Interior Designers: The Key to Public Health, Safety & Welfare

Posted by A Previous Xybix Employee on Apr 8, 2014 4:21:13 PM

XybixInteriorDesignFirst things first, What Is Interior Design?

The history of interior design dates back thousands of years. Evidence shows that cave walls were painted with detailed representations of animals and plants. Egyptians decorated their homes with painted vases and handmade sculptures. And the Greeks used mosaic floors and wall paintings to embellish their interiors, even establishing strict guidelines for building construction.

Interior design is the art of planning and overseeing the design and execution of architectural interiors. This may sound simple, however, there are countless details to consider when designing interior spaces, such as adjacency requirements, environmental impacts, furniture, fixtures and equipment (FF&E), and finish selections, along with the fundamental principles of design: balance, emphasis, rhythm, proportion and scale, harmony and unity. The way these details and principles are combined and interact create the overall design of a space.

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Topics: Design, Pre-Planning

Advantages of Raised-Access Flooring in Your 911 Dispatch Center

Posted by Kelley Smith on Apr 2, 2014 12:03:00 PM

Photo courtesy of Robert Harker via WikipediaA raised-access computer floor provides an elevated structural floor above a solid substrate (often a concrete slab) to create a hideaway for data and electrical cabling. Raised floors are commonly used in areas like command centers, call centers and computer rooms and can be installed at varying heights — from 2 inches to over 4 feet — to accommodate specific cabling needs.

But, cable management isn’t the only benefit to installing raised-access floors. This system can also be utilized for proper workspace ventilation. Sub-floor air distribution has become a common way to cool a building, using the void below a raised-access floor as a plenum chamber — an enclosed space in which air flows —to distribute conditioned air.

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Topics: Installation Information, Features, Pre-Planning