It’s time to upgrade the consoles/desks in your command and control room. You’ve got the buy in from all the higher-ups and everyone understands the importance of ergonomic height-adjustable consoles. Now what?
Complete Your Control Room with Personal Storage Solutions
Posted by Kristen Nielsen on Apr 26, 2019 3:52:59 PM
Topics: Ergonomics, Features, Command Centers, Pre-Planning
Regardless if you work a traditional 9-5 or a 12 hour night shift, its likely you know what hitting the midday wall feels like! Your day probably starts off with a cup of coffee or energy drink, then you're feeling pretty good, and ready to conquer the day. Next, is lunch, hopefully giving you a chance to step away or maybe you're forced to eat at your desk and as the day wears on, it happens… the wall! That drowsy feeling you get every afternoon with several hours left on the clock.
Topics: Employee Health, Features, Command Centers, Fun & Morale
The F*** Word You Should Be Using When Purchasing Dispatch Furniture
Posted by Halley Barba on Mar 28, 2019 3:48:24 PM
Being a decision maker for a dispatch furniture project that ultimately will be a huge investment for your city, township or municipality, you'll probably feel the pressure to put those budget dollars to good use. As you begin the search for vendors, it is important to note what services the company offers at no charge or commitment to you, the customer.
Topics: Design, Features, Pricing, Pre-Planning
Making Dispatch Furniture Bids & RFP's Work For Your 911 Comm Center
Posted by Ken Carson on Mar 20, 2019 4:50:45 PM
When it is time to purchase your new furniture for your 911 center, often a City or County has a purchasing department with rules to determine if such a purchase needs to go out to bid or can be bought directly. So, what exactly is a "bid"?
The word "bid" seems to be used as a generic term for a competitive purchasing process. We hear the word "bid" used in Request for Proposal or RFP or an Invitation to Bid IFB. These are two very different ways to create a competitive purchasing process.
Topics: Pricing
How to Avoid the Polar Vortex of Temperature in Your Comm Center
Posted by Megan Yartz on Feb 28, 2019 10:38:38 AM
While driving through the frigid, negative degree temperatures in Canada two weeks ago (and yes, I’m talking Fahrenheit!), the first thought that came to mind is, “How in the WORLD do these dispatchers regulate the temperatures in their centers with these out-of-this-world temperatures?” Then,
I thought of all of the southern parts of the US that get into triple digit heat during the summer months, wondered how they prevent having their center too cold.
Topics: Employee Health, Features, Dispatch, Command Centers
Back It Up - Console Furniture Ideas For Your PSAP Backup Center
Posted by Maria Teruel on Feb 22, 2019 3:38:49 PM
With winter winding down, we tend to go through our closets and get rid of the clutter. What better place to start dusting than your own 911 backup center. You know, that room that hardly ever gets some love!
As much as technology has advanced, there is still a small chance of failure and the need to work out of your backup site. Alternatively, there could be inclement weather that might force you to go to a different location. Many PSAPs are revamping their backup center to mirror their primary location in the event of an emergency. Some are also utilizing the space as a training facility. Given the increased use, more Comm Centers are asking about solutions for their backup site. Here are a few recommendations to revamp your backup site and have it prepped for any emergency:
Topics: Dispatch, Command Centers, Pre-Planning
KISS - Simple Electrical Tips for Powering New 911 Workstations
Posted by Ken Carson on Feb 14, 2019 3:54:09 PM
A question we often hear is, "do we have enough power for the new workstations?". This question can actually be split into two categories: Live cut over and new building.
New buildings are pretty easy as the architect and the electrical engineer should have already specified enough power after consulting with the radio vendor, phone, and used best practices.
A Live Cut Over is usually pretty simple but some knowledge base of what works will make the installation of your new furniture workstations go better. Here is some simple electrical information that you'll find helpful.
Topics: Features
Budgeting & Costs Associated with Console Furniture - Make Sure You Don't Get Fed To The Sharks!
Posted by Ken Carson on Feb 1, 2019 4:57:23 PM
If you are in the beginning of shopping for new dispatch console furniture in your 911 center a great first question is, how much do they cost? After all, you will need to plan a budget about a year in advance and get the most accurate pricing. If you don't budget enough, you may not be able to get all of the features and options you want. If you ask for too much you may not get the project approved.
The Best Dispatch Console Furniture Resources of 2018 and Beyond
Posted by Kathleen Utley on Jan 15, 2019 11:36:47 AM
The Latest Trends & Buying Information
Preparing to buy dispatch console furniture can be an extremely daunting project. These resources can help you with current industry trends and will help you with what you need to know before you buy.
Topics: Warranty, Features, Pricing, Dispatch, Command Centers, Pre-Planning, Customer Service & Troubleshooting
Shocking News for Anthro Ergotron Carl's Table and Steve's Station Users!
Posted by Mike Graham on Jan 4, 2019 5:05:40 PM
Important news! Have you heard?
Anthro is discontinuing the manufacture
and sale of its imaging and radiology products. After December 31st Ergotron Anthro will no longer accept orders for Carl's Tables and Steve's Station.
Here is the letter that you may have received. To view it in it's entirety, click here.
Topics: Warranty, Healthcare, Dispatch