The Yellow Brick Road of Dispatch Center Design

Posted by A Previous Xybix Employee on Jul 8, 2015 2:58:29 PM

YellowBrickRoadBeing new at something is equally exciting and terrifying. On one hand, you’re in uncharted territory and you are constantly in awe – think Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz stepping into Technicolor. You are a sponge, absorbing as much as you can to learn about the new challenge. On the other hand, you don’t know what you don’t know and there is an overload of information to retain.

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Topics: Design, Pricing, Dispatch

Reading Room Design: 3 Items Worth Consideration

Posted by Ken Carson on Apr 1, 2015 11:21:40 AM

3considerationsYou can have say in what your reading room looks like! Every radiologist has sat at their imaging desk and thought how their life could be better if they just made a few changes to their room. Many radiologists come to us because they want to improve their room and their health. Some common issues we hear about room design:

  • "I am facing the wrong direction and cannot see people standing over my shoulder."
  • "Some light is creeping in through the blinds making it hard to read my screens."
  • "I do not have control over the climate in my room, I'm freeze or sweating all shift long."
  • "I cannot dim the lights; they are either 'off' or 'on'."
  • "My own voice bounces off the wall, making my dictation difficult."
  • "I’m stuck sitting all day and cannot stand at my imaging desk."
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Topics: Design, Healthcare, Dispatch

The X's and O's of Dispatch Furniture Planning

Posted by A Previous Xybix Employee on Mar 26, 2015 12:15:00 PM

I love football. Live it. Breathe it. College most especially (GO SPARTANS!), but I have to watch my boy Aaron Rodgers on Sundays. I know there’s a stigma surrounding women who “love” football, but I promise, it’s not just the tight pants or that Tom Brady is married to Gisele (insert “EW”).

But I will admit, I really have no clue how to read a play, other than maybe a post route and a blitz. These plays, to me, are so intricate, so well designed, that half the time I don’t even think the “experts” know what happened until they watch the replay (I’m looking at you, Brent Musburger). That being said, Xybix's in-house design team members are like offensive and defensive coordinators; they know when to blitz, and they know when to rush. 

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Topics: Design, Dispatch, Pre-Planning

Help! My 911 Dispatch Center is Too Small!

Posted by A Previous Xybix Employee on Mar 13, 2015 8:12:44 AM


How often have you thought “I’d really like to update my dispatch center” but in the same train of thought said, “My center is just way too small and way too weird”! We hear this constantly, things like “We’re peanuts compared to such-and-such county" or "we only have 2 stations and 150 square feet". The thought is, if your center is small, there is nothing you can do to improve your situation. Well, I'm here to tell you, You Can!

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Topics: Design, Dispatch, Pre-Planning

The Best Way to Measure and Design Your Comm Center

Posted by A Previous Xybix Employee on Feb 24, 2015 4:02:53 PM

Xybix Initial Design Process

Learn how Xybix gathers details through the initial measurement process to create a custom professional design layout of your comm center. Proper and accurate room dimensions and measurements will ensure the correct fit and placement of your furniture within your space while adhering to ADA clearances and fire codes. 

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Topics: Design

Complete Your Comm Center Design with a Live Iteractive Meeting

Posted by Doug Herman on Dec 15, 2014 8:47:00 AM

iStock_000033403126_LargeAre you the newly appointed project manager for your center’s new layout and design? If so, take a deep breath. You’re not alone. When these projects land on your already full plate, there’s a way to ensure everyone is happy, the project goes smoothly, and everyone gets what they need. You’re not only going to come out of this project safely, but with an incredible sense of accomplishment under your belt.

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Topics: Design

Designing Your Comm Center: What to Leave To the Professionals

Posted by Ken Carson on Dec 5, 2014 4:13:00 PM

XybixExperienceOne of the most exciting parts of designing a comm center or building a new 911 dispatch center is working on the layout. Everyone has ideas on how they can make it better. And why not? Sitting at the consoles for hours on end does give you time to think. Often time it is 'well that is stupid, why did they put that there?', or 'why am I sitting underneath an air conditioning vent?'

What do you need to look for and what do you need to ask to get it done right?  How do you get the best room design for you?  How do you know if they are just “selling you” or actually helping you out?  Will you meet ADA?  When the furniture shows up will it fit and will your equipment fit. 

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Topics: Design, Pre-Planning

3 Secrets to Maximizing Workspace in Your Dispatch Center

Posted by Doug Herman on Oct 2, 2014 9:09:00 AM

SecretstomaximizingworkspaceStep into the service bay of an auto dealership and what do you see? Efficiency. In fact, walk into my wife’s kitchen and you’ll see a similar lean approach to how she works in her space. No one likes to waste time and energy when you’re just trying to get the job done. And considering that most Americans spend 90 percent (or more) of our time indoors, it’s important for Comm Center Managers to build a comfortable work environment — especially in a space-critical dispatch center, where every inch matters.

With this in mind, I’ve developed three “secrets” to guide Comm Center Managers in their quest to maximize their workspaces. These tips will not only help your 911 center operate more efficiently, but will also increase the productivity of your team. So let’s get started!

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Topics: Design, Dispatch, Pre-Planning

Why Should 911 Dispatch Centers Plan for ADA Requirements?

Posted by A Previous Xybix Employee on Aug 4, 2014 9:00:00 AM

ADAComplianceRe-designing your current 911 dispatch center or designing a new comm center can be challenging. On top of the aesthetic and ergonomic planning — what we like to call the fun stuff — you’re also going to need to take Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements and building codes into account. These can seem complicated at first, but don’t get discouraged! We recommend hiring a professional designer who can help you along the way. Professional designers know all about ADA requirements, clearances and other building codes you need to plan for so you don’t end up with costly changes or a lawsuit down the road.

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Topics: Design

Dispatch Center Planning: How Much Square Footage Do I Need?

Posted by Judi Jump on Jun 2, 2014 8:19:00 AM

XybixDesignPlanningSo you’re planning a new dispatch center! Where should you start? One of the first questions an architect or contractor may ask is how much square footage you’ll require for the space. This is a tricky question, and one that carries serious financial consequences. On one hand, you don’t want so much space that sections of the room are left empty. On the other, you don’t want to squeeze workstations into an area that is too small either. Take advantage of this pre-planning stage to build the perfect fit — with a space for your current staff (plus room to grow) that will meet the functional requirements of an up-to-date dispatch center. But how much square footage is that, exactly? That question may leave you scratching your head.

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Topics: Design, Pricing, Dispatch