Ken Carson
As one of the owners at Xybix, Ken joined the Xybix team right after graduating from the University of Denver in 1993. With a degree in International Studies and no knowledge of furniture or dispatch Ken hopped in with both feet. With an always growing passion for the industry, Ken was able to learn a little bit of everything and has helped Xybix grow into the company it is today.
What is the Best Dispatch Desk for 2025?
Updated: February 12, 2025
How often do you google “What’s the best…?” Every time you shop for something unfamiliar, I’m guessing. And shopping for dispatch desks usually falls into that unfamiliar territory. After all, the desks last a long time—10 to 20 years—and they’re not exactly advertised on TV. Unless you intentionally keep up with innovations in the technical furniture industry, the Google machine is often your best hope to start researching the desks.
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Xybix vs. Competitors
Beyond the RFP: Purchasing Options that Save Time and Money
Updated: February 12, 2025
Due diligence is required when purchasing office furniture designed for 24/7/365 mission-critical environments. The furniture is a significant long-term investment in your people, your customers, and your equipment. You want to get the purchase right.
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Fun & Morale
At Xybix, one of our core values is to care for those who serve others. That’s why our desks exceed ergonomic standards, why we continue to innovate with new features such as AXYS, and why we developed our new line of healthcare desks. We wanted to expand access to ergonomic sit-to-stand workstations that help prevent musculoskeletal injuries and eyestrain while enhancing productivity and morale.
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Fun & Morale
Ergonomics is one of the most important considerations when shopping for a radiology imaging desk. Radiologists and technicians often work long shifts—10 to 12 hours—interpreting images and reviewing patient cases. Radiologists come in all shapes and sizes, and the one-size-fits-all approach of traditional fixed-height desks poses significant ergonomic challenges. Maintaining proper ergonomics is crucial to preventing repetitive strain injuries and maintaining focus and productivity over these extended work periods.
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Employee Health,
Computer monitors cause all kinds of headaches. Finance may not like the price, IT may hate the installation process, visitors may trip over all the cords, and, most importantly, monitors may literally give computer users headaches. And that is too bad because dispatchers rely on computer monitors—lots of computer monitors—to help people. Aside from the misery for the person with the headache, consider this statistic: Migraines alone cost $11 billion in medical spending and another $11 billion in lost productivity. That’s per year.
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Employee Health,
Fun & Morale,
Featuring a Video or Photo Gallery
Around the Fourth of July, I start to get sentimental about our country and our family business. The US government works to protect us— with the best example by instituting 911 emergency dispatch back in 1968. Xybix like to do our small part to protect dispatchers and other mission-critical workers with ergonomic sit-to-stand workstations since 1991.
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Fun & Morale
Internet search engines—and people, for that matter—love lists. Top 5 Happy Hours! Top 10 Places to Live! So, I wanted to write Top 5 Dispatch Center Layouts! Then, I quickly self-corrected because the only Top Layout is the one that works for the unique needs of your center and helps you serve your community.
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Installation Information,
Featuring a Video or Photo Gallery
If you are in town for the 2023 Navigator conference and want to explore the Denver area, here are some quick tips and suggestions
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Fun & Morale
First, as an owner of Xybix, let me say that I never want anything to go wrong on your Xybix workstation. I know that mission-critical jobs in dispatch, radiology, healthcare, security, transportation and utilities expect all their equipment to just work. That’s why we have numerous targeted quality checks throughout our manufacturing processes and offer the best warranty in the business.
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Brief Overview,
Customer Service & Troubleshooting,
Featuring a Video or Photo Gallery
I saw the note below in a 911 chat and I thought it was an excellent question: What is an appropriate noise level in a 911 center and how do you change it? (And by “change,” I mean reduce the noise!)
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Employee Health,
About Xybix,