10 Steps Take Your Xybix Project from Start to Finish

Posted by Doug Herman on Feb 9, 2022 8:00:00 AM

I just survived a 6-month remodel of my kitchen, family room and master bathroom. Let me say that again: 6 months. 0 kitchens to use. 1 functional bathroom. 4 exhausted family members. If only I’d known what was coming on those endless days of noise and dust—and those few days without power or water that just felt endless. I wish our contractor had worked harder to let us know what to expect as the project crawled from start to finish.

This remodeling experience reminded me how important it is to set expectations, communicate clearly and follow through. That’s our goal at Xybix—once we earn your business and you select your consoles, the project begins in earnest. We’re here to guide you through the process from start to finish, working closely with you on everything from finish selections to elevator access at your site to the final walkthrough of a successful project.

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Topics: Employee Health, Features, Brief Overview

If the Groundhog Predicts 6 More Weeks of Winter, Is Your Car Ready?

Posted by Ken Carson on Feb 2, 2022 7:51:08 AM

By now, we know that Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow this morning. What you may not know is that the groundhog’s prediction about an early spring or 6 more weeks of winter is only right 39% of the time anyway. In climates with winter, we’re likely facing more winter, famous groundhogs notwithstanding. For all you essential workers in dispatch, command & control and healthcare who must get to work, this is a great reminder to keep your car winter ready.

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Topics: Employee Health, Features, Brief Overview

Do We Still Need Acrylic Barriers?

Posted by Ken Carson on Jan 19, 2022 7:33:23 AM

I just read that “
the R.T.O. date is gone.” With Omicron and other variants, the ongoing pandemic is so unpredictable that companies have stopped setting Return to Work (R.T.O) dates. I’m not sure why this headline caught my eye because it’s not relevant to most of our customers. At Xybix, we serve essential workers in dispatch, command & control and healthcare. You never stopped showing up at work and neither did we. What we did do was focus on how we could make your time at work safer and more comfortable.

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Topics: Employee Health, Features, Brief Overview, Xybix vs. Competitors

The Sport of Extreme Standing Has No Winners

Posted by Doug Herman on Jan 12, 2022 7:20:45 AM

My friend Alex invented a new sport: Extreme Standing. When she got a sit-to-stand desk from our MojoDesk division last year, she loved it immediately. As a CFO, Alex had no problem crunching numbers on a laptop, whether she was at home on a sofa, sitting in a coffeeshop or standing at her desk. She especially loved standing. But then the back pain set in…

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Topics: Employee Health, Ergonomics, Features, Brief Overview, Featuring a Video or Photo Gallery

Xybix Introduces Axys: A Completely Personalized Experience with One Touch

Posted by Ken Carson on Jan 5, 2022 7:19:42 AM

A core value at Xybix is innovation, and it’s not just something we say or print on T-shirts. Innovation is something we live as we’re truly excited to solve customer problems and design products for a healthier and more productive workplace. I’m excited to share our latest innovation—the first-ever smart workstation that adjusts to all your preferences with a single touch of a button. We call this Axys because your entire workstation will revolve around you, your needs, and your moods throughout the day.

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Topics: Employee Health, Features, Brief Overview, Xybix vs. Competitors

The Effort-Free Way to Track Your Health Goals

Posted by Ken Carson on Dec 28, 2021 7:24:31 AM

We’ve been through a lot these last couple years, so let’s give ourselves a break in 2022. Rather than a resolution to return to your fighting weight, how about committing to simply moving more for your overall health? Even light movement benefits your muscles, bones, joints, brain, heart and lungs. And if a few pounds fall away in the process, all the better.

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Topics: Employee Health, Accessories, Fun & Morale, Brief Overview

Cold Hands, Warm Heart, More Errors?

Posted by Ken Carson on Dec 7, 2021 7:24:22 AM

I do tend to believe the old adage “cold hands, warm heart” as my mom has the coldest hands I know. But I can’t prove that cold hands specifically lead to more errors at work—at least not in the type of work we all do at our desks. In my research about cold hands, however, I learned a few things that confirm my devotion to climate controls at individual workstations.

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Topics: Employee Health, Accessories, Fun & Morale, Brief Overview

Your Complete Checklist for Reviewing Floorplans, Renderings and Virtual Walkthroughs

Posted by Emily Houston on Nov 10, 2021 7:32:17 AM

Reviewing floorplans, renderings and virtual walkthroughs is generally not an everyday occurrence for professionals in dispatch, command & control and healthcare centers. In some organizations, the project manager may have two or three remodels or new builds under his or her belt, but most of the time we’re talking about a once-in-a-career project. And yet, you’re being asked to sign off on a project that runs thousands of dollars and is intended to last 10 to 20 years!

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Topics: Installation Information, Design, Pre-Planning, Brief Overview, Architecture

Preventing Eyestrain in 24-7 Operations

Posted by Cher Ice on Oct 12, 2021 7:19:04 AM

7/11. The average American spends 7 hours and 11 minutes looking at a screen each day. I venture to say it’s even worse in 24/7 operations such as 911 dispatch, security/surveillance and emergency operations centers. Add to that the increases in smoke and pollution in the air, and our poor eyes are strained. Fortunately, inexpensive quick fixes are at the ready.

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Topics: Employee Health, Ergonomics, Design, Brief Overview

Keep It Clean this Cold & Flu Season

Posted by Doug Herman on Sep 21, 2021 7:36:47 AM

During this long Covid adventure, we’re finally coming to a consensus on one thing: The virus very rarely spreads through surface contact. But do you know what does thrive on surfaces—especially hard surfaces—for hours? Cold and flu viruses. Experts aren’t sure how our Covid habits will impact this year’s cold and flu season. But I’m sure that I don’t want a cold or the flu or Covid. So I looked back through the Xybix blog archives for tips on staying healthy at this time of year.

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Topics: Employee Health, Ergonomics, Design, Brief Overview