It’s a common question: "What’s the average lifespan of dispatch console furniture?" Potential customers often raise this question, which calls to mind advice shared by a real estate agents during house-hunting: should buyer's ask why sellers are selling? "No, they won’t give you the full story anyway.” It's a fair point. No one’s likely to admit, “The neighbor’s dog barks all night and drives us crazy.“ When questions about console furniture durability arise, it’s tempting to make a remarks like, “It lasts a thousand years!” But the topic is important. Everyone wants to know if the furniture will endure or if unexpected replacement costs will crop up in just a few years. Here is an informed and detailed perspective on what to expect.
How Long Does Dispatch Console Furniture Really Last?
Posted by Karolina Krakowiak on Jan 15, 2025 7:26:04 AM
Topics: Ergonomics, Installation Information, Warranty, Testimonials, Dispatch, Featuring a Video or Photo Gallery
5 Ways an Imaging Desk Can Support Speech Recognition
Posted by Dean Kaufman on Nov 22, 2023 6:49:03 AM
In radiology, a primary benefit of speech recognition (SR) software is the time savings. With SR, radiologists can turn reports around faster, leading to increased efficiency, higher productivity, and better patient outcomes. Experts assured Radiology Today that voice solutions are “100% essential to their workflow because that time savings is so critical,” and that “Accurate and rapid turnaround of reports can ultimately improve the treatment and outcomes of patients with complex conditions requiring complex treatments.”
Topics: Employee Health, Healthcare, About Xybix, Testimonials
Using speech recognition (SR) technology in a radiology lab can drive better health outcomes by increasing accuracy and productivity while simultaneously reducing stress and lowering costs. It’s good for the patient, good for the radiologist and good for business—a no brainer, right? But like all technology integrations, it needs to be done with care.
Topics: Employee Health, Healthcare, About Xybix, Testimonials
I saw the note below in a 911 chat and I thought it was an excellent question: What is an appropriate noise level in a 911 center and how do you change it? (And by “change,” I mean reduce the noise!)
Topics: Employee Health, About Xybix, Testimonials
How to Impact Your Circadian Rhythms with Light Colors
Posted by Ken Carson on Nov 2, 2022 7:02:21 AM
Carpe diem! Seize the day! But how can you do that if you’re tired or hungry? One way is to start thinking about what’s happening to your body circa diem—in around a day’s time. The Latin circa diem evolved into circadian, defining a 24-hour cycle. Your circadian rhythms, then, are the changes that naturally occur in your body and mind in 24 hours.
Topics: Employee Health, About Xybix, Testimonials, Fun & Morale, Xybix vs. Competitors
I recently got a strong reminder of why I love my job as Director of Key Accounts Healthcare for Xybix. I was at the airport in Austin, Texas, sporting a Xybix golf shirt with the company’s core values printed on the back. A fellow traveler stopped me, asked if she could take a picture of our values, and exclaimed, “Does such a company exist?!” I gave her my card and proudly said, “Yes it does!”
Topics: Employee Health, About Xybix, Testimonials, Fun & Morale, Xybix vs. Competitors
Why Xybix: Oconee County, South Carolina, 911 Center Case Study
Posted by Ken Carson on Aug 10, 2021 7:27:17 AM
Back in the day, Oconee County dispatchers started off their 12-hour shifts in a gray workspace, wondering whether their old, rickety, uncomfortable consoles would even function that day. Collaboration with Xybix changed all that, creating an open, functional and comfortable workplace that boosts morale and productivity.
Topics: Installation Information, Design, Features, Testimonials
100% Satisfaction with Xybix from York Poquoson Williamsburg 911 Center
Posted by Doug Herman on Jun 28, 2021 9:58:50 AM
Topics: Installation Information, Design, Features, Testimonials
Owensboro-Daviess County Central Dispatch Makes the Job Easier with New Consoles
Posted by Doug Herman on Jun 28, 2021 9:58:26 AM
Topics: Installation Information, Design, Features, Testimonials
Why Xybix: City of Cullman, Alabama, Emergency Dispatch Center Case Study
Posted by Ken Carson on May 17, 2021 4:05:19 PM
Xybix helped City of Cullman dispatchers introduce the promise of modern dispatch consoles to city leaders. The dispatchers can prove the consoles are worth the investment as plans for a new center has been discussed.
As a family business, Xybix is all about building relationships. Such was the case with Cullman, Alabama, and the emergency dispatch center’s need for a single console. With future growth plans on the horizon, the city was looking at a limited budget for an interim upgrade to accommodate additional call volumes and new equipment.
Topics: Installation Information, Design, Features, Testimonials