Your top 3 price questions, answered
Most radiologists know the advantages of doing their work at a high-quality, height-adjustable workstation. The best radiology furniture not only delivers optimum comfort for doctors during long hours; it supports an ideal workflow and enables greater collaboration among the team.
So, what does a new radiology desk cost? We’ll cut straight to the chase here, followed by key considerations to help you maximize the furniture investment you make for the long term.
(Fall 2020 Update: Watch this short video to learn more)
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Detailed Overview,
Xybix vs. Competitors,
Featuring a Video or Photo Gallery
3 Big Cost Questions, Answered
There’s been much written about dispatch furniture: why you need it, the health benefits and more. But let’s get down to the nitty-gritty. If you’re just starting out as a purchaser of PSAP furniture, your first question is going to be, how much does it cost?
Read on for answers to this and other FAQs regarding dispatch furniture pricing.
FALL 2020 Update: Watch this short video to learn more
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Detailed Overview,
Xybix vs. Competitors,
Featuring a Video or Photo Gallery

Oftentimes, people come to us when they are short on time for their Control Room furniture project. They need furniture and they need it ASAP! Have you thought about what your time frame is? Have you considered all the elements in your timeline such as approvals, sign-off's and more? Oh geeze, maybe this process will take longer then you think? Whip out that watch of yours and let's talk some project timeline details here.
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Installation Information,
Command Centers,

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! Okay, it’s a little premature for that… but, with the end of the fiscal year coming for many states, you might be one of those lucky agencies that has some extra cash laying around. How can you spend that money wisely and show a return on investment for your people and your agency? We'll tell you how; updates, accessories and face-lifts for your consoles and PSAP.
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Employee Health,
Command Centers,
You’ve scheduled a meeting with your Xybix Representative to discuss new Command Center furniture consoles; here are some recommendations and expectations to ensure you get the most out of your time. Speaking of time, plan to spend an hour to an hour and a half for your initial visit. Including key players such as managers, supervisors, directors, operators, IT, and the architect (if applicable) will help to ensure all concerns and questions are addressed upfront.
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Command Centers,
Brief Overview,
Xybix vs. Competitors

Whether you are looking at upgrading your dispatch consoles, remodeling your existing space, or building a new 911 Comm Center, it is a huge undertaking, and can be a lengthy process with lots of pressure to do it right! What some folks don’t know is who can help you achieve this – a great design team.
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Customer Service & Troubleshooting
Being a decision maker for a dispatch furniture project that ultimately will be a huge investment for your city, township or municipality, you'll probably feel the pressure to put those budget dollars to good use. As you begin the search for vendors, it is important to note what services the company offers at no charge or commitment to you, the customer.
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When it is time to purchase your new furniture for your 911 center, often a City or County has a purchasing department with rules to determine if such a purchase needs to go out to bid or can be bought directly. So, what exactly is a "bid"?
The word "bid" seems to be used as a generic term for a competitive purchasing process. We hear the word "bid" used in Request for Proposal or RFP or an Invitation to Bid IFB. These are two very different ways to create a competitive purchasing process.
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If you are in the beginning of shopping for new dispatch console furniture in your 911 center a great first question is, how much do they cost? After all, you will need to plan a budget about a year in advance and get the most accurate pricing. If you don't budget enough, you may not be able to get all of the features and options you want. If you ask for too much you may not get the project approved.
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