Four Text to 911 Facts You Need to Know

Posted by A Previous Xybix Employee on Dec 17, 2014 10:35:00 AM

Txtto911As I was browsing my news feed on Facebook one night, I came across a post from a friend of mine who made a statement about Text to 911 in his area. However, the local radio station had stated that all university campuses in his area were now Text to 911 capable. But the radio station went on to urge people NOT to use this service, rather dial 9-1-1 on their phones. This seemed contradictory to me, with this new service available, why would you not use it? So I decided to find out the facts of Text to 911.

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Topics: Fun & Morale

Complete Your Comm Center Design with a Live Iteractive Meeting

Posted by Doug Herman on Dec 15, 2014 8:47:00 AM

iStock_000033403126_LargeAre you the newly appointed project manager for your center’s new layout and design? If so, take a deep breath. You’re not alone. When these projects land on your already full plate, there’s a way to ensure everyone is happy, the project goes smoothly, and everyone gets what they need. You’re not only going to come out of this project safely, but with an incredible sense of accomplishment under your belt.

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Topics: Design

Designing Your Comm Center: What to Leave To the Professionals

Posted by Ken Carson on Dec 5, 2014 4:13:00 PM

XybixExperienceOne of the most exciting parts of designing a comm center or building a new 911 dispatch center is working on the layout. Everyone has ideas on how they can make it better. And why not? Sitting at the consoles for hours on end does give you time to think. Often time it is 'well that is stupid, why did they put that there?', or 'why am I sitting underneath an air conditioning vent?'

What do you need to look for and what do you need to ask to get it done right?  How do you get the best room design for you?  How do you know if they are just “selling you” or actually helping you out?  Will you meet ADA?  When the furniture shows up will it fit and will your equipment fit. 

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Topics: Design, Pre-Planning

911 Turkey Troubles: How Some Emergencies are NOT for 911 Dispatchers

Posted by Kathleen Utley on Nov 25, 2014 11:48:00 AM

Turkey_911With Turkey Day upon us, it’s hard not to get caught up in the mess of things. “Last chance” this, “30% off” that, the ultimate “Black Friday” door-buster deal…

When the mall crowds pick up, people start frying turkeys, traveling to grandmas, and families come together, inevitably there will be an increase in 911 emergency calls. Lest we forget that there are several people who don’t get to spend the holiday(s) with their families, friends or loved ones. Yes, 911 dispatchers

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Topics: Fun & Morale

Be Prepared: Seismic Anchoring of your Dispatch Workstations

Posted by Kelley Smith on Nov 21, 2014 11:52:49 AM

XybixSeismicAnchoringEarthquakes Facts:

  • Occur without warning
  • Can be deadly and extremely destructive
  • Can occur at any time
  • The major threats posed by earthquakes are bodily injuries and property damage, which can be considerable and even catastrophic.

Earthquakes, especially major ones, are dangerous, inevitable, and a fact of life in a number of states. Being prepared in a 911 dispatch center means the seismic anchoring of your workstations. Properly anchoring your workstations can help ensure that when the public calls your dispatch center, you'll be ready! 

Proper earthquake preparation of your Dispatch Center can:

  • Save lives
  • Reduce injuries
  • Reduce property damage
  • Avoid prolonged disruptions of functions
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Topics: Features, Dispatch, Pre-Planning

6 Lessons From Mom on Extending the Life of Your Dispatch Workstations

Posted by Kathleen Utley on Nov 12, 2014 4:49:00 PM

MomsTipsWe all have Moms and some of us are even Moms ourselves. After some time (and I'll admit, after my teenage years) it struck me, that maybe we should listen to our Moms a bit more often. So, I want you to close your eyes and think of a time when your Mom has told you to do something or maybe NOT to do something. There! Got it…? Now, with that in mind, read these helpful tips on how you can extend the life of your dispatch workstations.

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Topics: Warranty, Cleaning & Sanitation, Dispatch, Brief Overview

The Dirty Secrets of Dispatch Furniture Warranties

Posted by Ken Carson on Nov 6, 2014 10:30:23 AM

DirtyHands_copyWhen researching new dispatch furniture, it’s understandable that you want to find the best value for your dispatchers, techs, management, and taxpayers. Price is always a concern, and should be a very important component to your decision-making process. You also need furniture that’s durable and will last, especially given the high-impact work environment of emergency dispatch. Ergonomics should be high on your list, as well, as you want the consoles to comfortably fit all your dispatchers. But one thing that’s easy to overlook should be another important consideration during the shopping process: a reliable warranty.

Some companies may try to tell you that their “lifetime warranty” proves that their product is better than others on the market. This isn’t always the case. Warranties can be difficult to read and understand, and often don’t translate easily into layman’s terms. With this in mind, we’ve put together this simple guide to walk you through common warranty terms (and what they really mean), and explain what questions you should ask to ensure you get a fair deal from any dispatch furniture manufacturer.

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Topics: Warranty, Pricing, Dispatch

The Secrets of Ergonomics and George Clooney...?

Posted by A Previous Xybix Employee on Oct 23, 2014 1:35:00 PM

ErgonomicsandGeorgeOne of the most common questions we get from prospective customers is, “What sets you apart from your competitors?” Aside from our dashing good looks and exceptional personalities, Xybix is the number one dispatch furniture manufacturer in ergonomics. Now, I know this is usually the part where your vision blurs and the voice in your head starts sounding like the teacher from Charlie Brown, but as our lovely Joanna Pease details in her blog, “What Is Ergonomics, and Why Is It Important to You?”, Ergonomics are important—not just to your health, but also to your work-life longevity and productivity.

While Joanna’s blog is a great example of how ergonomics applies to you, I wanted to delve even further into the “meat” of the topic and explore where this study comes from and who decides what works—and maybe use some Hollywood references to keep you interested!

Wait, was that George Clooney?!

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Topics: Ergonomics

The Future of Monitors in the 911 Dispatch Center

Posted by Barry Carson on Oct 16, 2014 10:11:17 AM


Have you noticed that screens on your iPad and phone are much sharper and have a higher resolutionthan your computer monitor? Notice how you can read smaller text more easily? Images are clearer? Your eyes aren’t as tired after using these devices (compared to how you feel after a day of staring at the computer)? Soon, all the benefits of high-resolution screens will be available in your computer monitors, forever changing how you work—and, more importantly, how your eyes feel at the end of a long day.

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Topics: Features

What Is Ergonomics? And Why It Is Important to YOU as a 911 Dispatcher

Posted by A Previous Xybix Employee on Oct 9, 2014 12:59:00 PM

ItsAboutYouErgonomics. It’s one of those words we hear thrown around a lot, and we know it’s important, but what does it actually mean? And why should we care?

I must admit, 5 years ago, when I first started working for Xybix, I couldn’t have given you the definition, or even explained why having something be “ergonomically correct” was important. I knew it was, “something about being healthy, or something to do with your posture.” At the time, I was a slouchy 20-something. I was young, and therefore felt that ergonomics did not apply to me. Maybe it was something my grandparents needed? I was constantly being told to stand up straight anyway, and I figured I didn’t need something else reminding me. Sound familiar?

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Topics: Ergonomics