Mike Graham

January 2015 I received the privilege of joining the Xybix team. The last 17 years I have managed the healthcare division of a medical furniture manufacturer providing ergonomic furniture for medical professionals. My expertise has been focused on leading our team to help our clients manage furniture projects within Imaging, EMR, Labs, IT, and Administration.

Recent Posts

Bias Lighting: Reducing Eye Strain for Radiologist

Posted by Mike Graham on Jun 19, 2015 10:46:00 AM

Typically, a radiologist’s work environment is a very dark room with the exception of the light coming from the monitors the goal being to interpret the digital imaging on the screen. Because the rooms are very dark and the screens are very bright, eyes can become fatigued. This increases the likelihood of headaches, and overall discomfort.


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Topics: Employee Health, Features, Healthcare, Dispatch

Q & A - Purchasing New Ergonomic Imaging Furniture

Posted by Mike Graham on Jun 11, 2015 4:17:00 PM

QAThinking of re-modeling your imaging center? Maybe even replacing a few desks? Purchasing new furniture? Here are a few questions you should ask your next imaging desks provider:

  1. Is it possible to have custom sizes that meet our environmental constraints without paying custom up charges? It is possible. Look for manufacturers who build their own product. What does this mean? Doesn't every manufacturer build their own stuff? No. Some companies just buy parts from other manufacturers and sell them as their product. This limits them to supply only what they have available, not what you need. Ask if they manufacture their entire product?

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Topics: Healthcare, Pricing

Monitor Distance and Viewing Angles: Is Your Imaging Desk Set Up Properly?

Posted by Mike Graham on May 8, 2015 3:47:00 PM

Too_CloseIt is a known fact that the optimum monitor placement would locate users monitors equal distance from the user’s eyes in order to minimize the need for the eyes to refocus when looking from screen to screen, thus reducing eye strain. 

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Topics: Employee Health, Ergonomics, Healthcare, Dispatch

Common, Preventable, Workplace Injuries for Radiologists

Posted by Mike Graham on Mar 18, 2015 6:00:00 AM

KeyboardAs a radiologist, it's no doubt that you spend a rather significant amount of time at a desk, behind a computer. The physical toll it takes on your body has to have crossed your mind. Not only do you risk becoming ill from germs on your keyboard and work surfaces, but you can also injure yourself. One of the most common preventable injuries amongst someone who spends a significant amount of time at a desk is related to the placement of the keyboard. Keyboard orientation is important to reduce muscular skeletal injuries. Whether sitting or standing, maintaining neutral alignment of the wrist along with an approximate 90 degree forearm-to-upper-arm relationship will significantly reduce the opportunity of injury.

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Topics: Employee Health, Ergonomics, Healthcare, Dispatch

Antimicrobial Worksurfaces: What it Means for Radiologists

Posted by Mike Graham on Mar 2, 2015 7:00:00 AM

Germy HandWhy would radiologists want their work surfaces to be antimicrobial? Radiologists, or anyone for that matter, would not like these “pests” living on their workstations:


Did you know that on unprotected surfaces, bacteria can double in number every 20 minutes? Ewwww!

Xybix offers an antimicrobial worksurface, in which the laminate work surface is infused with silver ions, which form an antimicrobial surface that curtails the growth of harmful bacteria. Silver ion technology has been proven to inhibit the growth of bacteria by 99.9%. Manufacturing our workstation surfaces with a silver ion composition provides radiologists with a healthier environment. 

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Topics: Healthcare, Dispatch