I was listening to a Podcast interview with Robert Downey Jr. the other day, and the interviewer asked him how he goes about choosing his roles and knowing he’s going the right direction with what he does choose to do. Downey responded by saying that people who have 30 choices when choosing a fabric, for example, will never be 100 percent confident in their choice and will always think they could have done better. When given only three choices, people tend to be completely confident in what they chose, why they chose it and at the end of the day, feeling like they got the best bang for their buck. He’s picky! Downey’s response is so applicable in many arenas, but for the topic of this blog, I thought it was especially poignant — and not just because he looks awesome in that Iron Man suit.
Dispatch Furniture Options: Why Iron Man says "Be Selective"
Posted by A Previous Xybix Employee on Apr 6, 2015 12:01:00 PM
Topics: Features, Pricing, Cleaning & Sanitation, Dispatch, Brief Overview
If durability is the most important item to you when shopping for a new dispatch console, look no further than Xybix’s new Anvil line of dispatch consoles. After a comprehensive analysis of 20th century PSAP's, Xybix has simplified the 911 console with cutting edge technology that had previously complicated so many things.
Topics: Ergonomics, Dispatch, Fun & Morale
You can have say in what your reading room looks like! Every radiologist has sat at their imaging desk and thought how their life could be better if they just made a few changes to their room. Many radiologists come to us because they want to improve their room and their health. Some common issues we hear about room design:
- "I am facing the wrong direction and cannot see people standing over my shoulder."
- "Some light is creeping in through the blinds making it hard to read my screens."
- "I do not have control over the climate in my room, I'm freeze or sweating all shift long."
- "I cannot dim the lights; they are either 'off' or 'on'."
- "My own voice bounces off the wall, making my dictation difficult."
- "I’m stuck sitting all day and cannot stand at my imaging desk."
Topics: Design, Healthcare, Dispatch
The X's and O's of Dispatch Furniture Planning
Posted by A Previous Xybix Employee on Mar 26, 2015 12:15:00 PM
I love football. Live it. Breathe it. College most especially (GO SPARTANS!), but I have to watch my boy Aaron Rodgers on Sundays. I know there’s a stigma surrounding women who “love” football, but I promise, it’s not just the tight pants or that Tom Brady is married to Gisele (insert “EW”).
But I will admit, I really have no clue how to read a play, other than maybe a post route and a blitz. These plays, to me, are so intricate, so well designed, that half the time I don’t even think the “experts” know what happened until they watch the replay (I’m looking at you, Brent Musburger). That being said, Xybix's in-house design team members are like offensive and defensive coordinators; they know when to blitz, and they know when to rush.
Topics: Design, Dispatch, Pre-Planning
Common, Preventable, Workplace Injuries for Radiologists
Posted by Mike Graham on Mar 18, 2015 6:00:00 AM
As a radiologist, it's no doubt that you spend a rather significant amount of time at a desk, behind a computer. The physical toll it takes on your body has to have crossed your mind. Not only do you risk becoming ill from germs on your keyboard and work surfaces, but you can also injure yourself. One of the most common preventable injuries amongst someone who spends a significant amount of time at a desk is related to the placement of the keyboard. Keyboard orientation is important to reduce muscular skeletal injuries. Whether sitting or standing, maintaining neutral alignment of the wrist along with an approximate 90 degree forearm-to-upper-arm relationship will significantly reduce the opportunity of injury.
Topics: Employee Health, Ergonomics, Healthcare, Dispatch
Your top 3 price questions, answered
Most radiologists know the advantages of doing their work at a high-quality, height-adjustable workstation. The best radiology furniture not only delivers optimum comfort for doctors during long hours; it supports an ideal workflow and enables greater collaboration among the team.
So, what does a new radiology desk cost? We’ll cut straight to the chase here, followed by key considerations to help you maximize the furniture investment you make for the long term.
Topics: Healthcare, Pricing, Dispatch
Help! My 911 Dispatch Center is Too Small!
Posted by A Previous Xybix Employee on Mar 13, 2015 8:12:44 AM
How often have you thought “I’d really like to update my dispatch center” but in the same train of thought said, “My center is just way too small and way too weird”! We hear this constantly, things like “We’re peanuts compared to such-and-such county" or "we only have 2 stations and 150 square feet". The thought is, if your center is small, there is nothing you can do to improve your situation. Well, I'm here to tell you, You Can!
Topics: Design, Dispatch, Pre-Planning
Stress Relief for 911 Dispatchers: K-9's in the Comm Center
Posted by A Previous Xybix Employee on Mar 4, 2015 12:08:00 PM
What intrigued you to read this blog? Maybe three words stood out to you: “communications center” and “K-9.” We all know that a dog is man’s best friend, and we all understand that animals are a part of our everyday lives. Who doesn't like to walk through the front door after a long day at work and have your best friend there to greet you? Animals provide us with unconditional love and happiness. They also allow you to forget about any problems or stress you might be experiencing in your life. So why not bring a K-9 to work with you?
Working as a 911 dispatch supervisor, I understand the stress we all deal with on a minute-by-minute basis. I also understand your department or organization might not be on board with a K-9 in your center. However, what about the K-9 you currently have working in your own organization? When our K-9’s visit, it's amazing to see how our 911 dispatchers relax and interact with them. Any stress they might have experienced during their current shift is all forgotten during that 10-minute visit. Some dispatchers enjoy the visits so much, they bring in dog treats and store them in their personnel pedestals.
Topics: Employee Health, Fun & Morale
Antimicrobial Worksurfaces: What it Means for Radiologists
Posted by Mike Graham on Mar 2, 2015 7:00:00 AM
Why would radiologists want their work surfaces to be antimicrobial? Radiologists, or anyone for that matter, would not like these “pests” living on their workstations:
Did you know that on unprotected surfaces, bacteria can double in number every 20 minutes? Ewwww!
Xybix offers an antimicrobial worksurface, in which the laminate work surface is infused with silver ions, which form an antimicrobial surface that curtails the growth of harmful bacteria. Silver ion technology has been proven to inhibit the growth of bacteria by 99.9%. Manufacturing our workstation surfaces with a silver ion composition provides radiologists with a healthier environment.
Topics: Healthcare, Dispatch
The Best Way to Measure and Design Your Comm Center
Posted by A Previous Xybix Employee on Feb 24, 2015 4:02:53 PM
Learn how Xybix gathers details through the initial measurement process to create a custom professional design layout of your comm center. Proper and accurate room dimensions and measurements will ensure the correct fit and placement of your furniture within your space while adhering to ADA clearances and fire codes.
Topics: Design