It’s easy to say that creating a nicer workspace improves morale—but can you prove it? Tina Buneta can.
4 Ways to Improve Morale While Updating Your Dispatch Center
Posted by Doug Herman on Feb 15, 2023 7:26:38 AM
Topics: Design, Dispatch, Pre-Planning, Brief Overview
First, as an owner of Xybix, let me say that I never want anything to go wrong on your Xybix workstation. I know that mission-critical jobs in dispatch, radiology, healthcare, security, transportation and utilities expect all their equipment to just work. That’s why we have numerous targeted quality checks throughout our manufacturing processes and offer the best warranty in the business.
Topics: Brief Overview, Customer Service & Troubleshooting, Featuring a Video or Photo Gallery
What is the difference between various imaging desks? And how have they evolved to become innovative technology today?
My name is Mike Graham, and I'm the Director of Key Healthcare Accounts with Xybix. I’d like to take you on a journey of ergonomic imaging furniture over the last 2 ½ decades. The evolution can somewhat be compared to the telephone. Starting with the rotary desk phone and evolving into the latest and greatest iPhone.
Topics: Ergonomics, Healthcare, About Xybix, Biography
Why a Zigzag Configuration May Work Best for Your Dispatch Center
Posted by Doug Herman on Jan 11, 2023 9:21:36 AM
Most of us think that interior designers make spaces beautiful with paint, furniture and artwork choices. In the dispatch world, however, I would say that the No. 1 function of an interior designer is to solve space problems. Unless we’re talking about new construction, most centers have space challenges, whether it’s the size or shape of the room or the placement of columns and electrical boxes.
Topics: Design, Dispatch, Pre-Planning, Brief Overview
Celebrate the New Year by Committing to Do One More Thing
Posted by Doug Herman on Jan 4, 2023 7:14:13 AM
First, let me say Happy New Year along with a heartfelt Thank You to our loyal customers and our prospective customers. I’m honored that we’re able to make your challenging jobs in dispatch, healthcare, operations and other 24/7 mission-critical functions just a little bit easier.
Topics: Employee Health, Fun & Morale, Brief Overview
Using speech recognition (SR) technology in a radiology lab can drive better health outcomes by increasing accuracy and productivity while simultaneously reducing stress and lowering costs. It’s good for the patient, good for the radiologist and good for business—a no brainer, right? But like all technology integrations, it needs to be done with care.
Topics: Employee Health, Healthcare, About Xybix, Testimonials
I saw the note below in a 911 chat and I thought it was an excellent question: What is an appropriate noise level in a 911 center and how do you change it? (And by “change,” I mean reduce the noise!)
Topics: Employee Health, About Xybix, Testimonials
How to Impact Your Circadian Rhythms with Light Colors
Posted by Ken Carson on Nov 2, 2022 7:02:21 AM
Carpe diem! Seize the day! But how can you do that if you’re tired or hungry? One way is to start thinking about what’s happening to your body circa diem—in around a day’s time. The Latin circa diem evolved into circadian, defining a 24-hour cycle. Your circadian rhythms, then, are the changes that naturally occur in your body and mind in 24 hours.
Topics: Employee Health, About Xybix, Testimonials, Fun & Morale, Xybix vs. Competitors
I recently got a strong reminder of why I love my job as Director of Key Accounts Healthcare for Xybix. I was at the airport in Austin, Texas, sporting a Xybix golf shirt with the company’s core values printed on the back. A fellow traveler stopped me, asked if she could take a picture of our values, and exclaimed, “Does such a company exist?!” I gave her my card and proudly said, “Yes it does!”
Topics: Employee Health, About Xybix, Testimonials, Fun & Morale, Xybix vs. Competitors
5 Pro Tips for Designing Your Hospital Command Center
Posted by Ken Carson on Oct 5, 2022 7:13:40 AM
Given the importance of an efficient hospital command center to healthcare outcomes—and the significant costs involved—projects like this require an architect. Their expertise will help with walls, flooring, electrical, windows, and more to create a room that works for you. Even with their expertise, the architects and other vendors still need your input on how the room looks. This means where do the desks go, do you have a video wall, what about ancillary furniture to hold paperwork, lockers, etc.?
Topics: Accessories, Healthcare, Detailed Overview, Pre-Planning, Xybix vs. Competitors