"I cannot stress enough that these specifically designed UVC light sources are not safe for humans or pets.”
Ultraviolet light (UVC) sanitizing wands are flooding the COVID-cleaning market, and I’m more than a little concerned. Touted as a means of cleaning COVID19 germs out of… everything (your workstation, office, skin), here's what's even more unsettling. Sellers of these "magic wands" are advertising relentlessly to mission-critical facilities, including dispatch and command and control centers.
Before you even touch a UVC sanitizing wand, read this.
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Employee Health,
Cleaning & Sanitation,
Customer Service & Troubleshooting
"The average office desk has 400 times more bacteria than a toilet seat."
If you have old-school “edge-banded” desktops in your 24/7 work environment, they’re hiding a dirty secret: The average office desk has 400 times more bacteria than a toilet seat.
Why? Because germs can easily hide in the seams of traditional edge-banded desks. Gross, right? Even worse is how quickly your team of mission-critical operators can get sick when exposed to harmful bacteria. This can increase illness and absenteeism among those who serve the public 24/7: dispatchers, command center operators, and radiologists.
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Employee Health,
Detailed Overview,
Cleaning & Sanitation,
Xybix vs. Competitors
If I said, “Your employees need an ergonomically correct workplace," you may bristle. But if I said, "Your employees will be more comfortable and more productive, and they’ll likely complain less,” I’ll bet your ears just perked up.
Ergonomics is the critical component here. Not only is does it provide a workplace standard, but it also sends a message to your team that you care.
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Employee Health,
Brief Overview,
Featuring a Video or Photo Gallery
There’s been plenty of talk about what the world will look like post-pandemic. This includes non-essential folks returning to work—and a new reality for mission-critical operations who never stopped working. I see several specific and tangible solutions, some involving cloud technologies, that will likely serve mission-critical infrastructure in the immediate future and beyond.
Here are my top seven predictions, working from the small-scale ideas to the large.
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Employee Health,
Cleaning & Sanitation,
Command Centers
How much and how long should I sit or stand at my desk? There is no perfect combo for this because everyone is different. Here is what we do know; static standing all the time is harmful for you, and too much sedentary activty, such as sitting, is harmful too. It begs the question, what is the perfect combo? What combination works for you, might not work for the next person. Experts recommend, breaking it up or alternating between positions. This is actually what is best for the body – in its simplest form, we are talking about movement.
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Employee Health,
Brief Overview
Use the right cleaning products and techniques to protect your workstations and consoles from germs that cause COVID-19.
Our family at Xybix Systems, Inc. values the health and safety of our loyal customers. We are working diligently to answer accurately and thoroughly your many questions about COVID-19 as it relates to your Xybix products.
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Employee Health,
Cleaning & Sanitation,
Command Centers,
Customer Service & Troubleshooting
Each flu season, we share tips with our customers on how to keep their workstations clean. Shared workspaces—common in settings like control and command centers, dispatch and healthcare—are especially vulnerable; with frequent shift changes, operators are likely to be occupying the same workstations as their colleagues. While Coronavirus and the flu—both making headlines as the number of cases rise—are not the same virus, the preventive measures are largely the same.
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Employee Health,
Detailed Overview,
Cleaning & Sanitation,
Command Centers,
Fun & Morale

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! Okay, it’s a little premature for that… but, with the end of the fiscal year coming for many states, you might be one of those lucky agencies that has some extra cash laying around. How can you spend that money wisely and show a return on investment for your people and your agency? We'll tell you how; updates, accessories and face-lifts for your consoles and PSAP.
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Employee Health,
Command Centers,

Xybix’s Eagle Line dispatch consoles have been taking over comm centers and PSAPs for over a year now, but why are these consoles here to stay? Let me help you experience the Eagle Difference.
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Employee Health,
Command Centers,
Xybix vs. Competitors
Casino floors are like no other place on earth. The flashing lights and winning rings of slot machines. Cocktail servers
all around with smiling faces. The cheers of excitement as someone shouts “red!”
or “black!” Your casino has an energy that can’t be found anywhere else. Because
of all this constant action, you need exceptional security operations.
The recent advancements in technology are astonishing. Cameras can cover every inch of the floor and use facial recognition. Real time text alerts are used to notify staff instantly of a possible threat. It is no secret that constantly upgrading and investing in new technology is a key strategy to keeping your guests and casinos secure and safe.
But what investment is your casino missing?
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Employee Health,
Utilities, Transportation, & Casinos,
Command Centers