Lockers Boost Morale in Dispatch Centers

Posted by Doug Herman on Sep 14, 2023 8:21:09 AM

Think about how edgy you feel when you leave your phone in the car or plug it in a few feet away at, say, a coffee shop. Imagine if your belongings were always out of your possession like this, while you’re busy taking critical dispatch calls. This is where personal lockers come in—and they offer plenty of other benefits as well.

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Topics: Employee Health, Accessories, Dispatch, Fun & Morale

Why Durability Is Key for Imaging Desks

Posted by Mike Graham on Sep 13, 2023 7:16:57 AM

Workstations designed specifically for radiology equipment—and, more importantly, for radiologists—are essential equipment in healthcare facilities. In many cases, the desks are used and abused 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year. This is why you need to select imaging desks that are built to last.

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Topics: Employee Health, Ergonomics, Healthcare

The Importance of Screen Viewing in a Radiology Reading Environment

Posted by Mike Graham on Sep 6, 2023 7:37:13 AM

Radiologists play a vital role in the diagnosis and treatment of patients, and they rely heavily on medical images to make their assessments. However, the long hours radiologists spend looking at computer screens can lead to eyestrain, which can interfere with their ability to see the images clearly and accurately. As a result, it’s important to reduce eye strain in any ways you can, including through a reading environment that is conducive to optimal screen viewing.

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Topics: Employee Health, Ergonomics, Healthcare

Ergonomic Desks Create a Healthy Workplace for Radiologists

Posted by Ken Carson on Aug 30, 2023 7:11:56 AM

Ergonomics is one of the most important considerations when shopping for a radiology imaging desk. Radiologists and technicians often work long shifts—10 to 12 hours—interpreting images and reviewing patient cases. Radiologists come in all shapes and sizes, and the one-size-fits-all approach of traditional fixed-height desks poses significant ergonomic challenges. Maintaining proper ergonomics is crucial to preventing repetitive strain injuries and maintaining focus and productivity over these extended work periods.

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Topics: Employee Health, Ergonomics, Healthcare

Headache-Free Monitor Management for Dispatch Centers

Posted by Ken Carson on Jul 26, 2023 8:04:49 AM

Computer monitors cause all kinds of headaches. Finance may not like the price, IT may hate the installation process, visitors may trip over all the cords, and, most importantly, monitors may literally give computer users headaches. And that is too bad because dispatchers rely on computer monitors—lots of computer monitors—to help people. Aside from the misery for the person with the headache, consider this statistic: Migraines alone cost $11 billion in medical spending and another $11 billion in lost productivity. That’s per year.

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Topics: Employee Health, Dispatch, Fun & Morale, Featuring a Video or Photo Gallery

Embracing Ergonomics: Why Radiology Departments Need to Invest in Sit-to-Stand Imaging Desks

Posted by Mike Graham on Jul 5, 2023 7:28:56 AM

Can sit-to-stand imaging desks increase productivity in radiologists? According to some evidence, yes. In fact, a controlled environment study published in the journal Radiology found that radiologists who used sit-to-stand desks for 12 weeks had a 10% increase in productivity, as measured by the number of studies read per hour. The study also found that the radiologists who used sit-to-stand desks reported feeling less fatigued and more comfortable at the end of the workday.

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Topics: Employee Health, Ergonomics, Healthcare, Pre-Planning

Celebrate the New Year by Committing to Do One More Thing

Posted by Doug Herman on Jan 4, 2023 7:14:13 AM

First, let me say Happy New Year along with a heartfelt Thank You to our loyal customers and our prospective customers. I’m honored that we’re able to make your challenging jobs in dispatch, healthcare, operations and other 24/7 mission-critical functions just a little bit easier.

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Topics: Employee Health, Fun & Morale, Brief Overview

How Your Imaging Desk Supports Speech Recognition

Posted by Mike Graham on Nov 16, 2022 7:34:29 AM

Using speech recognition (SR) technology in a radiology lab can drive better health outcomes by increasing accuracy and productivity while simultaneously reducing stress and lowering costs. It’s good for the patient, good for the radiologist and good for business—a no brainer, right? But like all technology integrations, it needs to be done with care.

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Topics: Employee Health, Healthcare, About Xybix, Testimonials

Controlling Noise in a 911 Center

Posted by Ken Carson on Nov 9, 2022 7:19:18 AM

I saw the note below in a 911 chat and I thought it was an excellent question: What is an appropriate noise level in a 911 center and how do you change it? (And by “change,” I mean reduce the noise!)

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Topics: Employee Health, About Xybix, Testimonials

How to Impact Your Circadian Rhythms with Light Colors

Posted by Ken Carson on Nov 2, 2022 7:02:21 AM

Carpe diem! Seize the day! But how can you do that if you’re tired or hungry? One way is to start thinking about what’s happening to your body circa diem—in around a day’s time. The Latin circa diem evolved into circadian, defining a 24-hour cycle. Your circadian rhythms, then, are the changes that naturally occur in your body and mind in 24 hours.

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Topics: Employee Health, About Xybix, Testimonials, Fun & Morale, Xybix vs. Competitors