Space Planning your Control Room: Top 5 Things to Consider

Posted by Gail Gerlesits on Mar 17, 2017 12:54:32 PM

Space Planning Tips.jpgLet's be honest, if you are in the Command and Control industry, you pride yourself in organization, optimization, effectiveness and efficiencies. Like the grease to the wheel, you like organization and to keep things working at their best. The placement of command center workstations in a control room should be just as important for the optimal performance of your operators. Having miss-used space or disorganization can cause the efficiency and effectiveness of the team to dwindle.

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Topics: Design, Command Centers, Pre-Planning

Dispatch Consoles, Cable Management and Birthdays?

Posted by Ken Carson on Mar 16, 2017 3:27:25 PM

Cable Management.jpgMy oldest son’s 17th birthday was on March 2nd. As many of you know, it’s incredible how kids change and grow by that age. As all parents feel about their children, I am so proud of him and what he has done so far in his life that I cannot say enough good things.

This brings me around to a Xybix installation job that I visited which installed in 1999. This means it was shortly before my son was even born. Just like my son has changed, how we build our dispatch consoles and even how we run the business at Xybix has transformed as well.

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Topics: Installation Information, Features, Dispatch, Pre-Planning, Customer Service & Troubleshooting

The Silent and Dark Morale Killer in a 911 Communications Center

Posted by A Previous Xybix Employee on Feb 28, 2017 1:14:14 PM

SteelDesign.jpgA 911 communications center is host to many dark calls. For 911 dispatchers who are responsible for answering these critical phone calls, death is on the phone daily. I spent 14 years as a paramedic in Denver, and I remember that one day my unit alone saw eight cases dead on arrival (DOA). Later on, we were able to make our way to one of the local parks to look at green grass, beautiful lakes, and pleasant foliage in order to soothe some of the pain we had witnessed.

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Topics: Employee Health, Pre-Planning

5 Dispatch Furniture Questions to Ask on a Comm Center Tour

Posted by Maria Teruel on Jan 13, 2017 2:51:41 PM

5_Questions_to_ask_on_a_Comm_Center_Tour.jpgThere are several different avenues available for researching new dispatch furniture, and sorting through them all can often feel overwhelming. Depending on how your center makes this kind of purchase, you might have to collect three or more quotes, purchase off of a specific contract, or even go through a bid process. It’s also likely that a salesperson will visit your center with some literature and provide a proposal configuration.

Doing your own research during this time is critical, as it gives you as a buyer or an end user a good foundation to pinpoint your specific needs. One of the best ways to achieve this is by going on a field trip or Comm Center tour! Visiting neighboring centers or taking a tour at a national trade show are a couple of the most educational ways to explore furniture options, as you’ll get to see the furniture in person and ask the staff and representatives questions about their experience with it.

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Topics: Installation Information, Warranty, Pricing, Pre-Planning

Find the Right Dispatch Console Furniture Vendor: Questions You Should Ask

Posted by A Previous Xybix Employee on Jan 6, 2017 4:22:57 PM

Console Furniture Vendor (2).jpgPersonally, I am not a dispatcher. However, I am lucky enough to get to spend time with many first responders, and I have learned a lot from this great group of individuals over the years. Specifically, I’ve been educated on what does and doesn’t work for them when it comes to their dispatch consoles. While I came into this market with an understanding of how office furniture is designed, manufactured and installed, the furniture needs of an administrative setting are a bit simpler when compared to the complicated needs of a dispatch center. The dispatchers who I’ve gotten to know have opened my eyes to how important the process of selecting new dispatch console truly is.

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Topics: Pricing, Pre-Planning

What Makes Xybix's Dispatch Consoles Last So Long?

Posted by Ken Carson on Dec 19, 2016 3:35:27 PM

HourGlass.jpgI just had a great conversation with one of Xybix’s longtime customers in Joliet, IL. I still remember our presentation with Joliet/Will County. Sometimes you just know right away that it is a great fit, and this was one of those times.  

What got me excited to write this blog is that the furniture in Joliet is now 10 years old, and according to the chief administrator who has been there the whole time, it still looks new. I found this out as we were discussing depreciation rates of the dispatch consoles. This falls into how long you should hold onto your dispatch furniture. Each center is going to see things differently. In this case, they are looking at the 12-year mark, and they may go to 15 if needed.  

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Topics: Warranty, Pricing, Dispatch, Pre-Planning

Building a new 911 Center? Here's what Dave Cohick, Tioga County 911 had to say.

Posted by Maria Teruel on Dec 12, 2016 9:14:32 AM


In 2014, we built an entirely new 911 center. Prior to our new center, we were in a basement for 36 years, our last furniture system (a Xybix competitor) we had for over 10 years. “We won’t make that mistake again”. 

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Topics: Features, Pricing, Pre-Planning

Obvious Questions you should be asking your Imaging Desk Manufacturer

Posted by Mike Graham on Jun 27, 2016 4:00:00 AM

There are about a half dozen imaging furniture manufacturers that have been in the business over the last couple of decades, so selecting the right manufacturer should be an easy decision. The truth is that it is if you do your homework and don’t just pick one that promises the world or advertises in every possible venue.

Ask the Obvious QuestionsMedical_Imaging_Desk.jpg

To help you find the right manufacturer for your imaging furniture needs, here are a dozen questions you need to answer that will address the obvious:

  • Does the provider offer true dual-surface desks with both surfaces being capable of moving from 22” to 50”?
  • Is the focal depth of the monitors adjustable up to 10”, and can you move all of the monitors together?
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Topics: Healthcare, Dispatch, Pre-Planning, Brief Overview

Is your dispatch console leg room first class or economy?

Posted by Kathleen Utley on Jun 21, 2016 11:46:04 AM

Xybix recently released its new TSeries dispatch consoles and made some improvements to its workstations, but the one improvement that really grabbed my attention was the anti-hindered, extended wide open leg room. By now, most dispatchers have heard, “leg room is important” or “you’re going to want room to stretch out”. Whatever the case may be, we get it, with many 911 dispatch shifts of 10-12 hours, you’re going to need to stretch out!

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Topics: Ergonomics, Dispatch, Pre-Planning

Dispatch Furniture Project Checklist: Project Success - DONE!

Posted by Heather Brown on May 25, 2016 8:39:20 AM

DONE.jpgWe are living in a fast-paced world these days where we are all in a hurry to get multiple tasks done, and if you’re like the rest of us, the thought of having to jump through hoops and over hurdles to cross items off of your to-do list makes you want to cringe. Trust me, I get it!

At Xybix, we understand the importance of making things as fast and efficient as possible for all of our clients. We use two new forms to help us gather all the pertinent dispatch furniture project info and details.

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Topics: Installation Information, Pre-Planning, Brief Overview