Why Choose Dark Laminate for your PACS Reading Room Tables?

Posted by Judi Jump on Mar 7, 2014 12:31:00 PM

LaminateSelectionsLight Reflectance
Have you ever wondered why Radiologists work in dark rooms? Studies have shown that the ability to interpret diagnostic images correctly on medical imaging monitors begins to decline as the ambient light conditions go from dark to light. Another common problem is light reflectance which can cause glare on the imaging monitors, impacting the clarity of the images. Too much glare is a frequent complaint among workstation users. Glare can be disabling, reducing the contrast of images and interfering with the ability to read the images correctly. Glare can be caused by reflections from interior light sources, light from windows and even light colored objects within the reading room-- including the color of the furniture.

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Topics: Employee Health, Design, Healthcare, Dispatch, Brief Overview

Being smart about PACS workstation design: why your back (and your accountant) will thank you

Posted by Kathleen Utley on Nov 1, 2013 12:12:00 PM

The human body, despite what video-gaming teenagers might say, wasn’t built for sitting idly for hours on end. But radiology work often demands it, and this means that ergonomics are as important as ever.

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Topics: Ergonomics, Healthcare, Dispatch

PACS Workstation Furniture: 10 Quick Tips to Consider Before Buying

Posted by Kathleen Utley on Sep 18, 2013 4:38:00 PM

QuestionsThe challenges involved with choosing the right PACS workstation furniture and technology can be intimidating for a busy PACS Administrator. Anytime a smoother process can be engaged - or a work flow or system glitch avoided - sighs of relief are almost audible.  This is why we've put together this handy list of tips to consider whether you are a first time buyer or replacing your existing PACS workstation furniture.

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Topics: Employee Health, Healthcare, Dispatch