R-56 Workstation Grounding in the Dispatch Center - Does your 911 Comm Center have enough grounding?

Posted by Kelley Smith on Feb 14, 2014 2:52:00 PM

Have you ever heard noise in your headset while you are trying to talk on the phone or talk on the radio?

Have you ever touched a metal object and received a shock at your workstation? 

If you answered yes to these questions, you have a grounding issue in your dispatch center.

There are a number of acceptable methods to correctly bond and ground a building, electrical cabling and equipment. The most common misconception about grounding is that, what you currently have for grounding, is good enough. But, there is no such thing as too much grounding

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Topics: Features, Brief Overview

How to Justify the High Price of Dispatch Furniture

Posted by Ken Carson on Feb 11, 2014 1:12:25 PM

We know how it goes; you are in desperate need of new dispatch furniture. Your furniture might look like it belongs in the Titanic museum. You have had it forever. It is literally falling apart. You cannot get new parts for it, and it does not fit the new technology that you are putting on it. So, you have a monitor here, a monitor there, or maybe even a computer in your leg space. Heck, even the fire department has gone through four new rigs since the last time your center got new furniture! It is time! 

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Topics: Pricing

What Reviewers Say about Desk Treadmill Noise

Posted by Kathleen Utley on Jan 31, 2014 3:36:00 PM

TreadmillDeskNoise911DispatchFor those that sit in front of a computer screen all day, using a treadmill desk while at work can be an easy way to add movement to your day. Being able to stand and walk can also relieve some of the stress that’s associated with being a 911 dispatcher, as well as, relieving some of the pain points that result from too much sitting. One of the biggest questions people have when they are considering adding a treadmill to their workstation is “how noisy is a treadmill desk?” If you are also wondering this, you may be pleasantly surprised to learn the answer.

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Topics: Employee Health

A Review of Disinfecting Wipes for 911 Dispatch Workstations and Consoles

Posted by Kathleen Utley on Jan 29, 2014 3:50:00 PM

ConsoleCleaningProductsWith so many cleaning products available for cleaning your dispatch workstation and consoles, a question we are commonly asked is "what cleaning product(s) will kill the most germs and help to prevent sickness in our 911 Comm Center?"

This can be a rather loaded question and can answer it in a few different ways. Assuming that most, if not all of you, want to clean your shared workstation to prevent against the common cold, flu, and various other bacteria and viruses that can make you sick. I’ll be discussing cleaners that are disinfectants/sanitizers. I find it best to mention the United States Environmental Protection Agency or EPA’s website as a good reference. Here you can find many products that have been evaluated for efficacy to make sure the public health label claims are accurate. (As with all cleaning products, be sure to read the label for proper usage and safety instructions.) I in no way promote these products and the purpose of this blog post was to explore what options are available for use in cleaning a your workstation and the pro’s and con’s of each.

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Topics: Employee Health, Cleaning & Sanitation, Dispatch

6 Ways to Improve the Noise Level in a 911 Dispatch Center

Posted by Ken Carson on Jan 22, 2014 4:32:00 PM

DispatchAcousticsAs we know, a 911 dispatch center can have many distractions for dispatchers. Noise often carries and reflects throughout a room and is audible in even the furthest reaching corner of the room. It can start with a casual disruption like “hey, what are we getting for lunch?”, to a full blown “calm down sir, help is on the way!” Often times, dispatchers raise their voice so that they can be heard with clarity by the caller and sometimes side conversations tend carry when they are even whispered.

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Topics: Employee Health, Features, Dispatch, Brief Overview

Questions About PSAP Consolidation: You're not Alone!

Posted by Kathleen Utley on Jan 14, 2014 2:37:03 PM

QuestionsAboutFurnitureThe technology involved with public safety has changed dramatically in recent years. So has our understanding of how workplace design and practices can influence the performance of our dispatchers.

If you're reading this blog, chances are you're considering consolidating your call center into a modern, high-functioning PSAP. And it's also likely that you're finding the task somewhat daunting. Don't worry - you're not alone. There are many factors to be considered, from broad questions about your particular needs to the minute details involved in furniture choice and placement, but there's no need for you to plan your PSAP consolidation alone. 

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Topics: Dispatch

How To Buy Dispatch Center Furniture: Six Helpful Suggestions

Posted by Kathleen Utley on Jan 9, 2014 3:30:00 PM

POforDispatchFurniture1. Your Investment

Before you invest in all new dispatch center furniture, there are a few things you should know about the company you consider purchasing from. The furniture in your operations center most definitely deserves a lot of attention. After all, it is where your staff spends about a third of their lives while fulfilling a stressful role. 

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Topics: Pricing, Dispatch

Walk or Bike Your Way to a New You

Posted by Kathleen Utley on Jan 2, 2014 4:00:00 PM

XybixHealthManonMachineWith each new bundle of research released about ergonomics at the workplace, we all get a little closer to the ideal physical and mental experience. The tasks of work might not change—let’s face it, the 911 calls keep coming in and you aren’t going anywhere—but NOW your work no longer has to feel so much like…work.

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Topics: Employee Health, Dispatch

4 Health Tips for 911 Dispatchers for 2014

Posted by Kathleen Utley on Jan 2, 2014 3:46:00 PM

XybixHealthTipsWorking as a public safety personnel is stressful due to the nature of the job. When the stress interferes with your health, daily performance, or your ability to manage and delegate tasks, then it is time to take action. Be introspective when dealing with stress. Stress management is the hallmark of a competent and reliable worker. Incorporating these four health tips can help reduce stress and boost your morale, allowing you to prosper as a public safety professional.

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Topics: Employee Health, Dispatch

Testing Treadmills and Bikes in a 24/7 Environment

Posted by Barry Carson on Dec 18, 2013 10:14:00 AM

BetterHealthXybixIt's time to get healthy at work!

Almost a year ago, the Xybix team was strategizing about the future of work in a 24/7 environment. We have been talking with people from Call Takers up to Communication Directors to learn what they would change in their furniture to help them be more comfortable and productive. When reviewing the data, we found a new issue that had become a "hot topic" - meeting departmental health goals

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Topics: Employee Health, Dispatch