, Brief Overview
One Way to Prevent the Great Resignation in Healthcare
Posted by Mike Graham on Aug 24, 2021 8:05:23 AM
Front-line workers in healthcare are simply burned out, and I don’t need to tell you why. Meanwhile, many of those in healthcare who could work from home did during the worst of the pandemic…and they’re not all that interested in going back. Experts are predicting that the Great Resignation, already alive and well in healthcare, will gain momentum in the fall.
Topics: Employee Health, Ergonomics, Design, Brief Overview
It’s a happy day in my house when the Costco Connection magazine arrives. Flipping through it is like an extension of the treasure hunt that is a trip through the Costco warehouse. The latest issue had the last thing I would expect from my favorite purveyor of paper towels—some really good information on carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS).
Topics: Employee Health, Ergonomics, Design, Brief Overview
Answers to Radiologists Top 10 Questions about Imaging Desks
Posted by Ken Carson on Jul 26, 2021 7:49:32 AM
We didn’t design our imaging desks in a vacuum here at Xybix. We visited reading rooms, checked out the equipment and talked to radiologists to learn about must-have, nice-to-have and simply delightful features. Then we designed those features into our imaging desks while providing a few cool touches of our own. Did we cover all the bases? We think so, and we tell you all about it in a series of 1-minute videos that provide answers to common questions.
Topics: Employee Health, Ergonomics, Design, Healthcare, Brief Overview, Featuring a Video or Photo Gallery
Sitting still has never been my thing. I’ve worked in sales, I’ve been a professional speaker and I dabble in local theater. None of these jobs involve 8 to 12 hours tied to a desk and staring at monitors. So I didn’t immediately appreciate the Xybix focus on ergonomics. I loved the sit-to-stand concept—which gives me the chance to practice my tap dancing under the desk—but the other ergonomic features didn’t hit home until the Carson family described them in terms of preventing pain.
Topics: Employee Health, Ergonomics, Design, Brief Overview
Pop quiz: What are McDonald’s colors? Red and yellow. Two colors that just happen to increase appetite. Plus, yellow makes us happy. What franchisee doesn’t want hungry and happy humans ready to order up Big Macs and Happy Meals? Like Mickey D’s, we all can benefit from applying a little color psychology to our surroundings.
Topics: Employee Health, Ergonomics, Fun & Morale
I’ve been known to bore friends at the bar with talk of ergonomics. What can I say—I’m passionate about it. I know the height of the bar is wrong for the bartender’s lower back. I know the waiter’s hands must hurt from the position of the keyboard for entering orders. But when my friends need help with ergonomics, they know where to turn.
Topics: Employee Health, Ergonomics, Fun & Morale