The Best Long-Term ROI for your Dispatch Furniture Consoles

Posted by Ken Carson on Jan 4, 2019 4:13:11 PM

Good Investment - Dispatch FurnitureIf you're getting ready to purchase Dispatch Console Furniture, you will want to know that you are getting the best value or return on your investment (ROI). This is critical information for your your team and your taxpayers. Here is a quick guide on what to look for to make sure you are getting the most ROI for your dispatch consoles. 

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Topics: Warranty, Features, Pricing, Pre-Planning, Brief Overview

What You Should Know BEFORE You Purchase New Barco Monitors for Your Imaging Desk

Posted by Megan Yartz on Dec 14, 2018 2:46:08 PM

WAIT - What you need to know before you buy BARCO MonitorsYou just received approval to purchase new monitors for your reading room. This is great news! Just when you think you’ve got the latest and greatest in technology, something even sharper, more innovative is released; it becomes increasingly more important to evaluate your equipment to ensure your older monitors aren’t negatively affecting patient outcomes or hindering doctors’ ability to formulate proper diagnoses.

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Topics: Features, Healthcare, Pricing, Dispatch

Prepare For Your Next Dispatch Furniture Update: Make It a Success

Posted by Maria Teruel on Dec 11, 2018 9:46:21 AM

Are You Ready for Your Next Dispatch Furniture Update?

Purchasing dispatch furniture is not an easy task, which is probably why it only happens every 10-15 years. There are a lot of steps and parties involved, from radio vendors to flooring teams, it’s not exactly like trip to IKEA! 

When you’re about to request your purchase order, it’s tempting to let your foot off the gas pedal because it feels like you’ve done all the hard stuff. Many Comm Center Managers will agree, you’re only just getting your engines started. 

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Topics: Installation Information, Design, Features, Pricing, Pre-Planning, Brief Overview

No, not a 911 Emergency! HELP I Have a Pie Emergency!

Posted by Susanne Lottie on Nov 19, 2018 3:17:07 PM

PiePicture this, it's two days before the Holidays and your Mother-in-law, relative, someone you want to impress, calls to say you are on "Pie Duty" (and no store bought pie will do)! WHAT? You’ve NEVER baked anything in your life, let alone a holiday PIE! For the entire family! And of course, the Great American Bake Show doesn't have an apple pie episode you can YouTube. This is an emergency! What do you do?

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Topics: Fun & Morale

RSNA 2018: Will You Be Looking At Imaging Desks?

Posted by Mike Graham on Nov 14, 2018 2:22:18 PM

Looking at Imaging Furniture?Will you be looking at imaging desks at RSNAIf the answer to that question is yes, I recommend looking at all the major manufacturers, asking some appropriate questions and looking for some key differentiating features.

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Topics: Ergonomics, Healthcare, Dispatch

Your Timeline Infographic to Purchasing Dispatch Furniture

Posted by Doug Herman on Nov 7, 2018 3:46:43 PM

Dispatch Furniture InfographicPeople often come to us when they aren’t sure how long it will take to get new dispatch furniture. Having a timeline and knowing approximate dates can help make the process smooth from beginning to end. Having a timeline can also help to eliminate the guessing game of when to start looking for furniture and/or when to start asking your county for money or possibly preparing your agency’s budget for the next fiscal year.

Another great way a timeline can eliminate the stresses of getting new dispatch furniture is to help you work backwards. Let’s say your project HAS to be completed by a certain date.  With a timeline in place, you can let your purchasing department know that if they drag their feet on things like a PO, then it's possible the whole project could be delayed. Or maybe you are planning to go “live” in your new building on a specific date, this would mean that you'd need to have a signed PO by a minimum 10 weeks prior to "go live" date.

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Topics: Pricing, Dispatch, Command Centers, Pre-Planning, Brief Overview

One of the Spookiest Decisions for a 911 Dispatch Manager - New Comm Center Furniture!

Posted by Kathleen Utley on Oct 31, 2018 1:02:35 PM

hocus pocus halloween GIFIt's HALLOWEEN and probably one of my favorite holidays!! So, that got me thinking what would be spooky or maybe a bit scary for a 911 dispatch manager or supervision….? The type of scary I'm talking about is a huge decision, that will have an impact on the Comm Center, or a legacy that will be left and how this type of a decision would effect the Center for years to come (maybe even after you retire). That sounds pretty scary and intimidating to me. So what type of decision am I talking about? Just like the in those scary movies, (I only like them one time a year), the ever-elusive masked killer is running through the house with a butcher knife, it finally came to me… the decision to purchase Comm Center dispatch furniture…. dun…dun…dun!

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Topics: Employee Health, Design, Pricing, Command Centers, Pre-Planning

RSNA 2018 - What You Need to Know, See and Do While in Chicago

Posted by Gail Gerlesits on Oct 17, 2018 2:37:36 PM

WinterInChicagoRSNAXybixWhat were they thinking having the RSNA show in late November, on Thanksgiving weekend, and in Chicago? It might seem a bit strange, but the event organizers do this every year!

While the weather was beautiful last year, other years have been extremely cold and snowy. I know firsthand all about Chicago’s brisk weather because I was born and raised here, and I just moved back. Let's just say, you never know what you are going to get. It was so cold one year that the frigid weather created a sculpture of ice right off of the lake. Another year it was so windy and cold that the toll booth guy tore off the gate after it wasn’t working properly.

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Topics: Ergonomics, Healthcare, Fun & Morale

How & When Do you Start Planning for Control Room Furniture?

Posted by Gail Gerlesits on Oct 16, 2018 2:16:51 PM

let's go GIF by Ramsey SolutionsIf your control room is finally being renovated or you have a brand new control room on the horizon, there are a TON of items to get in order. It can be difficult knowing what to tackle first. The furniture of the control room is clearly a huge element of the project, but with all of the moving parts you need to address, when should you start planning for the furniture?

The answer is NOW!

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Topics: Design, Command Centers, Pre-Planning

Goldilocks and Buying 24/7 Chairs for Comm Centers

Posted by Cher Ice on Oct 15, 2018 4:05:51 PM

threes company television GIF

Working as a 911 dispatcher can be stressful. The long hours with little to no breaks can be a lot for the body to handle. One of the best assets to help fight fatigue, back pain and low productivity is heavy-duty, 24/7 seating.

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Topics: Features, Pricing