Many people I know use walking as a way to de-stress, burn energy and get moving. It’s a simple activity and you already know how to do it. Walking is easy on joints and requires little to no additional equipment. Recently, treadmills and bikes have been added to many 911 dispatch centers and the question arises, how much walking do you need to do to lose weight?
Health News: How much walking do you need to do to lose weight?
Posted by Kathleen Utley on Mar 22, 2016 4:00:00 AM
Topics: Employee Health, Fun & Morale
Your eyes are precious and extremely valuable, so it makes sense to take safety precautions when you engage in activities that could potentially damage them. For example, when you play racket ball, use a weed wacker, or operate a grinder, you most likely use eye protection.
That being said, what do you do to protect your eyes in the reading room? I know that there isn’t any flying debris or any balls that could assault or damage your eyes in the confines of your dark reading room. However, at the end of the day, are your eyes tired and watering, and/or do you have a headache?
If your answer is yes, please read on.
Topics: Employee Health, Healthcare, Dispatch
Everyone Is Saying Sitting Is the New Smoking: Is it True?
Posted by Mike Graham on Mar 8, 2016 1:58:06 PM
Why are health experts saying that sitting is the new smoking? Well, everyone knows the health effects of smoking, and the sooner everyone realizes that sitting can also be immensely harmful the better. Hopefully, you will jump out of your chair when you find out that:
Topics: Employee Health, Ergonomics
The struggle is real to eat healthy! This is especially true now that I've made my 2016 New Year's Resolutions, and intend on keeping them. I like comfort food that will not land on my rump! So I started to think of a few healthy ways that I am eating right for the new year. Being a foodie at heart and coming from the food industry prior to Xybix, I thought I could share a few dishes I enjoy and hope you will too:
Topics: Employee Health, Fun & Morale
How to Beat the Winter Blues, even if you're a 911 Dispatcher
Posted by Kathleen Utley on Jan 8, 2016 11:33:12 AM
With the 2016 New Year upon us, many of us are thinking of ways to get healthier, be a better person, and achieve all those New Year’s Resolutions. For me, after the Holidays are over and the hustle and bustle has left, all the family has gone home, the decorations come down and I settle back into work, I can’t help but feel a bit…well, blue! I’m sure I’m not the only one. So, I started thinking what could a 911 dispatcher do to combat the “winter blues”? Here are a few ideas to motivate, inspire and kick “old man winter’s” butt into spring time:
Topics: Employee Health
How to Stay Upbeat During the Holidays in 911 Dispatch
Posted by Ken Carson on Dec 22, 2015 10:30:00 AM
Not only is dispatching one tough job on you physically, but during the Holidays it can be especially difficult, when it seems like everyone else has time off, but not you. As dispatchers, you are still stuck working those long shifts and crappy hours no matter if Santa is coming or not. (Quick note, I am not a dispatcher nor could I do your job, but I have heard a lot of good ideas.)
Here are a few ideas that could help give you a little boost this holiday season:
Topics: Employee Health, Fun & Morale
Fight Extra Holiday Fluff with These 10 Simple & Healthy Activites
Posted by A Previous Xybix Employee on Dec 21, 2015 12:00:00 PM
Now that we’re in the mid-swing of the holiday season a lot of us are dreading stepping on the scale. But there’s some good news; according to Doctor Deborah Balfanz the average American gains only one pound over the holidays. That averages out to about 100 calories per day over a month long period.
Topics: Employee Health, Fun & Morale
Thankfulness at work? What Are You Grateful For?
Posted by Kathleen Utley on Nov 24, 2015 2:20:06 PM
With Thanksgiving all around us, we are called to be thankful and grateful. We all have things we are grateful for in our personal lives, but what about work? So I started thinking what here at Xybix am I thankful for? Some are the traditional things to be thankful for and others are a bit of a stretch. But either way, I figured I’d share my list with you, in hopes that you too can find something to be grateful for in your lives either at work or at home. As hard as I tried, I can’t rank these in any particular order, here are the things I am thankful for:
Topics: Employee Health, Fun & Morale
5 Ways to Get People on the Treadmill or Bike
Posted by A Previous Xybix Employee on Nov 18, 2015 4:54:52 PM
You begged and pleaded. You worked hard to fit the treadmill into your budget for three years running and went through all of the red tape. You had all of your dispatchers sign the waivers, and the effort seemed to pay off; the treadmill was a hit! You were the hero, until a couple of months went by, and the popularity started to wain. Of course there are the dedicated few who spend an hour or two every day burning calories, but how do you keep interest high in the rest of the center? FEAR NOT! Here are five fun (and FIT!) ways to keep your treadmill desk or bike in use:
Topics: Employee Health
Shopping for Imaging Furniture at RSNA? 5 Questions You Need to Ask
Posted by Ken Carson on Nov 16, 2015 12:03:22 PM
I previously wrote a blog highlighting which companies selling imaging desks will be at RSNA. If you are shopping for a new desk, the following advice should help get you to the right booth without wasting time.
Once you get to the booth and start talking to the helpful (pesky?) salesperson, what are some good questions to ask? If you are like me, you probably think of them after you’ve already walked away. Fortunately, I have put together some questions that will help you make your best decision.
Topics: Employee Health, Healthcare, Pricing, Dispatch