The way we buy...well just about anything, has changed. With websites offering quick service and simple shopping like Amazon, grocery delivery services like “Click-List” and of course there is Uber, there is no wonder why we've changed. We have all changed how we shop, buy and research products. Hello instant gratification! But what about those big purchases, a new car, a home or a vacation? Well, that part hasn’t changed much and neither has shopping for dispatch furniture.
Times They Are A-Changin': Shopping for Dispatch Furniture Has Too!
Posted by Kathleen Utley on May 24, 2018 11:20:52 AM
Topics: Installation Information, Warranty, Pricing, Dispatch, Pre-Planning, Brief Overview
Dispatch Furniture Proposals: How Soon is Too Soon?
Posted by Maria Teruel on May 11, 2018 8:51:37 AM
When is the right time to start thinking about getting dispatch furniture proposals? The short and simple answer to this question is, that it all depends. Every state (really every Comm center) has a unique purchasing system that usually drives the speed at which you can get new dispatch consoles. Workstations are typically replaced once every 10–15 years. If you are in charge of getting the new workstations, it might be the first and last time you buy furniture with your agency. If you’re not sure where to start, don’t worry; most people aren’t too experienced at buying dispatch furniture.
Topics: Pricing, Dispatch, Pre-Planning, Brief Overview
How Long Does It Take to Get New Dispatch Consoles?
Posted by A Previous Xybix Employee on Apr 6, 2018 12:09:31 PM
The idea of getting a new communications center, getting upgrades at your current center, or remodeling can be exciting, but there is also a lot to take into consideration. Typically, a comm center remodel involves several components, such as installing new flooring, painting the walls, implementing new CAD systems, finding new monitors, and of course, getting new dispatch consoles.

As you can see, there are quite a few moving parts involved in revamping a comm center. During this process, it’s natural to want to plan around a time frame estimate. A question we are frequently asked is "how long does it take to get new dispatch consoles"? To help answer this, I’ll map out the typical timeline we use at Xybix, starting from the beginning.
Topics: Design, Pricing, Dispatch, Pre-Planning
The RFP Easy Buy Button for Dispatch Console Furniture
Posted by Cher Ice on Mar 28, 2018 12:35:00 PM
Does the RFP process stress you out? Do you wish there was a faster way to the "easy" project highway? If you haven’t heard of HGACBuy, you may be missing out on a way to make your life much more simple.
Customizing Cabinetry for 911 Comm Centers & Office Spaces
Posted by Ellie Bittourna on Dec 15, 2017 3:45:32 PM
You've received the "go-ahead" to start planning a project to get new workstations in your 911 Comm Center. You begin by researching possible console suppliers, or you might already have a vendor in mind. After you’ve done your research on the consoles themselves, you begin to weigh your options, but...have you thought of everything? One thing to consider that is sometimes overlooked is the addition of custom cabinetry and office solutions. If you are able to customize your console, why can't you customize your cabinetry and offices as well?
Topics: Accessories, Pricing, Dispatch
How Do You Justify Purchasing New Consoles for Your People?
Posted by Gail Gerlesits on Nov 1, 2017 3:20:00 PM
Maybe you just started in your new role, or maybe you have been with the same company for a long time. Either way, when it’s time to update the command and control center, it’s time. You know it, and your operators also know it. Providing a comfortable, ergonomic environment for your people is the right thing to do.
It’s important to start with your mindset. Is the purchase of new consoles a cost or an investment? If it is a cost, that will be tricky to justify. I can just hear management say that they already have desks that work, so why would they spend money on that? Instead, try to think of it of as an investment for your people. A more comfortable environment improves the health and performance of your team, which can surely lead to a ROI.
If you’re advocating that new consoles or workstations are an investment for your people, here are some important factors that will help make your case:
Topics: Features, Pricing, Utilities, Transportation, & Casinos, Command Centers
I usually like to do a review on all of the competitors and highlight what was new at APCO 2017. I was busy this year (busy is a good thing), so I didn’t really get to check everything out this year.
That being said, I still took notice of overall trends that will affect what your dispatch console furniture will look like in the next few years. Here’s my two cents on what to expect in the near future:
Thinking About Buying Dispatch Furniture? 6 Signs That Point To YES!
Posted by A Previous Xybix Employee on Jul 19, 2017 9:59:07 AM
Perhaps you’ve been noticing that your current work space just isn’t what is used to be. Maybe the furniture is beginning to show some breakdown, or perhaps the style is simply outdated and unpleasant to look at. Even worse, maybe your colleagues are hunched over the desks and operating their jobs in uncomfortable positions. And they’re telling you about it. (Image via GIPHY)
Topics: Installation Information, Pricing, Dispatch, Pre-Planning
Buying A New House vs Buying New Dispatch Consoles
Posted by Kathleen Utley on Jul 14, 2017 3:31:25 PM
If you have ever bought a new house, you know that the house comes basically as a shell. Without knowing it, this probably means that you'll be getting carpet in your kitchen and laminate flooring throughout. As for the carpet, you'll get the choice a hideous shade of gray or an even worse shade of what they call "beige" and a lackluster carpet pad that might as well be non-existent. Anything that would be included and installed as “standard” is often the cheapest of the cheap. You'll have to expand your budget or subtract some common features if you’re even going to start thinking about doing things like changing the paint color or adding hardwood floors. All the sudden that dream home you'd visioned is looking a bit more cloudy.
Post Dispatch Furniture RFP: 5 Tips on What to Do Now
Posted by Maria Teruel on May 19, 2017 2:22:35 PM
There are many different avenues out there when purchasing your height-adjustable dispatch workstations and dispatch furniture. Some 911 Comm Centers require a three-quote process, others purchase directly off of state contracts, and some "piggy-back" off of open contracts in their states. If your 911 Comm Center chooses or requires a formal bid process, the journey can be more complicated than you expect! You will have to draft up arequest for proposal (RFP), which often has an addendum or two. Then you also have to think about reviewing and scoring the submittals. Then, when the RFP is closed and the vendor is awarded, you might think, "Hooray! We're in the clear!" Let me put the brakes on that dream wagon; there's still some more work to do.
Topics: Pricing