One of the most confusing aspects of the custom workplace furniture industry is explaining, clarifying and differentiating between technical/systems furniture and run-of-the-mill office furniture. In truth, they only have one thing in common: providing a place to hold the tools necessary to perform one’s work duties and get the job done. Other than that, they couldn’t be more different. Read on for three traits that distinguish technical furniture from your everyday office furniture.
Technical Furniture vs. Office Furniture
Posted by A Previous Xybix Employee on May 5, 2014 4:09:56 PM
Why Bonds Matter: Do Your Due Diligence Before Starting Your Next Big Project
Posted by David Carson on Apr 15, 2014 3:46:00 PM
Before taking the plunge and starting a large construction or remodel project in your dispatch center or office space, there are two very important questions that you need to address: How can you tell if a furniture company is financially stable? And how do you know what their “warranty” is worth? There’s one simple answer: through bid, performance and payment bonds.
When Should I Start Looking for New 911 Dispatch Console Furniture?
Posted by A Previous Xybix Employee on Apr 10, 2014 1:15:06 PM
When Should I start looking for new 911 Dispatch Console Furniture?
This is a loaded and tricky question for most people! And, with the ever-changing world of dispatch furniture products, starting your search for new 911 dispatch console furniture can often lead to “a kid in the candy shop” mentality, which can lead to wishful thinking and ultimately, frustration about your current situation. This blog will walk you through the initial purchasing steps, typical time lines and processes before, during and after you start your search for new 911 dispatch console furniture.
Topics: Pricing, Dispatch, Pre-Planning
Dispatch Furniture Installation: Your Guide to Post-Purchase Details
Posted by Inge Meyer on Apr 9, 2014 4:42:15 PM
Buying new dispatch furniture or radiology furniture can be stressful. After making the big decision on which furniture manufacturer will work best for you, it might feel like you are only halfway done. That's because you are. Hopefully, you have picked a company with a strong and experienced team which can help make the delivery and installation go seamlessly. There is probably a lot of pressure to get the new furniture delivered, installed and functioning without disruption or costly mistakes. This blog will walk you through some order completion details that can help ensure a smooth arrival and delivery of your new furniture.
Topics: Installation Information, Pricing, Dispatch, Pre-Planning
Casino Surveillance Isn't a Gamble: Your Casino Security Consoles Shouldn't be Either
Posted by Ken Carson on Mar 31, 2014 4:24:17 PM
One of the most important investments a casino owner can make is in the security of the establishment. With this in mind, many casino managers have installed high-tech surveillance systems, such as HD cameras and around-the-clock video monitoring, all of which provides exceptional oversight and security. But the casino industry’s next big surveillance investment should be a little closer to solid ground. We’re talking about height-adjustable furniture consoles for security operators, which can be incredibly beneficial for both the operations team and the management.
Height-adjustable furniture is commonly used in government agencies such as 911 dispatch and utilities departments. While you may think that 911 dispatchers have little in common with casino security, they actually share one major job function: long hours at a desk, scrutinizing multiple computer screens.
Topics: Employee Health, Ergonomics, Pricing, Utilities, Transportation, & Casinos
The Benefits of Working with a Custom Dispatch Furniture Manufacturer
Posted by Adam Byce on Mar 25, 2014 2:57:00 PM
As you probably know, 911 dispatch operators spend hours behind their consoles or workstations. Choosing a custom-furniture manufacturer that provides a durable, long-lasting ergonomic solution should be a top priority. These manufacturers can provide unique solutions customized for your specific environment. Custom dispatch furniture not only will add value to your dispatch center, but it will also improve efficiency and reduce employee turnover. Here are just a few of the many benefits to working with a custom-furniture provider:
Topics: Installation Information, Pricing
Buying 24/7 intensive use chairs for the 911 Dispatch Center
Posted by Kelley Smith on Mar 6, 2014 3:03:00 PM
Purchasing chairs for a multiple user, 24/7 environment is always a difficult task. It seems that there are always compromises to be made in comfort, durability or functionality. Where do you start? How do you know if what your buying is actually a 24/7 chair? Finding the answers to your purchasing questions is not easy, but with a few simple steps, you can get the most out of your chair buying experience.
The biggest thing to remember when ordering chairs is to allow yourself enough time to make sure that you are making the right choice. Make sure that you have given yourself ample time to do all of your homework, research all of your options and demo any product you are considering.
Topics: Features, Pricing, Dispatch, Brief Overview
LED's Light the Path Forward in Workstation Lighting
Posted by A Previous Xybix Employee on Mar 4, 2014 4:36:00 PM
The type of workstation lighting you choose can have a dramatic impact on your work environment as well as the overall costs associated with maintaining your workstation into the future. There are a variety of lighting elements to consider when you are looking at updating or replacing your lighting. To begin, we need to briefly discuss the most widely used types of lighting available in today's market.
Topics: Employee Health, Features, Pricing
We know how it goes; you are in desperate need of new dispatch furniture. Your furniture might look like it belongs in the Titanic museum. You have had it forever. It is literally falling apart. You cannot get new parts for it, and it does not fit the new technology that you are putting on it. So, you have a monitor here, a monitor there, or maybe even a computer in your leg space. Heck, even the fire department has gone through four new rigs since the last time your center got new furniture! It is time!
Topics: Pricing
How To Buy Dispatch Center Furniture: Six Helpful Suggestions
Posted by Kathleen Utley on Jan 9, 2014 3:30:00 PM
1. Your Investment
Before you invest in all new dispatch center furniture, there are a few things you should know about the company you consider purchasing from. The furniture in your operations center most definitely deserves a lot of attention. After all, it is where your staff spends about a third of their lives while fulfilling a stressful role.