How much and how long should I sit or stand at my desk? There is no perfect combo for this because everyone is different. Here is what we do know; static standing all the time is harmful for you, and too much sedentary activty, such as sitting, is harmful too. It begs the question, what is the perfect combo? What combination works for you, might not work for the next person. Experts recommend, breaking it up or alternating between positions. This is actually what is best for the body – in its simplest form, we are talking about movement.
How Much and How Long Should I Sit or Stand at my Desk?
Posted by Kathleen Utley on Mar 19, 2020 3:14:18 PM
Topics: Employee Health, Ergonomics, Brief Overview
Use the right cleaning products and techniques to protect your workstations and consoles from germs that cause COVID-19.
Our family at Xybix Systems, Inc. values the health and safety of our loyal customers. We are working diligently to answer accurately and thoroughly your many questions about COVID-19 as it relates to your Xybix products.
Topics: Employee Health, Healthcare, Cleaning & Sanitation, Dispatch, Command Centers, Customer Service & Troubleshooting
Should I Choose 3D Laminate or Traditional HPL for My Workstation?
Posted by Robin Bond on Mar 12, 2020 3:24:21 PM
Buying a new workstation for your mission-critical operations center can feel more complicated than buying a new car. With so many features and options available, each with its claims as the “best choice,” it’s easy to get “analysis paralysis.”
Should you choose straight desks or curved? Monitor arms or arrays? And what about the surface materials for your console desktop? Which material is going to provide the most durable, comfortable and attractive desktop?
Topics: Features, Healthcare, Cleaning & Sanitation, Dispatch, Command Centers, Xybix vs. Competitors
Your top 3 price questions, answered
Most radiologists know the advantages of doing their work at a high-quality, height-adjustable workstation. The best radiology furniture not only delivers optimum comfort for doctors during long hours; it supports an ideal workflow and enables greater collaboration among the team.
So, what does a new radiology desk cost? We’ll cut straight to the chase here, followed by key considerations to help you maximize the furniture investment you make for the long term.
(Fall 2020 Update: Watch this short video to learn more)
Topics: Healthcare, Pricing, Detailed Overview, Xybix vs. Competitors, Featuring a Video or Photo Gallery
How Much Does a Command & Control Room Console Cost?
Posted by Megan Yartz on Mar 6, 2020 2:45:17 PM
Your top 3 pricing questions, answered
The network operation center (NOC) has long been the central nervous system for mission-critical industries including transportation, utilities and casinos. But there’s a new urgency for agencies and businesses to procure state-of-the-art control room furniture.
With rising threats to our key infrastructures—and new technologies emerging in AI and IoT to meet growing demands—the control room operator’s job has never been so critical, nor complex. The control room operators of today need the right tools and access, along with state-of-the-art ergonomic design to increase comfort and minimize workplace injuries.
So what’s all this gonna cost, you ask? Some will say, “It’s not about the price, it’s about the return on investment.”
FALL 2020 UPDATE: Watch this short video to learn more
Topics: Pricing, Utilities, Transportation, & Casinos, Command Centers, Pre-Planning, Xybix vs. Competitors, Featuring a Video or Photo Gallery
How much does a dispatch console or dispatch workstation cost?
Posted by Ken Carson on Mar 6, 2020 2:30:05 PM
3 Big Cost Questions, Answered
There’s been much written about dispatch furniture: why you need it, the health benefits and more. But let’s get down to the nitty-gritty. If you’re just starting out as a purchaser of PSAP furniture, your first question is going to be, how much does it cost?
Read on for answers to this and other FAQs regarding dispatch furniture pricing.
FALL 2020 Update: Watch this short video to learn more
Topics: Features, Pricing, Detailed Overview, Dispatch, Xybix vs. Competitors, Featuring a Video or Photo Gallery
10 Tips to Prevent the Spread of Flu and Coronavirus at Work
Posted by Robin Bond on Feb 17, 2020 6:28:21 AM
Each flu season, we share tips with our customers on how to keep their workstations clean. Shared workspaces—common in settings like control and command centers, dispatch and healthcare—are especially vulnerable; with frequent shift changes, operators are likely to be occupying the same workstations as their colleagues. While Coronavirus and the flu—both making headlines as the number of cases rise—are not the same virus, the preventive measures are largely the same.
Topics: Employee Health, Healthcare, Detailed Overview, Cleaning & Sanitation, Dispatch, Command Centers, Fun & Morale
DistribuTech is the largest power grid technology conference in the U.S.
Transformation is the name of the game in the electric power industry, and that fueled the energy, so to speak, at DistribuTech 2020 last week in San Antonio.
New solutions and a flood of blow-your-mind innovations in AI (artificial intelligence) are powering the heightened needs in the utilities industry. But one thing is clear: it is and always will be the people who are making it happen. They are the gatekeepers who keep us safe and keep the machine running in the command and control centers of today.
I was reminded of this a few days ago when I received a text notification from my utility provider that the power was out in my neighborhood and would be back on in one hour. This minute-to-minute monitoring typically occurs in the NOC (network operations center), and this is the part of the process I love.
Topics: Ergonomics, Features, Command Centers, Pre-Planning, Brief Overview, Xybix vs. Competitors
Things to Eat, See and Do While in Chicago for RSNA 2019
Posted by Kristen Nielsen on Nov 25, 2019 11:23:52 AM
Although it’s been nearly 10 years since I graduated college in Chicago, it will forever be one of my favorite cities! Because of my love for the Windy City, I wanted to follow up to Xybix's post from last year: RSNA 2018 - What You Need to Know, See and Do While in Chicago.
Topics: Healthcare, Fun & Morale
Shopping at RSNA 2019? Of Course You Are! Here Are The Top Questions You Should Ask An Imaging Desk Provider
Posted by Kristen Nielsen on Nov 15, 2019 3:23:08 PM
With everything to see and do at RSNA 2019, it’s nearly impossible to reach every vendor or remember to ask all the questions that you've thoughtfully prepared. If purchasing Imaging Desks is on your agenda this year, we've put together a handy cheat sheet of vendor locations, functionality aspects, and questions to ask.
Topics: Warranty, Healthcare, Fun & Morale, Pre-Planning, Brief Overview, Xybix vs. Competitors