5 Things I didn't know about Xybix

Posted by Maria Teruel on Mar 4, 2016 1:00:00 AM

Xybix2.pngMaybe you’re reading this and you’ve just started researching for an upcoming dispatch furniture project? Maybe you’re already a die hard Xybix fan? Maybe you’re just plain curious? That was definitely me just a few months ago--curious. I had quite a few questions about the new company I started working for. What does Xybix do? What makes them special? How do they operate? What does “Xybix” even mean?  If you’re wondering the same things, check out these 5 things I learned when I joined the Xybix team:

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Topics: Pricing, Pre-Planning, Customer Service & Troubleshooting

The X's and O's of Dispatch Furniture Planning

Posted by A Previous Xybix Employee on Mar 26, 2015 12:15:00 PM

I love football. Live it. Breathe it. College most especially (GO SPARTANS!), but I have to watch my boy Aaron Rodgers on Sundays. I know there’s a stigma surrounding women who “love” football, but I promise, it’s not just the tight pants or that Tom Brady is married to Gisele (insert “EW”).

But I will admit, I really have no clue how to read a play, other than maybe a post route and a blitz. These plays, to me, are so intricate, so well designed, that half the time I don’t even think the “experts” know what happened until they watch the replay (I’m looking at you, Brent Musburger). That being said, Xybix's in-house design team members are like offensive and defensive coordinators; they know when to blitz, and they know when to rush. 

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Topics: Design, Dispatch, Pre-Planning

Help! My 911 Dispatch Center is Too Small!

Posted by A Previous Xybix Employee on Mar 13, 2015 8:12:44 AM


How often have you thought “I’d really like to update my dispatch center” but in the same train of thought said, “My center is just way too small and way too weird”! We hear this constantly, things like “We’re peanuts compared to such-and-such county" or "we only have 2 stations and 150 square feet". The thought is, if your center is small, there is nothing you can do to improve your situation. Well, I'm here to tell you, You Can!

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Topics: Design, Dispatch, Pre-Planning

Designing Your Comm Center: What to Leave To the Professionals

Posted by Ken Carson on Dec 5, 2014 4:13:00 PM

XybixExperienceOne of the most exciting parts of designing a comm center or building a new 911 dispatch center is working on the layout. Everyone has ideas on how they can make it better. And why not? Sitting at the consoles for hours on end does give you time to think. Often time it is 'well that is stupid, why did they put that there?', or 'why am I sitting underneath an air conditioning vent?'

What do you need to look for and what do you need to ask to get it done right?  How do you get the best room design for you?  How do you know if they are just “selling you” or actually helping you out?  Will you meet ADA?  When the furniture shows up will it fit and will your equipment fit. 

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Topics: Design, Pre-Planning

Be Prepared: Seismic Anchoring of your Dispatch Workstations

Posted by Kelley Smith on Nov 21, 2014 11:52:49 AM

XybixSeismicAnchoringEarthquakes Facts:

  • Occur without warning
  • Can be deadly and extremely destructive
  • Can occur at any time
  • The major threats posed by earthquakes are bodily injuries and property damage, which can be considerable and even catastrophic.

Earthquakes, especially major ones, are dangerous, inevitable, and a fact of life in a number of states. Being prepared in a 911 dispatch center means the seismic anchoring of your workstations. Properly anchoring your workstations can help ensure that when the public calls your dispatch center, you'll be ready! 

Proper earthquake preparation of your Dispatch Center can:

  • Save lives
  • Reduce injuries
  • Reduce property damage
  • Avoid prolonged disruptions of functions
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Topics: Features, Dispatch, Pre-Planning

3 Secrets to Maximizing Workspace in Your Dispatch Center

Posted by Doug Herman on Oct 2, 2014 9:09:00 AM

SecretstomaximizingworkspaceStep into the service bay of an auto dealership and what do you see? Efficiency. In fact, walk into my wife’s kitchen and you’ll see a similar lean approach to how she works in her space. No one likes to waste time and energy when you’re just trying to get the job done. And considering that most Americans spend 90 percent (or more) of our time indoors, it’s important for Comm Center Managers to build a comfortable work environment — especially in a space-critical dispatch center, where every inch matters.

With this in mind, I’ve developed three “secrets” to guide Comm Center Managers in their quest to maximize their workspaces. These tips will not only help your 911 center operate more efficiently, but will also increase the productivity of your team. So let’s get started!

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Topics: Design, Dispatch, Pre-Planning

Meet Xybix!

Posted by Kathleen Utley on Jun 5, 2014 3:13:00 PM

The Xybix Team

Dispatch supervisors, emergency professionals and radiologists, come to us when they need quality, dependable, ergonomic furniture for their 911 dispatch center or imaging facility. Xybix provides exceptionally well built custom furniture solutions to fit the growing needs of today's professionals.
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Topics: Pricing, Pre-Planning

UPS Power: The Lifeline of 911 Dispatch Centers

Posted by Kelley Smith on May 8, 2014 9:23:17 AM


What is a UPS power source?

An uninterruptible power supply, uninterruptible power source, UPS or battery backup is an electrical unit that provides emergency power to a load when the building power fails. A UPS is very different from auxiliary power or an emergency generator in that it will provide near-instantaneous protection from building power interruptions by supplying power stored in batteries. The-battery runtime of most uninterruptible power sources is relatively short (only a few minutes) but sufficient to start a standby power source or properly shut down your protected equipment.

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Topics: Installation Information, Features, Pre-Planning

When Should I Start Looking for New 911 Dispatch Console Furniture?

Posted by A Previous Xybix Employee on Apr 10, 2014 1:15:06 PM

StartLookingXybixFurnitureWhen Should I start looking for new 911 Dispatch Console Furniture?

This is a loaded and tricky question for most people! And, with the ever-changing world of dispatch furniture products, starting your search for new 911 dispatch console furniture can often lead to “a kid in the candy shop” mentality, which can lead to wishful thinking and ultimately, frustration about your current situation. This blog will walk you through the initial purchasing steps, typical time lines and processes before, during and after you start your search for new 911 dispatch console furniture.

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Topics: Pricing, Dispatch, Pre-Planning

Dispatch Furniture Installation: Your Guide to Post-Purchase Details

Posted by Inge Meyer on Apr 9, 2014 4:42:15 PM

PostOrderDetailsBuying new dispatch furniture or radiology furniture can be stressful. After making the big decision on which furniture manufacturer will work best for you, it might feel like you are only halfway done. That's because you are. Hopefully, you have picked a company with a strong and experienced team which can help make the delivery and installation go seamlessly. There is probably a lot of pressure to get the new furniture delivered, installed and functioning without disruption or costly mistakes. This blog will walk you through some order completion details that can help ensure a smooth arrival and delivery of your new furniture.

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Topics: Installation Information, Pricing, Dispatch, Pre-Planning