There is no doubt that the duties of being
a 911 dispatcher in the United States are demanding and intense. There are over 240 million calls made to 911 each year, and each one of those callers needs the person on the other end of the line to be calm, collected, and efficient.
Stress and Burnout for 911 Dispatch: Tips to Stay Healthy
Posted by Susanne Lottie on Jun 5, 2019 10:40:17 AM
Topics: Employee Health, Features, Fun & Morale, Brief Overview
Eye Strain for Radiologists: Bias Lighting Could Be The Solution
Posted by Kristen Nielsen on May 16, 2019 11:55:29 AM
Healthcare professionals are the ones everyone turns to for life’s ailments, but this doesn’t make them immune to their own health risks.
With the advancements in technology and reading, radiologists have found themselves confined to long hours behind a desk and in front of computer screens. With this shift comes various visual and musculoskeletal problems that are related to excessive computer use.
Topics: Employee Health, Ergonomics, Features, Healthcare, Brief Overview
Regardless if you work a traditional 9-5 or a 12 hour night shift, its likely you know what hitting the midday wall feels like! Your day probably starts off with a cup of coffee or energy drink, then you're feeling pretty good, and ready to conquer the day. Next, is lunch, hopefully giving you a chance to step away or maybe you're forced to eat at your desk and as the day wears on, it happens… the wall! That drowsy feeling you get every afternoon with several hours left on the clock.
Topics: Employee Health, Features, Command Centers, Fun & Morale
How to Avoid the Polar Vortex of Temperature in Your Comm Center
Posted by Megan Yartz on Feb 28, 2019 10:38:38 AM
While driving through the frigid, negative degree temperatures in Canada two weeks ago (and yes, I’m talking Fahrenheit!), the first thought that came to mind is, “How in the WORLD do these dispatchers regulate the temperatures in their centers with these out-of-this-world temperatures?” Then,
I thought of all of the southern parts of the US that get into triple digit heat during the summer months, wondered how they prevent having their center too cold.
Topics: Employee Health, Features, Dispatch, Command Centers
One of the Spookiest Decisions for a 911 Dispatch Manager - New Comm Center Furniture!
Posted by Kathleen Utley on Oct 31, 2018 1:02:35 PM
It's HALLOWEEN and probably one of my favorite holidays!! So, that got me thinking what would be spooky or maybe a bit scary for a 911 dispatch manager or supervision….? The type of scary I'm talking about is a huge decision, that will have an impact on the Comm Center, or a legacy that will be left and how this type of a decision would effect the Center for years to come (maybe even after you retire). That sounds pretty scary and intimidating to me. So what type of decision am I talking about? Just like the in those scary movies, (I only like them one time a year), the ever-elusive masked killer is running through the house with a butcher knife, it finally came to me… the decision to purchase Comm Center dispatch furniture…. dun…dun…dun!
Topics: Employee Health, Design, Pricing, Command Centers, Pre-Planning
Prevent Pain & Injury: Hip Flexor Exercises for 911 Dispatch
Posted by Heather Brown on Sep 21, 2018 10:43:20 AM
Ouch! My hip hurts, my back hurts, my hip and back - OUCH! What is wrong? What have I done to myself now? Have you ever said this to yourself? I know I have on a daily basis and I am sick of it!
It all started with pain in my neck and shoulder area and I attributed it, like most people, to to stress. I carry everything in my shoulders. Fast forward a few months, now, my hips and lower back ache. What can I blame that on? I know exactly where to point the finger... at myself. I mean, I am physically active, but my activities are not done with proper preparation. Where am I going with this you ask? Let’s talk about hip your flexors!
Topics: Employee Health, Ergonomics, Features, Fun & Morale
911 Dispatch Public Safety Partners Making Waves in the Industry
Posted by Kathleen Utley on Jul 16, 2018 10:43:16 AM
I must start off by saying that I am extremely proud to be a part of such an amazing community within the public safety industry. I was inspired to write this blog by those I feel who are making a difference within the 911 community. Specifically, those who are closest to me are my friends behind Operation 10-8, 911 Training Institute, Within the Trenches, and Kim Turner, LLC.
Topics: Employee Health, Features, Fun & Morale
When to Consider Updating Your Control Room Consoles (Don't Let Them Go To The Dinosaurs)
Posted by Megan Yartz on Jun 29, 2018 2:42:34 PM
Ever feel like you are stuck in a scene from The Twilight Zone or Jurassic Park while working a 12-hour shift? Everything is evolving and changing around you, yet somehow you are still stuck behind this massive, uncomfortable, and archaic platform called a control room console.
Topics: Employee Health, Ergonomics, Features, Command Centers
Design in a Dispatch Center: Quality and Why It's Worth It
Posted by Ken Carson on Jun 14, 2018 9:39:58 AM
I talk with many public safety professionals at tradeshows, and after showing them how beautiful our new consoles are, they often joke that they don’t deserve nice stuff. I’m not sure why they’d think something like that. Do ugly consoles last longer than nice ones? Why do they feel they aren’t worth the quality option?
Topics: Employee Health, Design
Who Do I Involve in the Process of Planning a New Control Room?
Posted by Gail Gerlesits on Jun 7, 2018 9:48:40 AM
Whether you’re planning a new control room or revamping your current one, you understandably want the end result to work well for your people. In fact, you probably want them to love it. The goal is obvious, but how do you make sure you get there?
Topics: Employee Health, Command Centers