Three Lessons in Dispatch Console Makeup

Posted by A Previous Xybix Employee on Jul 6, 2016 2:04:05 PM

Dispatch_Console.jpgWhat Does Your Makeup Say About You?

There’s a lot of talk about durability in the dispatch furniture industry, and we get asked a ton of questions. Is steel stronger? Is wood stronger? Is 12-gauge steel really better than 14-gauge steel? What is the lifetime of the furniture? 10 years? 15 years? 20 years? The truth is, a dispatch console could be made of bulletproof glass and hurricane-rated I-beams, but if the integrity of the completed product isn’t tested, it couldn’t withstand a Donald Trump temper tantrum, let alone the amount of abuse a console takes in a comm center!

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Topics: Pricing, Dispatch, Brief Overview

What Does "For the Lifetime of your Dispatch Console" Really Mean?

Posted by Ken Carson on Jun 2, 2016 12:00:25 PM


“What is the lifetime of the product?” That is a question we get usually during the bid process. The answer is simple.  It is an arbitrary number of years the salesperson will tell you depending on how much they want to win the job. 

Really?  Yes, it is that simple.  Any salesperson can throw out a high number like they’re at an auction.  Some may say their design will hold up for 20 years while others will say they’re good for 100 years. They are safe doing this because, more than likely, the salesperson will move on to another job in the next few years, and in a few more years, you can almost bet that the staff at the center will have enough turnover they forget this claim entirely.

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Topics: Warranty, Pricing, Dispatch, Customer Service & Troubleshooting

Dispatch Furniture Bonds: Why Are They So Important?

Posted by Doug Herman on May 6, 2016 4:46:50 PM

Bonds.jpgYou’re about to launch a project to upgrade your center that includes a dispatch furniture purchase. When you meet with your committee or supervisor, what is the most common thing you’ll hear?  “For the amount of money we’re spending, we need furniture that will LAST.”

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Topics: Pricing

Dispatch Consoles: Is Made in the USA better?

Posted by Ken Carson on Apr 21, 2016 11:06:06 AM

Made in the USAI read on a 911 blog how a dispatcher felt that it was a great benefit that a company made their products in the USA. This got me thinking; does it really matter? I don't hear that as a major part of the decision-making process for most centers, so it got me wondering about a couple of things.  

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Topics: Pricing, Dispatch

Different Ways of Purchasing Console Furniture

Posted by A Previous Xybix Employee on Mar 29, 2016 5:00:00 AM


Some of you may not know that there are a variety of methods to look into when purchasing dispatch furniture, and agencies have a couple of different options when it comes to paying for it. Traditionally, purchasing console furniture is done by making a large purchase upfront through a purchase order, or PO, but many smaller agencies can struggle to come up with the funds needed to go this route. If you are one of these agencies, it may be time to look for alternative purchasing options.

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Topics: Pricing

What to Expect When You're Expecting...Dispatch Furniture?

Posted by A Previous Xybix Employee on Mar 15, 2016 11:32:03 AM

What_to_expect_when_youre_expecting.jpgWARNING: This is a baby-free article. ☺

Buying new dispatch furniture for your communications center can be a daunting task. It comes with a lot of recommendations, shared experiences and horror stories, and it's kind of like a blind date. You've heard from your friend at Comm Center A that Vendor X is a great catch! They’re attractive, timely, well-behaved, plus they come with great references; everything fits! However, when you get down to the nitty gritty, everything falls apart and nothing works out like you thought it would. As a recipient of several, horrible, no good, very bad dates, it really makes you question what you ever did to your friend at Comm Center A. I mean, this is what they REALLY think of you? But I digress…

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Topics: Pricing, Dispatch

5 Things I didn't know about Xybix

Posted by Maria Teruel on Mar 4, 2016 1:00:00 AM

Xybix2.pngMaybe you’re reading this and you’ve just started researching for an upcoming dispatch furniture project? Maybe you’re already a die hard Xybix fan? Maybe you’re just plain curious? That was definitely me just a few months ago--curious. I had quite a few questions about the new company I started working for. What does Xybix do? What makes them special? How do they operate? What does “Xybix” even mean?  If you’re wondering the same things, check out these 5 things I learned when I joined the Xybix team:

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Topics: Pricing, Pre-Planning, Customer Service & Troubleshooting

Shopping for Imaging Furniture at RSNA? 5 Questions You Need to Ask

Posted by Ken Carson on Nov 16, 2015 12:03:22 PM

I previously wrote a blog highlighting which companies selling imaging desks will be at RSNA.  If you are shopping for a new desk, the following advice should help get you to the right booth without wasting time.  

Once you get to the booth and start talking to the helpful (pesky?) salesperson, what are some good questions to ask?  If you are like me, you probably think of them after you’ve already walked away. Fortunately, I have put together some questions that will help you make your best decision.  

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Topics: Employee Health, Healthcare, Pricing, Dispatch

How to Choose an Imaging Furniture Provider/Partner (Part 2)

Posted by Mike Graham on Oct 5, 2015 5:00:00 AM

Choosing and Imaging Furniture ProviderIn the first installment of tips on how to choose your imaging furniture provider, we went over the basics of why it’s important to look for a provider who wants to have a long-term relationship with you, along with what to expect from warranties and customer service. So, as promised, we’re back with more details on how to choose a furniture provider. Without further ado, let’s pick up where we left off by discussing what things to take into account before signing on!

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Topics: Healthcare, Pricing

How to Choose an Imaging Furniture Provider/Partner (Part1)

Posted by Mike Graham on Sep 23, 2015 12:14:00 PM

Choosing Imaging Furniture?As a customer, you can and should expect high quality products, as well as a full service support team, when choosing an imaging furniture provider. What you really want is a partner, meaning the provider is looking for a long-term relationship instead of just hoping to close the first sale. It takes some time and research to find the best provider for the job, and here is some sound advice to help you on your way.

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Topics: Healthcare, Pricing