Out in the field, in extreme temperatures, at risk every day, you dream of a cushy desk job. But you’ve seen Office Space, right? Are you just trading in your toolbelt for a TPS report?
It doesn’t have to be that way. When you make the transition from the field to a utility control center or dispatch center, your office and desk can be just as comfortable as your coveralls, turnout gear or climbing gear. Read on for 6 tips from people who’ve successfully made the switch!
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Employee Health,
Utilities, Transportation, & Casinos,
Fun & Morale
A storm is brewing. An estimated 28 million people delayed elective surgery this year due to the pandemic. And as you know, elective doesn’t mean unnecessary. The backlog is brewing and you’ll want to be ready.
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If you could make a few easy changes in your life that would prevent long-term harm, would you? Of course, you think. But if that were the case, diets, bankruptcies, and computer (and maybe non-computer) viruses would be a thing of the past. But we Americans like to let things go and then look for a quick fix.
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Employee Health,
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Last weekend, I traveled to California for a wedding and drove a rental car. The whole time I was there, I couldn’t quite get the seat and headrest adjusted comfortably—at least not while still seeing out the window to drive. I ended up sitting through the wedding with a crick in my neck, pining for the memory seats in my car.
This served as a stark reminder of the importance of ergonomics. Our work environments need to be designed for the human factor to prevent injury, decrease muscle fatigue and increase productivity. Good design can do everything from preventing repetitive stress injuries and eye strain to solving trip hazards and keeping employees alert and engaged.
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Employee Health,
Detailed Overview
Yes, sometimes black-and-white will capture the moment so nicely, but the reality is, we’ve been thriving on color since the 1960s. Color TV! Color photos! Color movies! And now all our digital devices record and relate the world in millions of colors.
We Americans love color for how it looks. Amber waves of grain. Purple mountain majesties. And we love color for the meaning. Red light stop. Green light go. We love how color make us feel. Calming blues, optimistic yellows, disciplined grays.
What we don’t love is selecting colors. In a world where Benjamin Moore alone sells 150+ shades of white, how do you even know where to start? And even if you’re able to pick the perfect white paint, what about the furniture, artwork and accent colors? Today’s muted gray looks are 10 years away from looking as dated as the teal and mauves of the 1980s.
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Back in 1996, chess champion Garry Kasparov beat IBM’s Deep Blue chess-playing machine and we thought it was a triumph of humanity over technology. And then, a year later, Deep Blue wins. Could the world of The Terminator be coming true?
The reality is that humans were behind the artificial intelligence (AI) that allowed Deep Blue to win. And I see that in our work here at Xybix every day. The artificial intelligence from our technologies helps our ASID-affiliated interior designers communicate, but it’s their experience and creativity that brings your vision to life. It’s the human element that allows us to design workspaces that are functional, efficient and inspiring.
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Fun & Morale,
It’s all in how you see the column. Some see a column in the middle of the room—that pesky support column holding up the building—as a showstopper. Professional interior designers see it as an interesting challenge to solve.
“As designers, we care about our clients and want to see them succeed,” says Emily Houston, NCIDQ, a Xybix interior designer. “This includes devising creative solutions to barriers like columns as we work to make the best use of space for the organization.”
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Installation Information,
Brief Overview,
"I cannot stress enough that these specifically designed UVC light sources are not safe for humans or pets.”
Ultraviolet light (UVC) sanitizing wands are flooding the COVID-cleaning market, and I’m more than a little concerned. Touted as a means of cleaning COVID19 germs out of… everything (your workstation, office, skin), here's what's even more unsettling. Sellers of these "magic wands" are advertising relentlessly to mission-critical facilities, including dispatch and command and control centers.
Before you even touch a UVC sanitizing wand, read this.
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Employee Health,
Cleaning & Sanitation,
Customer Service & Troubleshooting