Why Ergonomics? The Importance of Ergonomics and Pain
Nothing induces a yawn like the word “ergonomics.” You may know it’s important for health and productivity, but the second you hear all the numbers and jargon involved—like 20” focal depth, 15° viewing angle, and neutral wrist—all you can think is “I just…can’t.”
I get it, and I’m here to help with a clear link between preventing pain and ergonomics. (By which I mean, if something hurts, you can likely tweak your workspace to fix it.) First, let’s take a quick look at how ergonomics can help you.
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Employee Health,
About Xybix,
Fun & Morale
How Dispatch Console Manufacturers Partner with Architects
Most dispatch console manufacturers—including Xybix—are expert with the shoehorn. We help PSAPs and operation centers add or replace consoles as needed, and our designers work with the center to make it all fit. We love the creativity that goes into this process, and we’re happy to be involved in any upgrade or remodeling project.
That said, when console manufacturers get the chance to be involved from the inception of a project, we jump! For a new center—not hampered by tight spaces or weird columns—we can employ all our innovative technologies and years of experience in creating functional and inviting floor layouts. Plus, we bring the expertise in the unique needs of dispatch centers to the architects and interior designers involved in the project. Read on for details.
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Xybix vs. Competitors,
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The Science of Ergonomics and Summer Dry Eyes
Summertime creates the perfect storm for dry eyes. You’re either outside in the heat and sun or inside being blasted by air conditioning. Your eyes fall victim to heat, sunshine, dust, allergies, chlorine, dry air, wind, and more. And this is in addition to a primary ongoing cause of dry eyes: screen use.
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Employee Health,
Backup 911 call centers used to be bare bones—just enough to get the dispatchers up and running at a moment’s notice. These days, PSAPs are starting to build more robust backup centers, likely due to the increasing frequency of extreme weather events. Whatever the cause of this trend, creating a space with a similar setup helps PSAPs remain mission ready and maintain response times, no matter where they are located.
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Xybix vs. Competitors,
Featuring a Video or Photo Gallery
In the 15 years that I’ve been sharing my thoughts and knowledge through our Xybix blog, our most popular blogs are consistently on boosting morale in dispatch. People are thirsty for information on this topic—likely because high morale at a 911 comms center is proven to improve the quality and efficiency of work, job satisfaction, and employee retention while decreasing absenteeism and burnout. (And, I like to think, because making people happy in their jobs is the right thing to do.)
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Employee Health,
Fun & Morale
Monitors and computers are critical to the work of radiologists, which means that imaging desks need to carefully handle that equipment. This includes providing easy access for IT, so they can quickly swap out a computer or monitor as needed.
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Building or remodeling the space for the lifeblood of an organization is a serious investment in material goods and services along with employee health and morale. Critical functions take place around the clock at 911 dispatch centers, radiology imaging rooms, telemetry labs, utilities and transportation control centers, and the like. The professionals who work there need spaces and desks designed for their specialized equipment and 24/7 operations.
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Installation Information,
Command Centers,
Xybix vs. Competitors
Our customers are always happy to share how much they appreciate the control that we give them over their personal climate. And this doesn’t just mean heating and cooling—it also means lighting. In fact, thoughtful lighting design and controls have been proven to improve morale, health, productivity, energy efficiency, and more. According to Green Bee Energy Efficiency consulting firm:
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Employee Health,
Long shifts and stressful work result in muscle tension that follows you home in form of headaches and body aches. To help, Certified Personal Trainer and Xybix North Central Territory Manager, Jhovana Cervantes, demonstrates a variety of practical stretches that dispatchers can easily do at their desks or on break.
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Employee Health,
Fun & Morale,
Brief Overview