June 2021 marks the 30th year in business here at Xybix. The Carson family founded Xybix with the goal of enhancing the health and productivity of our valuable dispatch, command & control and healthcare workers with our ergonomic consoles. We’re proud to say that we’re continually meeting that goal while moving the goalposts to provide even better products to our customers. And we’re also proud that we’ve been able to provide so many stable jobs through the design, engineering and manufacturing of our high-quality, made-in-the USA products.
Barry Carson
Recent Posts
A New Look Connects Xybix to an Ever-Connected, Health-Conscious World
Posted by Barry Carson on Jul 6, 2021 8:09:16 AM
Topics: Design, Healthcare, Detailed Overview, Dispatch, Command Centers, Fun & Morale
The Future of Monitors in the 911 Dispatch Center
Posted by Barry Carson on Oct 16, 2014 10:11:17 AM

Have you noticed that screens on your iPad and phone are much sharper and have a higher resolutionthan your computer monitor? Notice how you can read smaller text more easily? Images are clearer? Your eyes aren’t as tired after using these devices (compared to how you feel after a day of staring at the computer)? Soon, all the benefits of high-resolution screens will be available in your computer monitors, forever changing how you work—and, more importantly, how your eyes feel at the end of a long day.
Topics: Features
Testing Treadmills and Bikes in a 24/7 Environment
Posted by Barry Carson on Dec 18, 2013 10:14:00 AM
It's time to get healthy at work!
Almost a year ago, the Xybix team was strategizing about the future of work in a 24/7 environment. We have been talking with people from Call Takers up to Communication Directors to learn what they would change in their furniture to help them be more comfortable and productive. When reviewing the data, we found a new issue that had become a "hot topic" - meeting departmental health goals.
Topics: Employee Health, Dispatch