A Review of Imaging Desk Manufacturers at 2016 RSNA

Posted by Ken Carson on Dec 8, 2016 4:38:36 PM

A Review of Imaging Desks.jpgWith another year of RSNA is behind us, we have had a weekend to rest up and now it is time to go back to work. With over 20 years of building and selling height adjustable desks for imaging centers and 24/7 markets I always like to cruise the show floor and see what is new each year at RSNA

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Topics: Features, Healthcare, Pricing, Dispatch

3 Ways to Fight Stress and Stay Happy During the Holidays

Posted by Kathleen Utley on Nov 22, 2016 2:17:13 PM

Howtobeatholidaystress.jpgHolidays mean stress for most of us. The kids are out of school; family is knocking at the door. You’re responsible for cooking a 20-pound turkey flawlessly and on-time. Not to mention the decorating, shuffling between family traditions and taking care of grandma. Whoa…deep breath. You’re a 911 dispatcher, you’re used to stress right? No doubt, all of us feel the pressures of the holiday season, so here are three things you can try to help fight stress, stay healthy and stay happy during the holidays.

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Topics: Employee Health, Fun & Morale

The Best Health Accessories to Stay Moving at your Dispatch Console

Posted by Ken Carson on Nov 2, 2016 3:24:48 PM

The Best Accessories to Stay Moving at your Dispatch Console-1.jpg
Xybix has mentioned plenty of times throughout our blogs how incorporating movement while working at your dispatch console can help you burn more calories, improve your focus, and even lower your risk of developing certain ailments. The good news is that there is no shortage of tools on the market that are designed to get you up and moving at work. After evaluating quite a few of them, here are five of the best accessories and exercises to help you stay healthy. We will start with the easy and low-cost (FREE!) items and work our way up.

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Topics: Employee Health, Accessories, Fun & Morale

5 Healthy Fall Treats and PotLuck Ideas for 911 Dispatch

Posted by Kathleen Utley on Oct 21, 2016 11:41:44 AM

Fall is upon us, and while pumpkin spice is everywhere (literally everywhere), we are also starting to hunker down for the winter. Yes, I am a total “nester” as winter looms closer. Tis’ the season for indulging, sneaking all the good candies from your kids Halloween stash and the inevitable office pot luck. So, you’ve been good all summer, staying away from this or that, eating more veggies, and probably getting outside to watch a few sporting events, walk the dog, or even run in that charity 5K. WOW!

Enter the fall/pumpkin spice/pot luck season. No need to fret, you can still indulge in healthy delights that are both fun and creative.

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Topics: Employee Health, Fun & Morale

Xybix's Lifetime Warranty - 6 Years Parts - 5 Years Labor

Posted by Kathleen Utley on Oct 14, 2016 4:01:30 PM


NOTE: This blog discusses the Xybix warranty available through March 2021. Our new warranty, which applies to products purchased from the 2021 price list, provides even more protection. Going forward, we cover all parts, shipping, and labor for 10 years. All Xybix manufactured parts are warrantied for life; labor and shipping are covered for the first 10 years.

Xybix has been making big waves in the dispatch furniture world with its new Lifetime
Warranty. We wanted to take a minute to explain what this means to you as a customer and explain what is covered by this warranty. 

Let's start by saying that this warranty was designed to take care of YOU, the customer. We wanted to make it easy to understand and give you the level of service you deserve on an investment you've spent time and money on. Having a warranty that covers the untimely "Ut O" is as important to us as it is to you. So let's get to it here's what is included Xybix's Warranty for Dispatch Furniture:

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Topics: Warranty

ROI: How You and Your Dispatchers Get the Most Out of Your Consoles

Posted by Ken Carson on Oct 3, 2016 2:48:39 PM

Return_on_Investment.jpgIn the business world, everyone talks about return on investment (ROI). Recently, I have been seeing this term pop-up more and more in relation to buying dispatch furniture.  It’s often illustrated like this:  

Cost of work station: $22,000.00

Longevity in years: 15

Cost per year: $1,466.00  

This magic number of dollars to return on investment is simply about profit margins and the bottom dollar. When in fact, ROI can actually be much more complex than this.

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Topics: Pricing, Dispatch

Telemetry Lab Desks: 5 Tips for Getting the Best Setup

Posted by Mike Graham on Sep 23, 2016 8:54:01 AM

The right equipment and setup can make all of the difference in getting any job done right, and the world of telemetry is no different. According to lab managers and project managers here is what their technologists are looking for:

  • comfort
  • ergonomic chairs
  • adjustable focal depth of  6-8 monitors
  • adequate keyboard workspace
  • clean wire management system
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Topics: Healthcare, Dispatch, Command Centers

How to Keep Your Computers from Overheating in a 911 Center

Posted by Ken Carson on Sep 2, 2016 12:05:34 PM

Computer_OverHeating.jpgI just got back from a job site visit, and the 911 center I visited had their computers sitting outside of the consoles on the floor. Not such a good idea because of all of the potential hazards, such as tripping over the computers, accidentally unplugging them, and/or just knocking them over.

I asked the dispatchers what was going on and if they had run out of room, and they told me that the CAD computers kept overheating sitting in the framework of the consoles. In addition to that, all of the rear access doors were also open to help keep the computers from overheating.  

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Topics: Features, Dispatch

How Can you Measure Quality in a Dispatch Console?

Posted by Maria Teruel on Aug 25, 2016 3:48:47 PM

Quality__Durability.jpgI want to ask a simple question: how often do you read the labels on your packaged food? Are you Person A, meaning you thoroughly inspect the label for hidden chemicals or cleverly-named additives, or are you Person B, which means you just toss the package/can in the cart because you know Uncle Sam won’t let companies put anything too crazy in the food?

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Topics: Pricing, Dispatch

Ergonomic Touch Screen Monitors for 911 Dispatch? Is there a solution?

Posted by A Previous Xybix Employee on Aug 12, 2016 3:55:17 PM

Over the last couple of months, I have discovered that more and more agencies are wanting to go with a touch-screen phone system. This conversation is usually brought up when talking about the number and sizes of monitors agencies are looking to add to their workstations. Working in a 911 dispatch center myself, I have had a touch-screen monitor over the past eight years and rarely used it. You ask why? Well for one thing, the monitor is generally so far away from me, the end user, that I find myself reaching over to answer the incoming line. Personally, I would rather locate the mouse dedicated to the phone system on the desktop and click on the incoming line.  

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Topics: Ergonomics, Features, Dispatch