In May of 2014, we purchased our Dispatch treadmill and stationary bike through Xybix, the provider of our workstation furniture (though I don't believe you need to have Xybix furniture to make the Lifespan Fitness equipment functional). We bought the TR5000DT (lowest maintenance, longest life). I don't know if the bike has a model number.
Straight from the Horse’s Mouth: A Dispatcher Shares Details on Treadmill and Bike Benefits
Posted by Michael Spath on Jun 6, 2016 2:09:27 PM
Topics: Employee Health
What Does "For the Lifetime of your Dispatch Console" Really Mean?
Posted by Ken Carson on Jun 2, 2016 12:00:25 PM
“What is the lifetime of the product?” That is a question we get usually during the bid process. The answer is simple. It is an arbitrary number of years the salesperson will tell you depending on how much they want to win the job.
Really? Yes, it is that simple. Any salesperson can throw out a high number like they’re at an auction. Some may say their design will hold up for 20 years while others will say they’re good for 100 years. They are safe doing this because, more than likely, the salesperson will move on to another job in the next few years, and in a few more years, you can almost bet that the staff at the center will have enough turnover they forget this claim entirely.
Topics: Warranty, Pricing, Dispatch, Customer Service & Troubleshooting
Dispatch Furniture Project Checklist: Project Success - DONE!
Posted by Heather Brown on May 25, 2016 8:39:20 AM
We are living in a fast-paced world these days where we are all in a hurry to get multiple tasks done, and if you’re like the rest of us, the thought of having to jump through hoops and over hurdles to cross items off of your to-do list makes you want to cringe. Trust me, I get it!
At Xybix, we understand the importance of making things as fast and efficient as possible for all of our clients. We use two new forms to help us gather all the pertinent dispatch furniture project info and details.
Topics: Installation Information, Pre-Planning, Brief Overview
3 Reasons Why Your Height Adjustable Desk Could Be Giving You A Headache
Posted by Maria Teruel on May 12, 2016 9:37:54 AM
It's no secret that dispatching is a stressful job. I can just imagine the stress felt in heat of the call, the moment of panic, and the adrenaline rush. Stress alone can be the culprit for causing headaches, but what if there are other factors contributing to your pain that you haven't considered? And no, I'm not talking about that annoying coworker or the funky smells coming from the shared refrigerator. Here are three ways that you can be misusing your height adjustable desk that could be adding to headaches:
Topics: Employee Health, Ergonomics
Dispatch Furniture Bonds: Why Are They So Important?
Posted by Doug Herman on May 6, 2016 4:46:50 PM
You’re about to launch a project to upgrade your center that includes a dispatch furniture purchase. When you meet with your committee or supervisor, what is the most common thing you’ll hear? “For the amount of money we’re spending, we need furniture that will LAST.”
Topics: Pricing
I read on a 911 blog how a dispatcher felt that it was a great benefit that a company made their products in the USA. This got me thinking; does it really matter? I don't hear that as a major part of the decision-making process for most centers, so it got me wondering about a couple of things.
Sitting May Be the New Smoking, But Standing Is Not the New Panacea
Posted by Mike Graham on Apr 13, 2016 4:00:00 AM
According to Dr. James Levine, a leading endocrinologist at Mayo Clinic and researcher on the health hazards of sitting, sitting for long periods of time is no good. Just take a look at the information below:
Topics: Employee Health, Ergonomics, Healthcare, Dispatch
Trade This for That! Healthy Lunch Swaps to Take to the Workplace
Posted by Maria Teruel on Apr 8, 2016 2:04:41 PM
Swimsuit season is upon us! If you’re like me, I’m sure you’re checking your weekend calendar more frequently than you’re checking the mirror. If you haven’t been standing at your desk or using your treadmill desk, remember the age-old adage: abs are made in the kitchen. Processed carbs can be the root of all evil. Seemingly harmless, they break down into sugars and are full of refined grains; this means they’re lacking in key nutrients! To help you keep your meals healthy and delicious, here are some of my favorite swaps for my packed lunches:
Different Ways of Purchasing Console Furniture
Posted by A Previous Xybix Employee on Mar 29, 2016 5:00:00 AM
Some of you may not know that there are a variety of methods to look into when purchasing dispatch furniture, and agencies have a couple of different options when it comes to paying for it. Traditionally, purchasing console furniture is done by making a large purchase upfront through a purchase order, or PO, but many smaller agencies can struggle to come up with the funds needed to go this route. If you are one of these agencies, it may be time to look for alternative purchasing options.
Topics: Pricing
Health News: How much walking do you need to do to lose weight?
Posted by Kathleen Utley on Mar 22, 2016 4:00:00 AM
Many people I know use walking as a way to de-stress, burn energy and get moving. It’s a simple activity and you already know how to do it. Walking is easy on joints and requires little to no additional equipment. Recently, treadmills and bikes have been added to many 911 dispatch centers and the question arises, how much walking do you need to do to lose weight?
Topics: Employee Health, Fun & Morale