It’s obvious that radiology is a very prestigious and rewarding industry to get into. However, you have to admit that it is also, in many cases, a sedentary profession. During the analog imaging days, radiologists would spend much of their time standing at alternators, hanging film, and moving around their offices. Now with the advent of digital imaging, everything is at their fingertips, and the only time they need to leave their desks is to get something to eat, go to the bathroom, attend their meetings, etc.
Radiologists Rejoice: Helpful Ideas for Staying Healthy
Posted by Mike Graham on Feb 10, 2017 2:54:39 PM
Topics: Employee Health, Ergonomics, Healthcare, Dispatch, Brief Overview
Command Center Console Questions you should ask at DistribuTECH 2017
Posted by Gail Gerlesits on Jan 12, 2017 3:57:46 PM
DistribuTECH is right around the corner. Are you building or updating a TOC or DOC with new command center consoles? What are some questions you need to be asking as you start the planning process? Or, if you are already in the process, what types of questions should you be asking now that can save you time, money and energy down the line?
Topics: Pricing, Command Centers, Brief Overview
Can you Customize your Dispatch Consoles? Questions you should be asking.
Posted by Ken Carson on Aug 5, 2016 4:50:21 PM
What is customization? I asked myself this question the other day when I was told by a customer that a competitor said that Xybix does not do anything custom. Whoa--that was a surprise to hear, as we provide custom furniture all of the time! The big question that should be addressed is how do you, the dispatcher, view a custom product? To answer this question clearly, I have broken the concept of customization down into two main categories to help you better understand what goes into a custom product when designing or updating a new room.
Topics: Design, Dispatch, Brief Overview
Three Lessons in Dispatch Console Makeup
Posted by A Previous Xybix Employee on Jul 6, 2016 2:04:05 PM
What Does Your Makeup Say About You?
There’s a lot of talk about durability in the dispatch furniture industry, and we get asked a ton of questions. Is steel stronger? Is wood stronger? Is 12-gauge steel really better than 14-gauge steel? What is the lifetime of the furniture? 10 years? 15 years? 20 years? The truth is, a dispatch console could be made of bulletproof glass and hurricane-rated I-beams, but if the integrity of the completed product isn’t tested, it couldn’t withstand a Donald Trump temper tantrum, let alone the amount of abuse a console takes in a comm center!
Topics: Pricing, Dispatch, Brief Overview
Obvious Questions you should be asking your Imaging Desk Manufacturer
Posted by Mike Graham on Jun 27, 2016 4:00:00 AM
There are about a half dozen imaging furniture manufacturers that have been in the business over the last couple of decades, so selecting the right manufacturer should be an easy decision. The truth is that it is if you do your homework and don’t just pick one that promises the world or advertises in every possible venue.
Ask the Obvious Questions
To help you find the right manufacturer for your imaging furniture needs, here are a dozen questions you need to answer that will address the obvious:
- Does the provider offer true dual-surface desks with both surfaces being capable of moving from 22” to 50”?
- Is the focal depth of the monitors adjustable up to 10”, and can you move all of the monitors together?
Topics: Healthcare, Dispatch, Pre-Planning, Brief Overview
Dispatch Furniture Project Checklist: Project Success - DONE!
Posted by Heather Brown on May 25, 2016 8:39:20 AM
We are living in a fast-paced world these days where we are all in a hurry to get multiple tasks done, and if you’re like the rest of us, the thought of having to jump through hoops and over hurdles to cross items off of your to-do list makes you want to cringe. Trust me, I get it!
At Xybix, we understand the importance of making things as fast and efficient as possible for all of our clients. We use two new forms to help us gather all the pertinent dispatch furniture project info and details.
Topics: Installation Information, Pre-Planning, Brief Overview
Three of the Best Tips You’ll Ever Get When Buying Dispatch Furniture
Posted by Kathleen Utley on Jul 14, 2015 3:37:05 PM
You’re a Comm Center manager or supervisor and you’ve been tasked with buying new dispatch furniture. HOLY (insert choice four letter word) ! You probably feel like you are just not ready to tackle this monstrosity of project, or maybe you feel rather intimidated like buying a new car. Hey, we get it, this task is not an easy one. Infact, while reading this, you might already be thinking of the best way to secretly exit the building (never to return). Whoa-nelly! Take a minute and remember the beloved childhood icon, Thomas the Train. I want you to try whispering quietly to yourself “I think I can…I think I can…” and DON’T panic! Here are three tips to buying dispatch furniture that can help:
Topics: Pricing, Brief Overview
Dispatch Furniture Options: Why Iron Man says "Be Selective"
Posted by A Previous Xybix Employee on Apr 6, 2015 12:01:00 PM
I was listening to a Podcast interview with Robert Downey Jr. the other day, and the interviewer asked him how he goes about choosing his roles and knowing he’s going the right direction with what he does choose to do. Downey responded by saying that people who have 30 choices when choosing a fabric, for example, will never be 100 percent confident in their choice and will always think they could have done better. When given only three choices, people tend to be completely confident in what they chose, why they chose it and at the end of the day, feeling like they got the best bang for their buck. He’s picky! Downey’s response is so applicable in many arenas, but for the topic of this blog, I thought it was especially poignant — and not just because he looks awesome in that Iron Man suit.
Topics: Features, Pricing, Cleaning & Sanitation, Dispatch, Brief Overview
Curse the Gopher: Snow Storm Tips from 911 Dispatchers
Posted by A Previous Xybix Employee on Feb 13, 2015 10:34:01 AM
As I am writing this blog, the Northeast is facing yet another blizzard warning. Yep, you read that right... ANOTHER! I, like many of you in the North, choose to live in an area with four seasons. I love the snow… but after 78 inches of the fluffy stuff in the past 3 weeks, it is safe to say I am wishing for a warmer climate.
Topics: Fun & Morale, Brief Overview
6 Lessons From Mom on Extending the Life of Your Dispatch Workstations
Posted by Kathleen Utley on Nov 12, 2014 4:49:00 PM
We all have Moms and some of us are even Moms ourselves. After some time (and I'll admit, after my teenage years) it struck me, that maybe we should listen to our Moms a bit more often. So, I want you to close your eyes and think of a time when your Mom has told you to do something or maybe NOT to do something. There! Got it…? Now, with that in mind, read these helpful tips on how you can extend the life of your dispatch workstations.
Topics: Warranty, Cleaning & Sanitation, Dispatch, Brief Overview