Does the thought of buying dispatch furniture make you want to run screaming and clawing your way out of a nightmare? For some people it does. The thought of talking to a sales person, researching options, submitting an RFP, dealing with quote comparisons, not to mention the stress of getting it all right; no wonder you’re feeling like you’re in a nightmare. Trust me, I get it! What we’ve learned from our customers is that transparency means everything. Therefore, we want to lay all our goods out on the table and let you do the deciding. Unfortunately not all dispatch furniture companies are as open and honest. So put on your detective glasses, you’re going to need them.
How to be your own Private Eye in the Dispatch Furniture Industry
Posted by Kathleen Utley on Jan 14, 2015 9:58:59 AM
Topics: Pricing
When you are looking to purchase a new automobile do you run out and sign papers without seeing or driving the car? No way! You go to the dealership, take a look, and then take that puppy out for a spin. Am I right?
When you want to purchase a new house… Do you send over the offer letter to your agent without seeing the house? No way! Who would do that? You schedule a meeting with your agent to visit the house, take a peek, make sure everything is just right and then once you determine it’s a fit you sign the offer letter.
Ok, now that I have everyone thinking about new purchases, let’s focus on dispatch consoles for your dispatch center.
When researching new dispatch furniture, it’s understandable that you want to find the best value for your dispatchers, techs, management, and taxpayers. Price is always a concern, and should be a very important component to your decision-making process. You also need furniture that’s durable and will last, especially given the high-impact work environment of emergency dispatch. Ergonomics should be high on your list, as well, as you want the consoles to comfortably fit all your dispatchers. But one thing that’s easy to overlook should be another important consideration during the shopping process: a reliable warranty.
Some companies may try to tell you that their “lifetime warranty” proves that their product is better than others on the market. This isn’t always the case. Warranties can be difficult to read and understand, and often don’t translate easily into layman’s terms. With this in mind, we’ve put together this simple guide to walk you through common warranty terms (and what they really mean), and explain what questions you should ask to ensure you get a fair deal from any dispatch furniture manufacturer.
What is the Average Lifespan of a Dispatch Console?
Posted by A Previous Xybix Employee on Sep 19, 2014 1:30:16 PM
If you are thinking about new 911 consoles and workstations for a new emergency dispatch center, I urge you to start thinking 10 years into the future. What will the community need over this time period? Will there be increases in call volume and texting? Will the center need to add additional workstations or hire more people? These are important questions to consider, especially when you’re making an investment in the safety of your community.
Alternatives to a Dispatch Furniture RFP: Why Purchasing Contracts Can Be a Win-Win
Posted by A Previous Xybix Employee on Aug 14, 2014 10:24:00 AM
When public safety agencies upgrade their communication centers, they often need (or want) to replace their existing console furniture, as well. Because of state, federal and local laws, many comm center managers put out a Request for Proposal (RFP) or an Invitation for Bid (IFB) to get the process started. But, that isn’t always necessary. If local laws allow, there are several purchasing contracts that you may be able to use instead.
Purchasing from a contract, or piggy-backing is often easier than creating an RFP or going out to BID, it also creates a WIN-WIN situation for the purchasing agency. The two contracts described below help create this WIN-WIN scenario by allowing state and government agencies to purchase directly from a pre-approved, reputable supplier without having to go out to bid.
Here are two common contracts, and the benefits of using them over an RFP or IFB.
Topics: Pricing
The Ultimate Guide to Writing a Great RFP for Dispatch Furniture
Posted by Ken Carson on Jul 9, 2014 2:49:00 PM
How does one write a clear, effective RFP (request for proposal) for new dispatch furniture? This is a daunting task for many comm center managers — and one they usually only need to tackle once or twice during their careers. How do you know what to say? How can you be fair to the vendors, while getting what you really want? How do you avoid low-price bidders? And most importantly, how do you keep it honest?
These are great questions, all of which I hear from time-to-time when talking to comm center supervisors and managers. Everyone wants to get it right, but it’s often unfamiliar territory with a lot at stake.
Never fear! We’ll walk you through the RFP process so you can get started on your search for a dispatch furniture company that best fits your needs.
Here’s what you need to know:
Topics: Pricing
The Virtue of Value: How to Make Smart Purchasing Decisions for 911 Dispatch
Posted by A Previous Xybix Employee on Jun 30, 2014 2:38:00 PM
Ralph Waldo Emerson once said that if you build a better mousetrap, the world will beat a path to your door. When it comes to business and innovation, the “better mousetrap” can be a metaphor for any number of things. Quality, price, features, service, and delivery, among others, can all factor into a decision of what to buy, when to buy, or whether to buy at all. To sum it up, for consumers in the 911 industry, purchasing decisions really come down to one thing: value.
Topics: Pricing
Why Do BIFMA Standards Matter to 911 Dispatch Centers?
Posted by Doug Herman on Jun 27, 2014 2:51:00 PM
If you’re planning to invest in new furniture for your dispatch, communications or radiology center, there’s one major attribute that you might be looking for above any others: reliability. But how will you know if a furniture manufacturer offers products that are safe and long lasting? One simple way is by seeking out the BIFMA stamp of approval.
Here is a quick overview of this important standard and why it matters.
Topics: Ergonomics, Pricing, Dispatch
The Xybix Team
Topics: Pricing, Pre-Planning
Dispatch Center Planning: How Much Square Footage Do I Need?
Posted by Judi Jump on Jun 2, 2014 8:19:00 AM
So you’re planning a new dispatch center! Where should you start? One of the first questions an architect or contractor may ask is how much square footage you’ll require for the space. This is a tricky question, and one that carries serious financial consequences. On one hand, you don’t want so much space that sections of the room are left empty. On the other, you don’t want to squeeze workstations into an area that is too small either. Take advantage of this pre-planning stage to build the perfect fit — with a space for your current staff (plus room to grow) that will meet the functional requirements of an up-to-date dispatch center. But how much square footage is that, exactly? That question may leave you scratching your head.