6 Lessons From Mom on Extending the Life of Your Dispatch Workstations

Posted by Kathleen Utley on Nov 12, 2014 4:49:00 PM

MomsTipsWe all have Moms and some of us are even Moms ourselves. After some time (and I'll admit, after my teenage years) it struck me, that maybe we should listen to our Moms a bit more often. So, I want you to close your eyes and think of a time when your Mom has told you to do something or maybe NOT to do something. There! Got it…? Now, with that in mind, read these helpful tips on how you can extend the life of your dispatch workstations.

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Topics: Warranty, Cleaning & Sanitation, Dispatch, Brief Overview

The Dirty Secrets of Dispatch Furniture Warranties

Posted by Ken Carson on Nov 6, 2014 10:30:23 AM

DirtyHands_copyWhen researching new dispatch furniture, it’s understandable that you want to find the best value for your dispatchers, techs, management, and taxpayers. Price is always a concern, and should be a very important component to your decision-making process. You also need furniture that’s durable and will last, especially given the high-impact work environment of emergency dispatch. Ergonomics should be high on your list, as well, as you want the consoles to comfortably fit all your dispatchers. But one thing that’s easy to overlook should be another important consideration during the shopping process: a reliable warranty.

Some companies may try to tell you that their “lifetime warranty” proves that their product is better than others on the market. This isn’t always the case. Warranties can be difficult to read and understand, and often don’t translate easily into layman’s terms. With this in mind, we’ve put together this simple guide to walk you through common warranty terms (and what they really mean), and explain what questions you should ask to ensure you get a fair deal from any dispatch furniture manufacturer.

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Topics: Warranty, Pricing, Dispatch

What is the Average Lifespan of a Dispatch Console?

Posted by A Previous Xybix Employee on Sep 19, 2014 1:30:16 PM

Lifespanofa911consoleIf you are thinking about new 911 consoles and workstations for a new emergency dispatch center, I urge you to start thinking 10 years into the future. What will the community need over this time period? Will there be increases in call volume and texting? Will the center need to add additional workstations or hire more people? These are important questions to consider, especially when you’re making an investment in the safety of your community.

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Topics: Warranty, Pricing

Why Bonds Matter: Do Your Due Diligence Before Starting Your Next Big Project

Posted by David Carson on Apr 15, 2014 3:46:00 PM

BondsMatter Xybix

Before taking the plunge and starting a large construction or remodel project in your dispatch center or office space, there are two very important questions that you need to address: How can you tell if a furniture company is financially stable? And how do you know what their “warranty” is worth? There’s one simple answer: through bid, performance and payment bonds.

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Topics: Warranty, Pricing