Doug Herman
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Topics: Ergonomics, Healthcare, Pricing, Xybix vs. Competitors
A real Xybix client’s low-tech solution to achieving proper focal depth before Rollervision™
Years ago, Xybix owners Kenny and Barry Carson spotted a hot trend. More monitors. Bigger monitors. Curved monitors. But all that screen real estate does nothing if you can’t position the monitors within your line of sight.
Topics: Design, Features, Xybix vs. Competitors
Why purchase carpet from your technical furniture manufacturer? First, the high-quality flooring Xybix offers contributes to the overall success of your project. The carpeting both absorbs sound and prevents static that can damage your electronics. Second, the fewer vendors involved in a live cutover the better.
Topics: Design, Features, Xybix vs. Competitors
Like all of us struggling through pandemic, I’ve done my share of doom scrolling and Netflix bingeing on top of being glued to a computer screen all day. By 4 p.m. every day, my eyes have had it. Digital Eye Strain sets in with tears, light sensitivity, double vision and a slight headache. I feel tired, uninspired and prone to making mistakes.
Topics: Employee Health, Ergonomics, Fun & Morale
You know the 80/20 Rule? You wear 20% of your clothes 80% of the time. You see 20% of your friends 80% of the time. You use 20% of the tools at your disposal 80% of the time.
Topics: Ergonomics, Accessories, Features, Brief Overview
Burn off Pandemic Pounds with a Desk Treadmill or Bike
Posted by Doug Herman on Jan 4, 2021 7:55:46 AM
Topics: Employee Health, Accessories, Fun & Morale, Brief Overview
Remodel Your Radiology Reading Room During the Calm Before the Storm
Posted by Doug Herman on Sep 30, 2020 7:50:24 AM
A storm is brewing. An estimated 28 million people delayed elective surgery this year due to the pandemic. And as you know, elective doesn’t mean unnecessary. The backlog is brewing and you’ll want to be ready.
Topics: Employee Health, Installation Information, Design, Features, Healthcare, Pricing, Detailed Overview, Pre-Planning
The Core Truth: Let’s Talk About Panel Systems (NEW VIDEO)
Posted by Doug Herman on May 12, 2020 3:23:01 PM
Panel Systems that Make Sense
When customers purchase console furniture, it often includes a discussion about panel systems. If you speak with a variety of vendors, you will certainly get a variety of panel solutions as well. I’ll share with you what is needed from panel systems (or “core systems”) so that you end up with the most efficient option.
Does Panel Size Matter?
Some manufacturers propose that the wider the core is, the more advantageous it will be, as you will be able to fit more cabling or computers within the core. That may be true. The benefit hinges on how you’re running power and data to your workstation and what access you need to those data lines or the computers.
Topics: Features, Detailed Overview, Pre-Planning, Xybix vs. Competitors, Featuring a Video or Photo Gallery
Ergonomics & Your Health: Preventative Best Practices You Can Start Today (NEW VIDEO)
Posted by Doug Herman on May 11, 2020 11:30:51 AM
If I said, “Your employees need an ergonomically correct workplace," you may bristle. But if I said, "Your employees will be more comfortable and more productive, and they’ll likely complain less,” I’ll bet your ears just perked up.
Ergonomics is the critical component here. Not only is does it provide a workplace standard, but it also sends a message to your team that you care.
Topics: Employee Health, Ergonomics, Features, Brief Overview, Featuring a Video or Photo Gallery
Your Timeline Infographic to Purchasing Dispatch Furniture
Posted by Doug Herman on Nov 7, 2018 3:46:43 PM
People often come to us when they aren’t sure how long it will take to get new dispatch furniture. Having a timeline and knowing approximate dates can help make the process smooth from beginning to end. Having a timeline can also help to eliminate the guessing game of when to start looking for furniture and/or when to start asking your county for money or possibly preparing your agency’s budget for the next fiscal year.
Another great way a timeline can eliminate the stresses of getting new dispatch furniture is to help you work backwards. Let’s say your project HAS to be completed by a certain date. With a timeline in place, you can let your purchasing department know that if they drag their feet on things like a PO, then it's possible the whole project could be delayed. Or maybe you are planning to go “live” in your new building on a specific date, this would mean that you'd need to have a signed PO by a minimum 10 weeks prior to "go live" date.
Topics: Pricing, Dispatch, Command Centers, Pre-Planning, Brief Overview