The recent growth at Xybix has caused us to expand our design team, and we just recruited and hired another interior designer, which is much different than my pursuit of a sales professional!
Doug Herman
Recent Posts
Dispatch Furniture Design: Your very own personal Designer
Posted by Doug Herman on Jun 12, 2016 7:00:00 AM
Topics: Design
Dispatch Furniture Bonds: Why Are They So Important?
Posted by Doug Herman on May 6, 2016 4:46:50 PM
You’re about to launch a project to upgrade your center that includes a dispatch furniture purchase. When you meet with your committee or supervisor, what is the most common thing you’ll hear? “For the amount of money we’re spending, we need furniture that will LAST.”
Topics: Pricing
See The Light: Status Indicator Lights for 911 Comm Centers
Posted by Doug Herman on Oct 7, 2015 10:07:19 AM
(Newly Updated for 2021)
Every time you pop into Costco, Kroger or Target, you’re guided by a status indicator light. Which checkout lanes are open and which ones are waiting for that dreaded manager assistance? Which self-checkouts are open and available? Is the line for the fast lane shorter than self-checkout? (Admittedly, this has nothing to do with the lights, but it makes me happy when it happens because I don’t have to decipher the code for my donuts.) No doubt you figured out the meaning of these checkstand lights by the time you were 2.
Topics: Features
Why Tour a Dispatch Furniture Manufacturing Facility?
Posted by Doug Herman on Sep 14, 2015 9:31:27 AM
When it comes to purchasing dispatch furniture, there are many reasons why touring the manufacturing facility that you’re buying furniture from can be beneficial. Why should you take the time to do this? Why is it important to know how manufacturers build their furniture? Why is a plant visit a critical part of due diligence?
A question frequently asked is, "why do I need divider panels in my comm center?" and “what’s the value of having fabric on them?” Well, I'd like to help clarify what exactly a divider panel is and give a fun example of how sound can influence your conversations and why it should be important to you.
Divider panels in an office environment are primarily designed to help dampen noise as it is reflected around a room. When people use the radios, phones or talk they project noise which can be a distraction to you if you are quietly working away at your position or workstation. Often times, you'll not even notice acoustic sound barriers, yet they play in import role.
Topics: Features
Do You See What I See? The Best Way to Achieve Proper Focal Depth
Posted by Doug Herman on Apr 14, 2015 2:16:58 PM
A friend at a communication center in San Diego recently told Xybix that he’s been working with monitors he cannot move. I asked if I could take pictures of a gentleman’s “system” and he was kind enough to let me. I mean hey, it’s not his fault; if you don’t have the tools at your disposal to be able to see what’s on the monitor, what are you supposed to do?
Focal depth is how far your monitor is from your eyes. The adjustment of that depth or focal depth adjustment, allows you to move those monitors nearer or farther from your eyes to better see the screens. It is not a fancy add-on for your workstation. It’s not a luxury. Really, it’s about being able to see what your screen projects. If you have to look at those screens for 10 to 12 hours, doesn’t it make sense that you find a way to do so without stressing your eyes?
Topics: Employee Health, Features
Complete Your Comm Center Design with a Live Iteractive Meeting
Posted by Doug Herman on Dec 15, 2014 8:47:00 AM
Are you the newly appointed project manager for your center’s new layout and design? If so, take a deep breath. You’re not alone. When these projects land on your already full plate, there’s a way to ensure everyone is happy, the project goes smoothly, and everyone gets what they need. You’re not only going to come out of this project safely, but with an incredible sense of accomplishment under your belt.
Topics: Design
3 Secrets to Maximizing Workspace in Your Dispatch Center
Posted by Doug Herman on Oct 2, 2014 9:09:00 AM
Step into the service bay of an auto dealership and what do you see? Efficiency. In fact, walk into my wife’s kitchen and you’ll see a similar lean approach to how she works in her space. No one likes to waste time and energy when you’re just trying to get the job done. And considering that most Americans spend 90 percent (or more) of our time indoors, it’s important for Comm Center Managers to build a comfortable work environment — especially in a space-critical dispatch center, where every inch matters.
With this in mind, I’ve developed three “secrets” to guide Comm Center Managers in their quest to maximize their workspaces. These tips will not only help your 911 center operate more efficiently, but will also increase the productivity of your team. So let’s get started!
Topics: Design, Dispatch, Pre-Planning
Why Do BIFMA Standards Matter to 911 Dispatch Centers?
Posted by Doug Herman on Jun 27, 2014 2:51:00 PM
If you’re planning to invest in new furniture for your dispatch, communications or radiology center, there’s one major attribute that you might be looking for above any others: reliability. But how will you know if a furniture manufacturer offers products that are safe and long lasting? One simple way is by seeking out the BIFMA stamp of approval.
Here is a quick overview of this important standard and why it matters.
Topics: Ergonomics, Pricing, Dispatch