Eye Strain in the Reading Room

Posted by Mike Graham on Mar 20, 2016 10:00:00 AM

Eye_Strain.jpgYour eyes are precious and extremely valuable, so it makes sense to take safety precautions when you engage in activities that could potentially damage them. For example, when you play racket ball, use a weed wacker, or operate a grinder, you most likely use eye protection.

That being said, what do you do to protect your eyes in the reading room? I know that there isn’t any flying debris or any balls that could assault or damage your eyes in the confines of your dark reading room. However, at the end of the day, are your eyes tired and watering, and/or do you have a headache?  

If your answer is yes, please read on.  

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Topics: Employee Health, Healthcare, Dispatch

What to Expect When You're Expecting...Dispatch Furniture?

Posted by A Previous Xybix Employee on Mar 15, 2016 11:32:03 AM

What_to_expect_when_youre_expecting.jpgWARNING: This is a baby-free article. ☺

Buying new dispatch furniture for your communications center can be a daunting task. It comes with a lot of recommendations, shared experiences and horror stories, and it's kind of like a blind date. You've heard from your friend at Comm Center A that Vendor X is a great catch! They’re attractive, timely, well-behaved, plus they come with great references; everything fits! However, when you get down to the nitty gritty, everything falls apart and nothing works out like you thought it would. As a recipient of several, horrible, no good, very bad dates, it really makes you question what you ever did to your friend at Comm Center A. I mean, this is what they REALLY think of you? But I digress…

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Topics: Pricing, Dispatch

Everyone Is Saying Sitting Is the New Smoking: Is it True?

Posted by Mike Graham on Mar 8, 2016 1:58:06 PM

Sitting_the_new_smoking.jpgWhy are health experts saying that sitting is the new smoking? Well, everyone knows the health effects of smoking, and the sooner everyone realizes that sitting can also be immensely harmful the better. Hopefully, you will jump out of your chair when you find out that:

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Topics: Employee Health, Ergonomics

5 Things I didn't know about Xybix

Posted by Maria Teruel on Mar 4, 2016 1:00:00 AM

Xybix2.pngMaybe you’re reading this and you’ve just started researching for an upcoming dispatch furniture project? Maybe you’re already a die hard Xybix fan? Maybe you’re just plain curious? That was definitely me just a few months ago--curious. I had quite a few questions about the new company I started working for. What does Xybix do? What makes them special? How do they operate? What does “Xybix” even mean?  If you’re wondering the same things, check out these 5 things I learned when I joined the Xybix team:

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Topics: Pricing, Pre-Planning, Customer Service & Troubleshooting

The Biggest Problem with not Having Cable Management

Posted by Kathleen Utley on Feb 26, 2016 4:47:24 PM

Untitled_design_14.jpgThe rats nest of cables. The constant unplugging of monitors. Speakers, keyboards and mice getting dragged off your desk every time your raise your console up so you can stand... Sound familiar? All of these issues are usually a result of poor cable management. (Unless you have a ghost in your dispatch center, if you do, please email me.) Cable management is more than correcting that bundle of cables hidden under your desk it also should include making sure that you have the appropriate length of cable extensions so that you can actually use your console to "stand" without the fear of unplugging. 

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Topics: Features

Dispatch Consoles, Leverage and Lift Columns: What you need to know.

Posted by Ken Carson on Feb 19, 2016 3:29:36 PM

Teeter_Totter.jpgI wrote a previous blog about the weight capacity of your dispatch consoles where I discussed that you don't need to be able to lift the weight of a car for your console to work. 

This blog will review what lift columns don't like and how with a little care you can keep them running longer and have less problems.

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Topics: Dispatch

Food for Thought in 2016 from a Xybix Foodie

Posted by Heather Brown on Jan 29, 2016 8:44:12 AM

food.jpgThe struggle is real to eat healthy! This is especially true now that I've made my 2016 New Year's Resolutions, and intend on keeping them. I like comfort food that will not land on my rump! So I started to think of a few healthy ways that I am eating right for the new year. Being a foodie at heart and coming from the food industry prior to Xybix, I thought I could share a few dishes I enjoy and hope you will too:

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Topics: Employee Health, Fun & Morale

3 Tips on a Meet and Measure from a Xybix Newbie

Posted by Maria Teruel on Jan 21, 2016 4:06:16 PM

TIPS.jpgSo you have a "Meet and Measure" scheduled with a local dispatch furniture territory rep. You figure- hey, they'll come out, measure a couple walls, badabing badaboom! Not quite. Imagine your Comm Center has been selected for the HGTV show where they come and remodel your house or kitchen. You know, where a designer comes and talks to you about how you want things to look and function, then they team up with the architects to make your dream come true.

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Topics: Design, Dispatch

Outdated Imaging Equipment? Four Imaging Desk Must-Have's for 2016

Posted by Mike Graham on Jan 14, 2016 3:38:17 PM

ColdComputerEquipment.jpgWhen choosing an imaging desk in the modern day era of 2016, it is important to keep in mind the evolution of equipment you'll need on your desk. You want your imaging desk to evolve as your needs change and your equipment advances. After all, it is 2016 and those monitors aren't the same as they used to be!

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Topics: Healthcare, Dispatch

How to Beat the Winter Blues, even if you're a 911 Dispatcher

Posted by Kathleen Utley on Jan 8, 2016 11:33:12 AM

Winter_Blues.jpgWith the 2016 New Year upon us, many of us are thinking of ways to get healthier, be a better person, and achieve all those New Year’s Resolutions. For me, after the Holidays are over and the hustle and bustle has left, all the family has gone home, the decorations come down and I settle back into work, I can’t help but feel a bit…well, blue! I’m sure I’m not the only one. So, I started thinking what could a 911 dispatcher do to combat the “winter blues”? Here are a few ideas to motivate, inspire and kick “old man winter’s” butt into spring time:

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Topics: Employee Health