First, let me say Happy New Year along with a heartfelt Thank You to our loyal customers and our prospective customers. I’m honored that we’re able to make your challenging jobs in dispatch, healthcare, operations and other 24/7 mission-critical functions just a little bit easier.
Doug Herman
Recent Posts
Celebrate the New Year by Committing to Do One More Thing
Posted by Doug Herman on Jan 4, 2023 7:14:13 AM
Topics: Employee Health, Fun & Morale, Brief Overview
No matter what your job, sometimes you need a reminder of why we do what we do. I got just such a reminder last week when I ran across this article:
Labor Day means a return to work. And highlights the dangers of sitting all day.
Like the frog in the pot of ever-warmer water, the danger from stillness may not be obvious until it's too late.
After I got over my jealousy of that great teaser—who doesn’t love boiling the frog analogies—a Xybix value came to mind:
We design products for a healthier and more productive workplace.
Topics: Employee Health, Fun & Morale, Brief Overview
After perfecting the design of 911 dispatch centers decades ago, our designers here at Xybix are increasingly applying the same principals to transportation control rooms. Whether you’re directing planes, trains or automobiles, the room you’re in and the desk you’re at make an impact on how you handle your mission-critical tasks throughout the day. We’ve worked closely with everyone from air traffic controls to railroad engineers to bus dispatchers to understand what you need and how you work. Here’s a summary of what we’ve learned.
Topics: Installation Information, Design, Features, Utilities, Transportation, & Casinos, Command Centers, Brief Overview
10 Steps Take Your Xybix Project from Start to Finish
Posted by Doug Herman on Feb 9, 2022 8:00:00 AM
I just survived a 6-month remodel of my kitchen, family room and master bathroom. Let me say that again: 6 months. 0 kitchens to use. 1 functional bathroom. 4 exhausted family members. If only I’d known what was coming on those endless days of noise and dust—and those few days without power or water that just felt endless. I wish our contractor had worked harder to let us know what to expect as the project crawled from start to finish.
This remodeling experience reminded me how important it is to set expectations, communicate clearly and follow through. That’s our goal at Xybix—once we earn your business and you select your consoles, the project begins in earnest. We’re here to guide you through the process from start to finish, working closely with you on everything from finish selections to elevator access at your site to the final walkthrough of a successful project.
Topics: Employee Health, Features, Brief Overview
My friend Alex invented a new sport: Extreme Standing. When she got a sit-to-stand desk from our MojoDesk division last year, she loved it immediately. As a CFO, Alex had no problem crunching numbers on a laptop, whether she was at home on a sofa, sitting in a coffeeshop or standing at her desk. She especially loved standing. But then the back pain set in…
Topics: Employee Health, Ergonomics, Features, Brief Overview, Featuring a Video or Photo Gallery
During this long Covid adventure, we’re finally coming to a consensus on one thing: The virus very rarely spreads through surface contact. But do you know what does thrive on surfaces—especially hard surfaces—for hours? Cold and flu viruses. Experts aren’t sure how our Covid habits will impact this year’s cold and flu season. But I’m sure that I don’t want a cold or the flu or Covid. So I looked back through the Xybix blog archives for tips on staying healthy at this time of year.
Topics: Employee Health, Ergonomics, Design, Brief Overview
Sitting still has never been my thing. I’ve worked in sales, I’ve been a professional speaker and I dabble in local theater. None of these jobs involve 8 to 12 hours tied to a desk and staring at monitors. So I didn’t immediately appreciate the Xybix focus on ergonomics. I loved the sit-to-stand concept—which gives me the chance to practice my tap dancing under the desk—but the other ergonomic features didn’t hit home until the Carson family described them in terms of preventing pain.
Topics: Employee Health, Ergonomics, Design, Brief Overview
100% Satisfaction with Xybix from York Poquoson Williamsburg 911 Center
Posted by Doug Herman on Jun 28, 2021 9:58:50 AM
Topics: Installation Information, Design, Features, Testimonials
Owensboro-Daviess County Central Dispatch Makes the Job Easier with New Consoles
Posted by Doug Herman on Jun 28, 2021 9:58:26 AM
Topics: Installation Information, Design, Features, Testimonials
Get Your Share of American Rescue Plan Funds to Protect Employee Health & Safety
Posted by Doug Herman on May 24, 2021 2:04:36 PM
Ready to get Back in Black? If your tax base and funding took a hit during the pandemic—stalling much-needed projects—you may be in luck. The $1.9 trillion stimulus package passed in March includes $350 billion in pandemic recovery funds for state and local governments. According to the spending guidelines, upgrades to emergency dispatch center, command & control centers and healthcare environments likely qualify for these funds.
Topics: Installation Information, Pricing, About Xybix, Dispatch, Command Centers, Pre-Planning