How Important Is the Lift Capacity of a Dispatch or Command Center Console? (NEW VIDEO)

Posted by Ken Carson on Jun 4, 2020 9:36:32 AM

WeightCapacityWhen you're shopping for a new dispatch or command center console, you want to get something that will hold up to the abuse of a 911 dispatch center. Let’s face it; 24/7 use is tough on any equipment. The actual furniture itself takes even more abuse with the constant physical contact.

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Topics: Ergonomics, Accessories, Features, Dispatch, Xybix vs. Competitors, Featuring a Video or Photo Gallery

Casters vs. Glides on Imaging Desks (NEW VIDEO)

Posted by Mike Graham on May 18, 2020 2:10:47 PM


NOTE: There is a 2023 update to this article available here:

Many facilities will request casters on imaging desks so that they can easily access the equipment or move a desk for cleaning purposes. Let’s be realistic; if the imaging desk is designed for easy access to the LCD monitors and CPUs, and it has a good cable management system, there is really no need to move the desk away from the wall. To emphasize my point, how many times have you actually seen the desks moved away from the wall? As far as cleaning goes, how often do the facility staff members move the desks away from the wall to clean? The answer is the same for both questions: rarely.


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Topics: Features, Healthcare, Brief Overview, Xybix vs. Competitors, Featuring a Video or Photo Gallery

The Core Truth: Let’s Talk About Panel Systems (NEW VIDEO)

Posted by Doug Herman on May 12, 2020 3:23:01 PM



Panel Systems that Make Sense

When customers purchase console furniture, it often includes a discussion about panel systems. If you speak with a variety of vendors, you will certainly get a variety of panel solutions as well. I’ll share with you what is needed from panel systems (or “core systems”) so that you end up with the most efficient option.

Does Panel Size Matter?

Some manufacturers propose that the wider the core is, the more advantageous it will be, as you will be able to fit more cabling or computers within the core. That may be true. The benefit hinges on how you’re running power and data to your workstation and what access you need to those data lines or the computers.

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Topics: Features, Detailed Overview, Pre-Planning, Xybix vs. Competitors, Featuring a Video or Photo Gallery

Ergonomics & Your Health: Preventative Best Practices You Can Start Today (NEW VIDEO)

Posted by Doug Herman on May 11, 2020 11:30:51 AM


If I said, “Your employees need an ergonomically correct workplace," you may bristle. But if I said, "Your employees will be more comfortable and more productive, and they’ll likely complain less,” I’ll bet your ears just perked up.

Ergonomics is the critical component here. Not only is does it provide a workplace standard, but it also sends a message to your team that you care.

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Topics: Employee Health, Ergonomics, Features, Brief Overview, Featuring a Video or Photo Gallery

How Much Does a Telemetry Desk Cost?

Posted by Gail Gerlesits on Mar 27, 2020 3:13:29 PM


Telemetry labs, aka continuous monitoring labs, help overburdened medical staff spend time on face-to-face patient care.

Even before COVID-19 took a stranglehold on U.S. medical resources, many hospitals and healthcare facilities recognized the benefits of having an on-site (or off-site) continuous monitoring lab.

So, what is a Continuous Monitoring Lab?

Continuous monitoring labs, aka telemetry labs, are remote labs in which trained medical personnel conduct real-time monitoring of patient vital signs, including (ECG) readings, heart rate, and oxygen saturation. Relieving nurses of this burden, which they have traditionally performed during their daily rounds, lets them spend more quality time on face-to-face care—helping to improve the level of patient care and reduce nurse burnout.  

As the need for continuous monitoring grows, along with the sheer number of patients that nurses must care for, so too goes the demand for well-designed telemetry labs that deliver comfort, productivity, and long-term return on investment in your healthcare organization.

So how much does it cost to procure a telemetry desk that will support your patient care team while they do the mission-critical work of saving lives? Read on for answers to this and your other cost questions surrounding telemetry workstations.

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Topics: Features, Healthcare, Pricing, Detailed Overview, Xybix vs. Competitors

Should I Choose 3D Laminate or Traditional HPL for My Workstation?

Posted by Robin Bond on Mar 12, 2020 3:24:21 PM


Buying a new workstation for your mission-critical operations center can feel more complicated than buying a new car. With so many features and options available, each with its claims as the “best choice,” it’s easy to get “analysis paralysis.”

Should you choose straight desks or curved? Monitor arms or arrays? And what about the surface materials for your console desktop? Which material is going to provide the most durable, comfortable and attractive desktop?

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Topics: Features, Healthcare, Cleaning & Sanitation, Dispatch, Command Centers, Xybix vs. Competitors

How much does a dispatch console or dispatch workstation cost?

Posted by Ken Carson on Mar 6, 2020 2:30:05 PM

3 Big Cost Questions, Answered

There’s been much written about dispatch furniture: why you need it, the health benefits and more. But let’s get down to the nitty-gritty. If you’re just starting out as a purchaser of PSAP furniture, your first question is going to be, how much does it cost?

Read on for answers to this and other FAQs regarding dispatch furniture pricing.

FALL 2020 Update: Watch this short video to learn more

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Topics: Features, Pricing, Detailed Overview, Dispatch, Xybix vs. Competitors, Featuring a Video or Photo Gallery

DistribuTech 2020: A Review of Control Room Consoles

Posted by Ken Carson on Feb 5, 2020 4:21:35 PM


DistribuTech is the largest power grid technology conference in the U.S.

Transformation is the name of the game in the electric power industry, and that fueled the energy, so to speak, at DistribuTech 2020 last week in San Antonio.

New solutions and a flood of blow-your-mind innovations in AI (artificial intelligence) are powering the heightened needs in the utilities industry. But one thing is clear: it is and always will be the people who are making it happen. They are the gatekeepers who keep us safe and keep the machine running in the command and control centers of today.

I was reminded of this a few days ago when I received a text notification from my utility provider that the power was out in my neighborhood and would be back on in one hour. This minute-to-minute monitoring typically occurs in the NOC (network operations center), and this is the part of the process I love.  

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Topics: Ergonomics, Features, Command Centers, Pre-Planning, Brief Overview, Xybix vs. Competitors

It's About To Get Spooky: Adding Monitors to Your Existing Xybix Workstations

Posted by Kathleen Utley on Oct 25, 2019 10:02:05 AM

I don’t mean to scare you, but there is something you should consider when it comes to adding monitors to your Xybix workstations.

We get it, you’re growing, things are changing, we’ve planned for this and so have you. Congrats! Now is the time, and you’ve decided to get some additional monitors for your Xybix workstations.

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Topics: Accessories, Features, Pre-Planning, Brief Overview, Customer Service & Troubleshooting

Wait! Don't Waste Those EOY Fiscal Funds - 5 Ways to Update Your PSAP

Posted by Halley Barba on Sep 18, 2019 10:30:05 AM

happy new ... fiscal year?
Okay, it’s a little premature for that… but, with the end of the fiscal year coming for many states, you might be one of those lucky agencies that has some extra cash laying around. How can you spend that money wisely and show a return on investment for your people and your agency? We'll tell you how; updates, accessories and face-lifts for your consoles and PSAP. 

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Topics: Employee Health, Accessories, Features, Pricing, Dispatch, Command Centers, Pre-Planning